
Friday, May 31, 2013

Links to photo albums

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Swim party is tomorrow. Don't forget a change of clothes for after the party!

Photos link

These are the guidelines for your presentation on Friday. You should have your 'hook' paragraph ready for tomorrow.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Last H/W

2nd to Last H/W assignment of the year!

You must finish writing your Social Studies person article tonight. Tomorrow, you will input the article into 'pages,' print it, and embed it into your blog.

Summer Reading Plan
Use this link to plan your Summer Reading calendar: PRINT a copy or Make a copy - Do not write onto MY master copy. After we go to Middle School library on Wednesday, you will get an opportunity to start filling in this table with the names of the books  you plan to read. A hard copy of this sheet will also be sent home for your parents to see.

This is another great resource to use to plan your Summer Reading

End of Year Math Test is tomorrow... Practice your weakest topic. The key to success - PROOFREADING (look for the red flag in the question) and READING QUESTIONS carefully!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

End of Year Math Review

Hope you enjoyed Invictus. This video shows the  real events portrayed in the movie. It is a powerful story worth 10mins of your time! - Look how many tough,hard men are still in tears years after the event as they reflect on the experience so many years later.

End of Year: Math Review Suggestions

These topics are all on your End of Year Test. Choose whichever topics you feel that  you need the most practice on. Those in red are HIGHLY recommended

All at 6th Grade level

A1 Place Value
B4, B7 Decimals
E2 Exponents
F4 F3 Multiplication of Decimals
I 10 Integers
N7, N8, N9 LCM GCF
Z.33 Volume
V.6 U.g
T.3 T.5 U.3 Fractions
J.3 F.3 F.4
Angles Z.5 and Z.6

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Art work reflections

Tense is tomorrow! -Open notes test!  - You can use anything in the test that you CREATED yourself.

Class Reward Party will be tomorrow - Bring your subway money.

Movie: Invictus - You are the captain of your fate; you are the master of your sole. 

Watch this clip to understand the context of the movie before tomorrow

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

You need to decide on a Plan B for your movie. While there is a message, the level of violence in the movie is inappropriate for our audience. I remain open to suggestions.

Advanced Tenses Practice Booklet

Mixed Tenses page AND Timeshift page.


Sports day in the morning - Make sure you bring a change of clothing
Visit to Middle School in the afternoon. Make sure you set a good first impression

Monday, May 20, 2013

Revealing Character

Nuanced Character....

Narrative Writing - Time Shift (Past Perfect)Sentences

Use these exercises to practice creating 'time shift' sentences in narrative writing.
Who said 'time travel' was impossible?

This is a 'challenge' exercise that only a few of you will understand. +2 if you can do these questions!!!

Prime Factorization: Game

Factors and Multiples: Games

Do Math review w/sheets.

Final Math Test is tomorrow

No writing H/W tonight.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ladder to Laughter Reward

Make sure you begin to look at the tenses exercises from last week.

There is NO Week at a Glance this week

Highlights to watch out for:
Monday - H/W will be to finished your nuanced paragraph on your famous person
Tuesday - Unit 12 Math test + Next book club meeting
Wednesday - Play Day and Visit to Middle School
Thursday - Tenses Test + Ladder to Laughter Party

Next Monday - End of Year Learning Reflection
Next Tuesday &; Wednesday - End of year Math Test ( This is a test on all the math from the year)
Next Wednesday: Middle School tour 11:10am
Next Thursday - Water park visit
Next Friday - Class tidying and fun day!

Write down your choice for the Ladder to Laughter Reward... at

Thursday, May 16, 2013


You must read Thor's lit essay. What makes it so good?

Study link 12.7

Tenses Booklet
p.8, p.9, p.10

Your last grammar test will be next Thursday. You should begin spending 15mins each night working through the different exercises from this link.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Study Link 12.6

Make sure everybody has contributed to the Book Club google doc. You should all demonstrate your thinking AND also have a topic or skill that you would like to talk about for tomorrow's session.

What do you need to do to earn that last step? If you don't earn it soon - there will not be enough time to organize the reward!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Social Studies Research

You must just read your Social Studies book and collect x8 facts related to either...why the person was famous OR the person's struggles and challenges. You must also collect x2 topics of content that you will do further research on. e.g. Say you read about the Battle of Bunker Hill - you would send 5 mins finding about that topic. Or say you read 'excise officer' - you would research this profession

Study link 12.5

Mr. Buxton

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Week at a Glance: Click Here

Service Learning Experience: Enjoy snapshots of your experience below. Please leave a comment on what you felt was your most important aspect of 'learning' during your 'service'

Student of the Week: Reid

Possible model Answers for Historical Fiction Post Assessment: Make sure you zoom in and read them!

The Friday Message: Time to Pause and Reflect

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Historical Fiction Post Unit Test

Historical Fiction: Go to this link and reread the story Pink and Say - Then you have a chance to rewrite your answers.

Be prepared for book clubs - last session tomorrow

If you have extra time, work on your lit. essay

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Counting Principle Explanation

Counting Principle Recap Video

Make sure you have completed the first x3 paragraphs of your literacy essay. (Intro + x2 p2s)

Tomorrow we begin with the Social Studies presentations - What can you do to add a little 'spice' to your delivery? - We make get up to Student #15 by the end of the week - so all of you should be ready.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Due Date

Due date for Social Studies Singapore History Project is tomorrow. Add it to your blog with Label gr5 and the title of your site.  Check on the week at a glance sheet to find out when you are presenting.

Decide on your idea for the Service Learning Project. Keep it simple. Remember - it is your responsibility to collect all the resources that your group will need  for the project. 

Study Link 12.1

No other H/W - Make sure your work is submitted in time

Friday, May 3, 2013

The last few weeks of school are ALWAYS hectic. Make sure you are planning and working ahead

Week at a Glance

Don't forget to go to your email and accept the invite I sent to you to open up a dropbox account

Social Studies: Singapore History project: Due this Tuesday. You will present by #student throughout next week. e.g. #1 Patrick #2 Kayzad  etc... See week at a glance for numbers. Your project is finished with it is EMBEDDED in your blog. If you have difficult with embedding your project - see me BEFORE Tuesday

Next Friday, we will do our Service Learning Project. You must choose and bring the supplies to do a SIMPLE art or craft with the residents of the retirement community. You may want to be thinking of ideas over the weekend and buy your materials

THe FRIDAY Message
What language should you be learning now and in the future if you want to be very successful?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Unit 11 Math test is tomorrow. Make sure you have looked at the practice sheet for  the study tips.

The formulas for the different 3D shapes will be GIVEN on the test. DO NOT waste time memorizing them. Spend your study time making sure you have practiced APPLYING these to questions.
Try the first 10 questions here: at this link for good practice.
Remember: You will be multiplying 3.14 x small one digit numbers - Make sure you have practiced your multiplication of decimals

You will be given one session tomorrow to work on your Singapore History Project in class tomorrow. Make sure you have ALL your resources, images, etc. Due date for this work is Tuesday 7th May. You have finished when you work is embedded on your blog. You will be given a day next week that you will present. We will  only have between 3-5 students presenting each day.

Be prepared for your book club on supporting characters for tomorrow.