
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Brag Sheet - Character Sketch

Mother Teresa
                                            by Caroline Mackey
“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”   Mother Teresa

As the frail, old woman looks at the children suffering; tear droplets well up in her eyes, and gently and slowly roll down her wrinkled, old face. Mother Teresa, a missioner and humanitarian, ministered and saved the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying people in Calcutta, India.

Out of five children, Mother Teresa, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, was one child. Sadly, only three of her born siblings survived. She was the youngest out of the surviving children with an older brother and sister. Mother Teresa and her siblings had a father who devoted most of his time to politics and the Albanian cause. After one of his meetings, he fell ill and died. Having her father die made 8 year old Mother Teresa want to help ill and dying people.

In other words, Mother Teresa’s warm, tender nature led her to help the dying, ill, poor, and orphaned. She vowed to give her life to these people the care they need. Speaking out about divorce, protecting people, and caring for other human beings is what makes up a wonderful woman like Mother Teresa. Not only did Mother Teresa care for children, but also spoke out against problems throughout the world. Although Mother Teresa did sublime things she did take pity for God. A famous quote Mother Teresa once said, “If you can dream it you can do it,” really wings me. When I have a dream to be someone or do something, I remember her words and realize that I shouldn’t give up; I should go out and grab the chance. Abandoned, ill and dying people combine to make up the humans Mother Teresa helped throughout her loving life.

Mother Teresa was a good woman who inspired the world and the people with her unselfish acts of love and dedication; thus she took a vow of poverty, and she spent most of her life helping others and serving God. Above all Mother Teresa did what God expects from each of us and that is to do the best that we can, with what we have. She used her position in life to the best of her abilities. She taught the world and people that love will open doors that hate has closed. She taught us that the greatest way to show God's love is to meet the needs of others. She helped those that were in need. She helped the poor, the dying, and abandoned children. She showed them love, compassion, and kindness. She gave them shelter, food and hope. Truly, she was an inspiration. When Mother Teresa said, “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person,” she meant to tell people to get up and do things for other people and to lead your own life the way you want it to go.

Sister Teresa was a kindhearted and affectionate woman; therefore, she helped save many lives, provide for others, and make other people feel good about God and life. She experienced things that none of us could ever experience. As Mother Teresa slowly walks away from the Albanian children she helped, they all run as fast as they can up to her and thank her from the goodness of their hearts for what she had done.
Mother Teresa

By Robert Fuller
“We can do no great things; only small things with great love.”
-Mother Teresa
An old, frail woman picks up a small child. She washes him, feeds him, and blesses him. They are in the slums of Calcutta, India; however, this little boy is considered “untouchable”. Who is this person who so willingly, lovingly serves those in need? Mother Teresa is this nun’s name. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a joyous, generous, and loving woman who served God with and people in poverty with all her heart.
When she was born on August 26, 1910, her name was Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. Nicola Bojaxhiu, her father, was a pharmacist. Upon his death when Agnesë was 9, Drone, her mother, became a saleswoman. Even as a child, Agnesë was very devout, and she went with her mother to work with kids in poverty.
During her 18th year, Mother Teresa left her home of Skopje, Albania and traveled to Ireland to become a nun with the Sisters of Loreto. She then took the name Sister Mary Teresa after St. Theresé of Lisieux. Six months later, she went to India and taught geography at St. Mary’s High School for Girls in Darjeeling, India. Next, she received a call from God, so she went out to serve in the slums of Calcutta. Determined, wise Mother Teresa started the Missionaries of Charity and made shelters in more than 120 different countries.
At the time that she passed in 1997, sweet Mother Teresa and her kind organization had more than 4,000 nuns helping. Although others criticized her beliefs and actions, she made the world a much better place. Righteously, Pope John Paul II sped up the process to make her a saint. Mother Teresa won countless humanitarian awards, including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. From making shelters, to blessing children, and feeding the hungry, Mother Teresa has impacted millions with her love, generosity, and inspiring deeds.
I think Mother Teresa was faithful, hardworking, and wise. She was very faithful because she listened and followed the call of God. Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity intensely comforted and healed. To become one in poverty in order to help them is so generous. Caring for others and comforting the suffering, Mother Teresa helped thousands. She was wise because of all the guidance she gave to the dying, the poor, and those who feel unloved. As Mother Teresa once said, “Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.”
To conclude, her faith, wisdom, love, and generosity pushed her to do the magnificent things she did and light up lives like no one else. As Mother Teresa feeds the homeless man, he is happy, for he knows he is in excellent hands.

Mother Teresa
by Abbie Wedding
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”

                                                                         -Mother Teresa

As an old, natural, and caring lady is getting out of a rustic bed, she’s ready to help India. Mother Teresa is a warm, loving person who puts others first.

She has a valuable background. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born on August 26th, 1910 in Macedonia, Skopje. Mother Teresa was the youngest of five children; however, only three survived. Nikola, her mother, devoted all her time to politics and Albanian cause. Mother Teresa’s father died in 1918. Mother Teresa was almost eight years old. Her pictures were all she had to remember him. Then later in her life she decided to help the sick and poor. Mother Teresa gave to others and was known as sentimental, wise, and fair.

Mother Teresa had many accomplishments. As Mother Teresa said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” She accomplished so many things that she won the Noble Peace Prize for working to bring help to suffering humanity in 1979. In 1946, Sister Teresa had an experience called a “call within a call” which made her want to care for the sick and poor. She was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity. Roman Catholic women helped the poor, especially the poor of India. She created Nirmal Hriday (“Place for the Pure of Heart”), a place where people who were dying could go and be taken care of. To advocate for the blind, old, and people who are disable, she decided to open a center for them. Amazingly Mother Teresa didn’t judge others, and was always giving to others.

Surprisingly, Mother Teresa has changed the world in various ways. She helped people be aware of poverty in other countries. If Americans really want to make a change in the world, and be like Mother Teresa, they must work hard at it. I f Americans were brave and compassionate, they too can be successful. Americans and Indians are still trying to emulate her actions, even 12 years since her death. This shows how Americans and Indians are good and believe in doing the right thing. September 5th, 1997 in Calcutta, India at 87 Mother Teresa died of a heart attack. Although, she has not been forgotten.

To conclude, from caring for older people, to winning the Noble Peace Prize, and changing the world, Mother Teresa was a life changing, selfless woman. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them” means that people shouldn’t judge people if you haven’t had time to get to know them. The little, old lady lays down in her antique bed, she’s ready to start the next day.


  1. Robert(LSU YELLOW 100) and Caroline, you both did an excellent job in pulling me in with your whole sketch. Nice Job!!!!!!!!

  2. Sorry Abbie he just posted your's. I like the judgements you provided and the way you pull me in Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Great job guys. I espically liked your hook, Caroline. Very spurr of the moment!

    - Mary Grace

  4. I just noticed - old, frail woman was used at some time in all of your writings! (I think..) Great mind think alike, huh!?

    - Mary Grace


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