
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Moment in Time - Mentor Text

This was written by Molly Brice last year. Notice how all the actions takes place over a few seconds. Notice how her  emotions are felt through her words, especially  at the end of the piece. Notice the variety of advanced subjects she integrated  into her work.  Notice how her title closes her piece at the end...

Life by the Sea

By: Molly

The old wooden boats laid across the Neuse River as if to say, “I’m ready, please sail me.” I felt alone staring at these wonderful treasures. Walking across Seafarer’s wooden paved dock, I pushed off the ground and landed in the white benches of the sunfish. My eyes looked up at the crowded boat with all my friends in it, and I absorbed the dazzling clear water that lay all around the white sailboat. The sun beat down on my face as we began to prepare the timeless sail for our journey. A vivid orange life protector hugged my chest as I gazed out of the worn down face of the boat. I looked up and before my eyes was the never endless, stunning river that felt almost too exquisite to be real. I was awakened by the sound of roaring engines as the motorboats took off; the relaxed, calm feeling I had once felt was being vanished by the thunderous noises.

Our sailboat began to move slowly past the wondrous waters as I felt anxious about the journey ahead. Moving in the old white sunfish, I was mesmerized. Each time the boat took another step forward, I felt like I was drifting away to the heavens on a white and fluffy cloud. As the boat pushed past all of the waves and the wind in my face, I began to feel more at home. The things I missed about my parents faded away with the calmness of the Lake Neuse. The missing piece of the puzzle at Camp Seafarer was closed and now the adventure had truly started. I soon retrieved the soothing vibe I had before I had climbed on the sunfish. My fellow campers and I touched the beauteous waters as we glided past the camp and into the breathtaking river.

The staggering waters were contagious, and I was a girl caught with the disease. Gliding back to the camp site, I began to think more about the Neuse river. To some it was no more fascinating then a math lesson, but to me it was one of the Earth’s true beauties. Drifting away in the sunfish, fascination over came me. The beautiful river made me realize life is not what is coming next, but to enjoy the present timing’s little treasures. Why doesn’t everyone live in the soothing and adventurous way I do? When I think back to that long sail ride, a smile spreads across my face and know that I know how to live. I flow with the tide and enjoy life by the sea!


Sarah N. said...

Can our title be a question????


Unknown said...

we only have to do a parograph for our feeling writting... right?

Unknown said...

Excellent idea Sarah...

MC... see my response under previous comment

Forrester said...

May we write the story saying that it happened to someone else even though it happened to us but exaggerated?


Unknown said...

yes Forrester... that's what most real writiers do anyway!

lynda said...

The Discovery video on prep. pharses made me really understand prep. pharses used as adj.and adv. Before I watched that movie, I was clueless in the booklet and on one of the practices on your blog. Is the adj. and the adv. used as prep. phrases going to be on the test because we haven't discussed it in class? Thanks for putting the video on the blog.

Unknown said...

ok thanks. you can call me beecy if you want and the social studies test is on friday right.

Unknown said...

Hayden... not really.. there may be one or two questions... but it will be easy to make a guess based on the possible choices if you are comfortable with what we learned on 'parts of speech'

Unknown said...

no ss test fri... next week

Sarah N. said...


the preps. & prep. phrases test is on Thursday...

NJM said...

Mr. Buxton what are judgement sentences?
(I was sick)

Unknown said...

where is the prepositional phrase stuff for homework?

lynda said...

Miles- it is in the prep. phrase booklet. Should be a picture of a playground and a pen on the front cover.
Nia- I think it just means opinion sentences.

NJM said...

Oh okay thank you Hayden

Unknown said...

does any body know how long our littl paragraph thingy has 2 B?!?!

NJM said...

It is supposed to be approx. 1 typed page long

Anonymous said...

What are judgement sentences

Anonymous said...

how long should the Moment in Time be?
(I was out sick when we did this)

Anonymous said...

does it matter how many words it has to be?

Anonymous said...

Does it matter if it is 1st person (I) or can it be 3rd person (she)

Forrester said...

