
Friday, December 17, 2010

Invictus - Reflection

Listen below to  an interview with the captain of the South African rugby team (Matt Damon's character) as he speaks about Nelson Mandela.

How will you use the last lines of  Invictus in your life going forward?

I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of  my soul

Watch the real live ending of the 1995 Rugby World Cup final below.

Character Sketch due in tomorrow - Make sure you are making 'clear'  judgments throughout.

Bring in your comfort zone rectangles (if you still have it) for discussion in tomorrow's class (Fri). How have you stepped out of your comfort zone recently?


Beck said...

i think that won team can make a nation believe. when the south Africans were playing, they also played with teamwork. that is a lesson EVERYONE should know.also, forgiveness is something EVERY SINGLE PERSON should know (like Nelson Mandela)...

Bekah said...

Here is my paper on Anna Pavlova, the last sentence Mr. Buxton said needed to change what should i do? HELP PLEASE!
Anna Palova
“To follow, without halt, one aim: that's the secret of success.”- Anna Pavlova

Listening to the heavy sounds of taps, Anna Pavlova stands on stage ready to perform. Anticipation feels the air from the audience, while ivory keys start to click away in the orchestra playing Swan Lake. Anna danced most of her life; therefore, she grew a strong love for ballet wanting to always be near it.
Born on January 31,1881, Anna’s always wanted to see a ballet. For this reason, at age 8, Anna’s mother took her to Sleeping Beauty; thus, she fell in love with dance wanting to be a ballerina. Anna tried out for the Imperial Ballet School, a school of dance, but she was neglected because of her clammy appearance. Though she didn’t get in Anna tried yet another time showing extreme persistent towards dancing, and she was soon off to a dance career. Even though Anna Pavlova was dancing most of her time, she had problems with her severely arched feet, dangly limbs, and thin ankles. Because of her troubles, fellow dancers taunted Anna with names like Le Petite Sausage and The Broom Stick. Although after the name-calling, Anna stayed strong and let her bold personality shine through all the dancers. Surely Anna had troubles, but she admirably fought through it all.
Ranking up to the higher-level class, Classe De Perfection, Anna was ready to grow strong. Excluding for her abstract, strange, and different ways of dancing Pavlova tried difficult moves. As an example, Anna was once trying to do the beautiful fouttes her teacher always attempted. While she tried, Anna’s teacher broke out exclaiming “Leave acrobatics to others, it is positively more than I can bear to see the pressure such steps out on your muscles…” From her mistake, it shows how eager of a person Anna was. Associated with her ballet, Anna also still had extreme pressure on her feet, and for her sake she added another hard block of wood in her shoes. Even though Pointe shoes were made with wood, adding the block would cause the shape of the shoe to curve back making it easier to dance. From facing troubles, to being yelled at, Anna Pavlova showed quite a daring background as a performer.
Experienced as Pavlova was, Anna’s talent showed through, as she became one of the first ever Prima Ballerinas making her goal to become famous happen. To perform more often made Anna extremely famous as she danced in pas de duexes, a two-person variation, along with ones in Sleeping Beauty. However, Anna did once trip into the prompters box after doing pique turns, causing her ankle to snap and face extreme embarrassment. Anna lived a love life of dance, but she had a tragic death after inflammation of the lungs. Pavlova new she was about to die, but Anna died her last seconds dancing after saying, “Get my swan costume ready”. Five words just five words made Anna’s quote come true. “To follow, without halt, one aim: that's the secret of success.” Argued Anna Pavlova
. Not only was Anna a experienced, daring, persistent, and bold dancer, but she warmed the hearts of many when performing. Arms raised high, smile spread across her face; Anna has fallen in love with dance knowing her talent

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

is it a soar day tomorrow

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

can anone proof this

Will troutman 12/13/1024

‘’Never give up, never give up, we shall keep on going’’
-Winston Churchill

In the midst of war one man rises to the difficult challenge. On the 19,In the cold,mysterious war room Winston Churchill plans the troops moves. He should fantastic leadership skills by doing that deed.

