
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Prepositional Phrase Story - Axle the Freeway Cat

Look at theway prepositional phrases were used in this story. Click the link above to finish the story we started reading in class.


  1. Where is the story that i can read i can not find it. i would like to get some more ideas about it. So just to clariy in the prep. part you only need a comma if the prep. is at the begining. No comma needed if the prep. is second... right?????


  2. Correct Sarah

    e. During the game, CLS scored many touchdowns against the opposition.
    Can you spot the two p.phrases inthis sentence?

    Clink o the link above the picture to read the story

  3. prep phrase: During the game (comma)
    object: The game

    prep phrase: Against the opposition
    object: the opposition
    prep: Against
    I understand now...

    Thanks, SCN

  4. Thanks for that list with the preps. Will we get to use that sheet on a test?

    I thought you only had to type your password in once. My computer keeps on making me type it. These random words that are in a crazy font keep on popping up below the login thing.Is this something new for the blog?


  5. No Forrester it isn't. youshould be able to select somewhere..'keep me signed in'

    save a version of the blog to your favorites 'after' you have signed in.

    test will be open book and open notes

  6. So we can use that study booklet during the test that has all the prepositions?

  7. Is this right?
    during the movie.

  8. Mr. Buxton, which day is our decriptive writing due thursday or friday?

  9. Will,
    on the homework sheet is says Friday, but I would do it tonight.

  10. 99% sure it is due Friday, but you can give in a copy tom. and Mr.buxton will give you advice on how to improve on it.

  11. Buxton class due Thur
    Graham class due Fri

  12. our test is fri. right. and how hard shud we srudy for it?????

  13. What test are you talking about? Didn't know we had a test in humanities on Fri.

  14. Is the test tommorrow going to be open book? Can we use our notes?
    MC Beecy


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