
Friday, January 9, 2009

Poetry Party H/W

Make sure you are ready for next week's poetry party.

Buxton Class - Thur 2.35-3.05pm
Graham Class - Thur 12.45-1.30pm

Make sure you have prepared your poems so that you can deliver them passionately. Your poetry booklets should be ready for inspection on Monday 12th Jan.

Comma Pop Quiz - Well done today!

Remember there are some more practice exercises on commas under my list of websites below. I strongly recommend you practice your comma usage a little more before next week's test. If you have any questions, add them to the blog or ask me in school.

Tomorrow (Fri) we will play the States and Capitals Round 1 - Class Championship.

Make sure you are prepared for tomorrow's Social Studies Test - Remember the 'Bob's yuour uncle' hint related to geographical features!


  1. mr. b, isn't there a 2nd inspection and invitation to the poetry party tommorrow? (Tuesday)

    james a.

  2. i'm excited about the poetry party! i hope we get coke.
    -molly b.

  3. parker and molly don't you just love chatting on mr. b's blog!!!

    james a.

  4. me too molly
    hunter s

  5. the poetry party was FUN!

  6. i thought so 2 katie
    hunter s

  7. yes there is jamez
    hunter s

  8. anyone, do we have to hand in our poetry books tommorow with poems illustrated
    please answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hunter s


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.