Most of those questions have been answered, it doesn't matter if you use I or she. mr.Buxton didn't say anything about how many words.


Ryan said...

which excersises are we supposed to do on the blog?

-Ryan E

Sarah N. said...


your supposed to do the practice on the prep. & prep. phrases

-the youtube videos
- prep. quizes

Sarah N. said...

This is really off subject, but your missing a phrase of the week... I'm preety sure

The one about ... he who cuts his own wood warns himself twice... or something like that

I don't have my day book so I can't really remember it that well...


Maddie Weber said...

Hi Mr.Buxton I missed todays lesson for a doctor's appointment and I was wondering what an advanced subject was because I need it for the 3 - 1 minute descriptive paragraph.


Unknown said...

Advanced subjects are compound, complete and complete compound.

Judgment sentences are opinions words, phrases, and statements.

Maddie Weber said...

how should we finish preparing for the grammar test tomorrow?


Maddie Weber said...

oh ok then I have those thanks!


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Maddie Weber said...

is 20 to many words for a sentence/


Unknown said...

No maddie. in my appinion... i think that is the perfect amount.. but if you are saying and or but over and over need to meke it into two sentences.

MC Beecy

lynda said...

MC- I think the test is only going to be on prep. pharses.

Unknown said...

Oh ok thanks hayden.

Unknown said...

Mr.Buxton... am I doing this right?
I sat in the box.
prepositional phrase-in the box
Am I right?

Unknown said...

MC - do not confuse two topics

1) Advanced subjects
(different ways to start sentences
e.g the large green elephant)

2) Prep. Phrase - in the box

in= preposition
box =OBject of the preposition NOT A SUBJECT

'in the box'=prep. phrase

does this clear it up?

Tomorrow's test is ONLY on prepositions and prep. phrases

Maddie... counting words in a sentence is just a guide.. you are looking for variey not a specific length.. 20 is an average length but if they are all 20 words you are not showing fluency..."VARIETY is the Spice of LIFE"... as the phrase goes

Sarah N. said...


You are right, except BOX is the object

You might be able to call it a subject, but you might have better luck calling it a object...


Sarah N. said...

I'm almost super sure it's called an object anyways...


Sarah N. said...

What is a range between how many words should be in a sentence???

I mean like 1-10 or something like 5-40

(probly not 5-40 but just an ex.)


Anonymous said...

does it have to be me who goes on the journey?

lynda said...

Sarah- My guess is 5-30 words.

Unknown said...

No abbie. you are writting about a jouney YOU expereamented.
goodluck. get well
MC beecy

Unknown said...

Oh okay so like this. She was beside the dog.
prepisitional phrase-beside the dog

Sarah N. said...

Yeah MC,

Thats exactly how i go the impression

So i think thats right, well thats atleast how i got it

Thanks hayden for the amount of words...


Forrester said...

What do you mean by adventure, a moment in time, because a moment in time cane be exaggerated. My story isn't really what happened to me.


Forrester said...

My bad, journey not adventure. But still, WHAT?!


Sarah N. said...

When is our moment in time writing due next week???

Is it due on Monday or on another day of the week????

-Sarah N.

Ryan said...


i dont know but why does the ocean water have different levels of salinity

lynda said...

Ryan-If the ocean water is near rivers or streams that flow into it it has less salinity. If it rains a lot the water has less salinity. If it is hot and dry the water has more salinity. If the water if near glacers it has less salinity. The Dead Sea has so much salinity because there are no rivers or streams that flow into it and the weather is very hot and dry which creates more erostion resulting in more salt/salinty.

Maddie Weber said...

About how long should our paragraph a moment in time be?
- Maddie Weber

lynda said...

I think Mr. B said 1 page. That's what I'm doing.

®¥@₦ $. said...

hayden r u sure it cant b a paragraf??????

®¥@₦ $. said...

do we have any tests this weak besids the ss test????

RyAn S.

P.S. how do u beat the ping pong game i have only gotten 3 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

®¥@₦ $. said...

win is r tedy bare show for the furst graders?????!!!!....

RyAn S.

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