
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Holidays

Have a truly enjoyable and relaxing holiday break. Thank you for all your hard work and effort. I'm very proud of each of you. Take care. See you in 2011.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Invictus - Reflection

Listen below to  an interview with the captain of the South African rugby team (Matt Damon's character) as he speaks about Nelson Mandela.

How will you use the last lines of  Invictus in your life going forward?

I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of  my soul

Watch the real live ending of the 1995 Rugby World Cup final below.

Character Sketch due in tomorrow - Make sure you are making 'clear'  judgments throughout.

Bring in your comfort zone rectangles (if you still have it) for discussion in tomorrow's class (Fri). How have you stepped out of your comfort zone recently?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Character Sketches- Due Friday

Finish the trimester strong!

What are you doing over these next two nights to make sure your character sketch is the best that it could be?

Use the 'Character Sketch' proof reading sheet (the last page of your Making Judgments package) as a checklist on Thursday night to help you review your paper for accuracy and advanced sentence integration.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Comma Rules and Run-ons: Test Queries

I just don't get it...

Write down anything that confuses you related to COMMAS rules, fragments, and run-ons. Maybe you can get answers from your friends...

eg. Could you fix this sentence?
The dogs and cats played and jumped around the yard the cats made the most mess the dogs made the most noise.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Homework Week 7

Click on the above link to see you last H/W sheet for 2011.

Next week is an important week for grades. Make sure you FINISH STRONG, and don't allow yourself to slip before the holiday vacation.

Maybe it is worth watching this video again! Hint ! Hint!

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