From being captured by the Boers,who were a group of farmers who fought in the war, to planning a break out of jail ,lying to enemies, were some of the reasons Winston c. is so brave. Winston Churchill is brave by clearing the train tracks for his troops in battle. Another reason Winston Churchill is courageous is because he escaped out of jail. Also, Winston Churchill was not afraid of making mistakes on the battlefield.

Winston Churchill was a very intelligent man. He showed his intelligence by breaking out of a military prison. Also, he is smart because he planned every move for the troops. Churchill rapidly and quickly made life and death decisions for many. Finally, Winston Churchill, a politician, was smart by being the Prime Minister, He had to make many important decisions that affected the people of his country,but he always picked the right choice.

Being trustworthy, Winston Churchill is the perfect example of good leader. One reason is because he did not tell the location of the military camps to the Boars. Also, he never told government secrets to friends and relatives. The final reason Churchill is trustworthy is because he never told vital information in exchange for money, car, or houses.

From being captured by the Boars, to making decisions about the war Winston Churchill was a smart and observant leader. Winston Churchill was the one who rose to the challenge, but during the war he should great leadership.

Lauren said...

this is my paper on Pope John Paul ll please help me improve on what i can

Lauren Williams 12-14-10 #25
Character Sketch

“The Pilgrim Pope”
“Violence and arm can never resolve the problems of men” –Pope John Paul ll

As the holy man dressed in white robes, a gold hat, and brown shoes walks down the streets, he stares everyone in the eye while saying,” You are men. You have dignity. Don’t roll on your bellies.” They are in the Communist county of Poland; however, these people need food, money, and shelter. Who is this man? Brave enough to tell these people this. His name is Pope John Paul ll; acclaimed as one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century.
Born Karol Jozef Wojtyla, Pope John Paul ll faced hardships in life because his mother died when he was only nine. Despite this tragedy, Karol still had a decent life. He went to school like a normal child, and he went to collage named Jagiellbian University in Krakof, Poland. Soon, World War ll started and the Nazis invaded his home country, Poland. Before Karol knew it, his father died from a heart attack, making him the sole surviving member of his family. “At age 20, I had already lost all of the people I loved.” Appropriately, Karol was feeling sad and lonely. Eventually, Karol started studying to become a priest. He was promoted rapidly in the Church. Following the death of Pope John Paul l, head of the Roman Catholic Church, Karol was a candidate for becoming the next pope. Logically he would win, and he did. He took the name Pope John Paul ll, and would become a great leader and pope.
Logically, Pope John Paul ll was hard working. For example, he visited 129 countries during his time as pope, making him one of the most traveled leaders in history. Another reason Pope John Paul ll is hard working is because he improved the Catholic Churches relationships tremendously with other religions. To help him articulate with different people, he learned 13 different languages.
Acceptably, Pope John Paul ll was determined. For instance, he helped stop Communism in Poland, and eventually, all of Europe. Also, he was shot in Saint Peters Square. Did that stop him? No! He went to the person that shot him and said, “ I forgive you.”
Generosity was a unique quality that showed up the most on Pope John Paul ll. Giving up your life and chance to get married is one thing, but giving that to God, is generosity from the start. On top of that, Pope John Paul ll took time to encourage the Polish people to follow Christ in belief.
Knowing all the dedication, and hard work that Pope John Paul ll has done, it is reasonably said that the Roman Catholic Church has started to look at what he has done to see if he maybe can become a saint.
To conclude, Pope John Paul ll is a man of hard work, generosity, and is very determined. He has change the way people look at Catholicism and is certainly a leader to remember. When Poland’s communism comes to an end, Pope John Paul ll feels good about it. Not just because thousands of people got saved, but because he had helped. Because, “Violence and arm can never resolve the problems of men.”

Bekah said...

Lauren yours is good, but you need to have an appostive to tell who Karol is cause i even dont know!

