
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


A very interesting Grand Conversation today. There are obviously some issues that are beneath the surface that we need to address. What are your thoughts (feel free to comment) on today's conversation based on these two areas:

  • Showing Mutual Respect
  • Being an organized 5th grader?
What is the message in this clip?

Tomorrow is your first grammar test. Almost all of my grammar tests are OPEN NOTES - This means that you can bring in any study materials that you have created yourself and use them in the test to help you!!! - However, if you don't understand the concepts - the notes won't help!

Expand your ideas as much as possible on your 'turning points'  graphic organizer - You should have at least 3 good paragraphs for tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I think that 5th graders and, like the video, adults should show respect to classmates but everyone else.

Unknown said...

I think the message is respect everyone around you because what goes around always come around.

Unknown said...

sorry comes around

Anonymous said...

can we print out stuff from the internet for the test

Anonymous said...

please reply!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that the lesson is that respect your loved ones because you only have one life with them so you can cherish it forever, for the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

Yes we can as long as it does't tell you the answer and only if it helps you with the test

Anonymous said...

Thor so we can

Anonymous said...

thanks ashlin

Unknown said...

printed the stuff won't help THOR - you need to apply your learning. What are the key facts you need to know?

e.g. - appositive and noun are interchangeable

Unknown said...

printed the stuff won't help THOR - you need to apply your learning. What are the key facts you need to know?

e.g. - appositive and noun are interchangeable

Anonymous said...

best teacher ever... Mr. buxton. Will always remember you

Anonymous said...

by the way, my new blog is

Anonymous said...

I need to print out my math 2.6 tonight. How do I do it?

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