
Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hope you all enjoyed the overview and video on 'Capitalism' today. Watch it again below if you are interested.

What is your opinion on government intervention into the Free Market?

Great contributions to our class discussions today Mary Grace, Hayden, and Jack. Well done!


  1. I think the government should be able to interfeer with the free enterprise as much as they want because if they hadn't done so in the 1930s the Great Depression could have gone on for a ll-oo-nn-gg time.

  2. I agree with hayden because the if the government gets involved there would be more spots needed to work, and it would create more jobs. On the downside, it would hurt a lot of entreprenuers

  3. It would hurt the entreprenuers during the downfall but once the downfall ends the market would rise because after every downfall things start rising in every aspect of the buisness world until it gets too high and then the market will go down again. That's the buisness cycle in simple terms.

  4. what are the vocab words for our scripts?

  5. I liked the activities you had for the compound and complex sentences

  6. I have a few guestons for you MR BUXTON. Is this a good topic sentence? On september 7th 2009, President Barack Obama delivered a speech to students at Wakfield High. Also what is a level 3 rade again? Thankyou.
    MC Beecy

  7. Does this work? I could clarify. that is just the beginning of a sentence.

  8. Mr. Buxton, do we have to do the jeporty thing. my dad wanted me to be real sure about it after i told him.

  9. MR. buxton do we have to do the jepordy thing my dad wanted me to be real sure.

  10. Do we have to do the jepordy sheet?

  11. Mr. Buxton. Do we have to do the jeopardy worksheet for social studies tonight

  12. Hi Mr.Buxton. Do we have to do the jeopardy worksheet for social studies

  13. Mr.Buxton, do we have to do the jeopardy worksheet for homework tonight?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.