
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

H/W Clarification

For tonight's h/w activity... you only need to get 'sensory' words from one of the following five topics that appear on the video (video choice number 2):

  • The lagoon
  • Helicopter landing
  • Snowboarder falling
  • Pizza eating
  • Ocean waves
You should have sensory words/phrases under the five sense categories (between 12-20) for just one of the above topics.

If you have already done this H/W differently, that don't worry...that is fine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mr. Buxton:

    On that make-up test we did i have a question on question on problem #6 should i ask you on the blog or bring it into you tomorrow?

    I think it might be either a type-o or a complete mess up...


  3. do we have to fill in ALL the colloms? - M.G.

  4. For the Narrative do we have to start it or do we just have to think of an idea because I went home sick.
    Mr. B
    do we need to do anything else for Humanities other than the 2-5 pages in Noun Booklet?

  5. In the homework sheet it says Consolidation Test (Due:Wed) is that the test for the people who got less than 85% or 84% on that grammar test?

  6. abbie- we only need to think of an idea and yes the test is for the people who only got less than 85% NOT 84%

  7. Ok thanks Ryan S.

  8. Will someone please post the vocab words and defition for me on the blog? I missed a lot of them. Makela said she would e-mail them to me, but just in case please post them. Thanks!

    - Mary Grace

  9. hey everyone...i was wondering if we had to know if we had to know the capitals for the test?hope you can answer.
    MC Beecy

  10. MG-

    I will if i have time i am pretty sure i will, but just in case i don't you might want to depend on Makela...

    ~Sarah Neely

  11. MC:

    Yes, we do have to know all the capitals for all the states in the SOUTHEAST region ONLY...

    ~Sarah Neely

  12. Do we have to know were all states and capitals are on a map. I went home sick so I missed that.

  13. Thanks Sarah. If you have time, please post them.

    - M.G.

  14. Abbie/MC

    Yes -states and capitals and where they are on the map.

    MG - I have anoter list of all the vocab words i can give to you tomorrow.

    Just an idea needed for the narrative... think about all the sensory writing we have done. Try to select an idea that makes it easier for you to incorpate these techniques.

    Consolidation test complusory for those scoring les tha 85% is unlikely there is a typo on the test... read the question carefully

    EVerybody... some of the sensory language you wrote today was amazing...Can you believe one grop even described 'Whoville' !

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. we have to do two pages for homework...or just one...also is this a good idia for my narritive...the time i busted my lip and almost broke my chin. I also was wondering if we were going to use sensory pronouns...I also found a great tool on sensory language mr.buxton...I will show it to you tomarrow. Abbie-we only have to think of the idia...i think. get well soon. We will miss you tomarrow.
    ps-isn't the bump-up grade test do tomarrow?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.