
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Homework Week 1 Trimester 2

Click the link above to get the H/W sheet for this week

Welcome to the start of a new trimester. Everybody starts with a clean slate. You will be expected to continue to apply your reading,  writing, and grammar skills from the first trimester into your work in addition to the new skills we will learn this trimester. This means my expectations increase a little! Who's ready for the new challenge?

We hit the ground running with a short review of:
  • Types of nouns
  • Rules for making nouns plural
  • Difference between singular and possessive nouns
These will be tested on Monday 8th November. Watch out for Noun practice on the blog early next week.

We will also begin our tour of the different regions of the U.S. beginning with the Southeast.

Don't forget that you descriptive piece is due Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mentor Text - U.S. Tourist attractions

For Tuesday. Make sure you bring as many notes on CONSERVATION  as you can find for Tuesday's in class writing test. You will be able to use your notes  to help you with this writing. YOU DO NOT NEED A SOCIAL STUDIES TEXTBOOK. No other Humanities H/W tonight.

Look below to see a further example of an effective advanced parargraph. /will yours read like this tomorrow?

Tourist Attractions Across America

As Robert ventures down into the Grand Canyon, he begins to picture all of the other beautiful destinations in the USA. The variety of tourist attractions across the US can appeal to residents an visitors alike. The United States contains a multitude of tourists’ favorite national parks. From a plethora of Geysers, to boiling hot springs, and boiling mud pots, Yellowstone National Park is a wonderful place to visit. To travel to the Grand Canyon, one of the seven wonders of the world, is a spectacle visitors will never forget. In addition, Big Bend is yet another national park that lies on the border of Mexico, and it attracts thousands of tourists every day. A vast amount of mountain ranges spread throughout the US. The Appalachian Mountains, one of the most famous mountain ranges, runs through the Southeast and the Northeast Regions. On the other hand, The Rocky Mountains, or the Rockies are located in the west. The Cascades, another breathtaking mountain range, runs straight through California making it tangible to tourists that this is the perfect destination. The pacific States, a minute region in the west, has an assortment of tourist attractions. Containing some of the country’s tallest mountains, the Pacific States are lined vertically on the west coast. Hollywood is a city where most of America’s movies are shot, and it is also a popular tourist destination. Spanning across the golden gate, the opening of the San Fransisco into the pacific ocean, the golden gate bridge attracts visitors from all around the world. The United States contains thousands of tourist attractions, such as Yellowstone or the Cascades, and they can appeal to everyone. As Robert ascends back up to the top of the canyon, he decides that there are thousands of wonderful destinations to see in the US. His only question is, “Which one will I visit next?”

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Next Week - Descriptive Writing

There is no H/W sheet to download since we have just two days next week.

Monday Night's H/W -
  • Make sure you use the proof reading guide (given in class Monday) to improve your sentence construction. Have you truly 'painted a picture' with the words you chose?
  • Do your best to integrate ideas/words from the 'word bank' booklet.
  • Class Halloween party is Tuesday afternoon 2:20pm (both classes)

Mentor Text - Descriptive Writing


The wind whistled in my ear as an angry chill crawled up my spine. Rain and sleet blocked my way. Each nervous step forward brought me closer to my destination. I could almost taste my fear. Our old, oak tree guarded the concrete path obediently. Its twisted branches and wet drooping leaves seemed to create a welcoming archway. A lone branch stroked my cheek as I darted underneath; reassurance perhaps? I pondered. Suddenly, even more familiar sights, comforting sounds, and calming smells bombarded my senses. I had made it. Just a few more precious steps I calculated. With two impressive strides and an enthusiastic leap I found some cover from the tormenting downpour. A long, green drape was pulled to one side, and two, tiny, warm smiles beckoned me forward. My heart pounded with joy. They were home, and they were safe.

Tuesday's Class - In Class Essay Writing
You will be required to write an in class essay on the topic 'conservation'. You will be able to use any notes we covered in class on the three Rs related to Recycle City. In addition, you will be able to ue any other notes/power plans you create.(e.g. Remember the H/Wnotes you took on how organizations can better conseve their resources?) The in class writing question will be very specific. It is VITAL that you adapt any information/notes you bring in and relate them specifically to the question you are given on Tuesday. i.e. You cannot just write down everything you know about conservation; instead, you have to make the question given is being answered.

No H/W Tuesday night

Enjoy your break and be safe when trick or treating next weekend

Feel free to add an comments about how you feel about this 1st trimester that ended Friday.  (+1 for thoughtful contributions)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Change to H/W Sheet

Due: Friday:
  • Bring in a photograph  of a special 'moment in time' from your past. Try to select one that is an important point  in your life. You will be writing descriptively using this photograph, so make it as interesting as possible.
  • If you have a problem getting an actual photograph, think of a creative way to achieve this same objective.
  • Subjects booklet pages 4,5,6
  • (If you didn't get chance to finish your descriptive writing card, don't worry. We will finish it in class or during morning work)

  • Studying USAGE of the vocabulary words is the best way to prepare for the test tomorrow.
  • Last day of Book Fair is Friday. Please remember any donations of slightly used boks for the 'Giving Tree'.
  • Remember: Soar Day Friday
  • Friday Night Football Game. As 5th graders, you are all role models for the younger students. Your behavior will be exemplary!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Change to H/W sheet

Instead of the exercise on 'Subjects' - Tackle this question. (Due: Thur)

List EIGHT additional ways (different from what we studied in class) that organizations and businesses could reduce their carbon footprint. Bullet points are fine. (Wink Wink ... these will be very useful facts for next Tuesday's test.)

These are some ideas...but you should try and find some unique ones yourself.

Enjoy these videos on carbon footprint

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