
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Metric Verse and Sonnets

Grammar Lesson

H/W - Work on the first draft of your sonnet

Lesson Review 

Line of Poetry
(Find three examples)
Rhythm and Meter
But, soft! /what light /through yon/der win/dow breaks?
Iambic pentameter

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Syllablic Verse

Use this to count your syllables counts syllables Verse

DO NOT FORGET - 12 sentences paragraph and extended metaphor poem due tomorrow! BOTH turned into Seesaw

G/H - You will do your 12 sentences on Monday.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Do this link - Sentence Fluency Practice

Due FRIDAY  C/D and E/F only

1) Write out a 12 sentence review of the Hunger Games or any other movie
You must write from the perspective of:
  • a critique who loves the movie
  • a critique who hates the movie
  • Katniss Everdeen
  • President Snow

2) You may only use simple, compound sentences and complex sentences  + tools

e.g. Begin your piece now. Your second sentence must be compound, and your third sentence must be complex. If you follow this pattern, you will probably get an ‘A.’ You should have started by now. I need to know the difference between the sentences, so color code each one. You will become a sentence genius because you know how to follow instructions

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Advanced Figurative Language

H/W You must have your 'anchor metaphor' and brainstorm (at least 8 words for A and B sides of the anchor metaphor : A=B means C) for class Wed.

You must submit your extended metaphor poem to Seesaw by beginning of class (Thur)

Lesson Recap  Figurative Language A=B means C
To build an 'extended metaphor'
1) Start with an anchor metaphor - My life ain't no crystal stair
2) Brainstorm words, verbs, phrases, adjectives associated with A and B side of the metaphor
3) Build the lists into lines of poetry using one from the A and B side
4) Craft the lines into poetry using other poetic devices
5) Revise, edit, and publish into Seesaw

C/D Class Extended Metaphor - click link
Mentor Samples from last year - Can you spot the strong ones?

Monday, February 6, 2017

Figurative Language

G/H - Only - Collect 5 lines of figurative language from different poems. (Due Tue)

Lesson Recap


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