Anonymous said...

Eliza, tomm. os a soar dey!!!

Bekah said...

Eliza, it is a soar day!

Bekah said...
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Lauren said...

good but you kneed to have more judgements

Anonymous said...

thanks, bekah + bennett

mr buxton - will you please check this paragraph

In Cochabamba, Bolivia, a meager man walks into a graveyard, sets a flower on Ernesto Guevara’s grave, and thanks him. Peering at the carvings in the grave, Robert remembers Ernesto Guevara, the revolutionary. In an image, Ernesto stares with a serious look because of his abhorrent past. His dirty beard shows a life without religion. In his past, El Che helps the poor because of his bravery in his various fights. Guevara did it all for the people of his country.

Catie Nelson said...

mr. Buxton,
If we do not have our comfort zones should we make them at school??

Catie Nelson said...

WHta is the assignment objective for our Charecter sketch??

Catie Nelson said...


Bekah said...

Lauren, Mr. Buxton said i had enough judgments

Wyatt N said...

Mr. Buxton, can you do a short 'moment in time' for your hooks and opening.

Anonymous said...

what is our assignment objective?


Catie Nelson said...

Yes, I think you can olny in the hooks though. For example, I am doing Frida Kahlo, an artist, and I am starting with her painting. That is the only part you are allowed to "moments in time" I am pretty sure.

Wyatt N said...

thank you Catie

Catie Nelson said...

your welcome

Catie Nelson said...

does anybody know the assignment objective?????

Janie said...

Mary Louise and I, Janie, (appositive) dont have our confort zone things, are we in trouble?!?!?!

Thomas Layton said...

Do we need to bring in our comfort zone?HELP!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

is this any good???
it is my character sketch.

"Imaginatin is more important than knowledge. knowledge is limited. imagination encircles the world." -Albert Einstein

Gazing into the clear, blue sky, ten-year old Albert wonders, "How large is outer space?" Albert was a peace-loving man that hated war, yet one of his inventions led to one of the most destructive bombs of all time. Albert was intelligent, honest, humble, and he at least tried to lead a simple life. He was born to think, and his creativity led to the most useful inventions of the century.
Albert was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany with thick, black hair, and he was mute for the first four years of his lfe. To think, Albert woult just park himself in the crisp, green grass and watch the clouds float by. His parents to him to the doctor numerous times because they were so worried that he was dumb. Years later, while his family was eating soup, Albert finally spoke. "The soup is too hot," he said.
Albert's classmates in Swiss Federal Polytechnic Collge of Zurich, Switzerland called him the "Professor" because of all of his academic theories. Albert's first ublished science paper was written when he was a teenager, and the theory was about magnetism and electricity. Barely any people paid attention to Albert's first papers, but scientists realized how intelligent he was over Albert's life. The more papers Albert wrote, the more popular he became.
Albert's intelligence and theories led to the Nobel Prize for photoelectrical effect, the television. IN 1922, Albert published a multitude of papes for photoelectrical effect. Albert showed generosity, and he delivered the prize money to his ex-wife and his children.
From Albert's experct thinking as a child, to pulishing academic papers, and winning the Nobel Prize for photoelectrical effect, Albert definetely did not lead a normal life. Thirty years later, Albert looks into the sky again. Even though he was very poor from the start, he led a very successful life. He made wonderful inventions for the country, mostly the world.

Anonymous said...

Thomas, Mr. Buxton said if you still have your comfort zone rectangle, bring it to school tomorrow.

Thomas Layton said...

Thank you SOOOOOO much Nick!

Catie Nelson said...

Thank you Nick!!!

Anonymous said...

please criticise my character sketch

Anonymous said...

is the character sketch and studying for our vocab our only homework?

Catie Nelson said...

I loved all the judgement words you used in your writing.
Catie Nelson

Catie Nelson said...

yes, that was all the homework we had.

Catie Nelson said...

Have a great Christmas break everyone!!!

Anonymous said...
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