
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Grammar Questions

Feel free to post any questions you may have about Thursday's test. You should have been given a sheet to practice the types of questions on the test today. If  you can do those, the test will be a piece of cake...

We will finish Charlotte Doyle tomorrow. There's still a few twists left in the book!

Of course, the MLK speech was cancelled. The only H/W your have left is using the worksheets and blog to practice for the test.

Only 2 days of excellence left...It's actually quite sad to think it's almost over..  Didn't time fly!


  1. The World Cup of Lower School
    By: Ansley Cowan
    “A champion is someone who does not settle for that day’s practice, that day’s competition, that day’s performance. They are always striving to be better.” –Briana Scurry

    A sphere of black and white hexagons thumps into a string netting goal as the ear piercing whistle blows signaling the end of a victorious game. Triumphant smiles fade as the referee states that the scorer was off sides; therefore, the goal didn’t count leaving the soccer World Cup championship going into overtime. For such a variety of reasons, my Charlotte Latin Lower School journey has been like this soccer game in the regard that it is made up with certain rules, but if students play by the rules then there will most likely be success in the end. Various projects throughout lower school slowly become more advanced similar to the pattern of the increasingly complex soccer plays. Alternatively, strong friendships that are formed throughout lower school are as important to possess as dependable teammates on the soccer field. Finally, the diverse emotions over these past seven years are as different as the various positions on the field. While the ref is deciding on the penalty, I’ll explain how the various plays, teammates, and positions on the soccer field come together to create a successful win.

    this is my intro...4 mr. b

  2. here's my first p2

    Chunks of green grass soar into the blue sky as sharp cleats firmly grip onto the tough ground. The easiest part about scoring a goal is making up the play. The hardest part is putting that play into action. Over the years of participating on a soccer team, the skills and techniques that I learned gradually became harder, more complicated, and more advanced. This resembles the progression of difficulty across several of my projects at Latin. During my kindergarten year at Latin and on the 100th day of school, each student was required to count out and bring in 100 of a certain item of their choice. After very carefully counting and packaging 100 chocolate chips, I was disappointed to discover multiple half melted morsels in my book bag the next day at school. Three years later in third grade, another assignment was thrown at Mrs. Russell’s class to create a city or town using map legends and a compass rose. In addition to these guidelines, we were expected to use a variety of materials and add different streets and buildings to fit the name of the town. My city map of Goofyville was a success. Scrambling around to find old pictures and mementos from baby moments through 4th grade indicated another step towards more complicated school work. The name of this activity, The Jeans Project, came from the idea of representing your life on a pair of blue jeans with memorabilia. From hot glue strings dangling on my hands, to searching through cardboard boxes labeled “Ansley’s Baby Items”, the jeans project was an intriguing yet challenging activity. Like a soccer player facing tougher opponents, my ability to work independently and manage my time have developed over the process of completing these ever increasingly more demanding tasks.

  3. here's my 2nd p2

    Teammates never leave one another behind. That’s what is so powerful about strong friendships, for true friends always have each other’s backs. Clumps of mulch suffered under the weight of New Balance shoes. Recess after recess was spent practicing and dancing over and over again before the day of the tryouts for my 5th grade May Day Play Day talent show. The joyful, energetic spirit of the song Kung Fu Fighting engulfed Juliana Vorhoff, Abigail Wedding, Paige Davis, and me, especially the day before the audition. However, on that Sunday night before the tryouts, a phone call from Paige was picked up on the receiver. “Ansley, I’m so sorry, but I’m too nervous to perform Kung Fu Fighting. I don’t want to hurt your feelings. I’m extremely sorry. I really am.” Paige nervously stated. After words of assurance left my mouth and the phone clicked off, I realized how brave Paige was to call some of her really close friends to tell them that she didn’t feel comfortable continuing the performance. The next day during morning recess, Abigail, Juliana, and I made some changes to the four person parts of the dance, and we went with the flow and progressed. On the day of May Day Play Day, even though Paige’s glittering smile wasn’t bobbing up and down beside us, we were touched by the friendly support of her sitting on the front row cheering us on. As you can see, a true friend doesn’t let go of a friendship just because of one situation. A real friend sticks with that person through thick and thin just as teammates don’t give up on each other because of one handball that leads to a goal.

  4. here's the 3rd p2

    From great saves by the goalie, to endless praise on terrific passes, and sad defenseman when the ball rolls by them and into the net, my emotions over these marvelous seven years are as varied as the feelings of different positions. Just in the same way that the goalie is filled with excitement when they make a fantastic save, I am excited during every summer to discover which teacher I will have the coming fall, winter, and spring. Additionally, I was truly honored to be chosen by Mr. Buxton to recite my paper today. Even though I needed to rewrite my paper over and over again to perfect this speech, there is still a tremendous amount of pride bubbling inside me. Finally, longing to spend one more day in a specific classroom and a sad feeling on the last day of school overcomes me each year, so far from TK-5th grade. Players in each position have different feelings for each thing that they do similar to the way that my emotions vary depending on the circumstances.

  5. Mr. Buxton
    We didn't get a sheet so what should we do?

  6. here's my conclusion

    Now that the penalty has been decided, the players break up their huddles to continue the game. Charlotte Latin School truly is a World Cup championship game. Diverse techniques, such as how to use a compass rose for the Map Project and reinforcing counting out 100 items at Kindergarten level, can be practiced throughout a soccer player’s career. Alternatively, true friends will take the situation and make the best of it instead of putting another person down like the way that dependable teammates can count on each other to work with the passes or shots that other players give them. Emotions from various positions on the field differ just as my emotions have been very diverse such as sadness from leaving school to an excited feelings to find out who I will have as a teacher for the coming year. To paraphrase the words of Briana Scurry, over these multiple years, I have discovered that I, along with many others, am a true champion, for I continue to strive for excellence.

  7. i guess we just wait till tomorrow


  8. For grammar the review was on the back of the last homework sheet.

  9. For grammar the review was on the back of the last homework sheet.

  10. juliana...i thought that there were only the topics on the back of the homework sheet


  11. Ansley I like the quote very inspiring. I also like how you used figuative language during almost all of it. Is your 3rd P2 emotions because I had a little trouble figuring that out. Also p2s were projects emotions and friends.

  12. Hey eyeryone!
    Can anyone tell me what P.E.X is? Thanks! Please respond ASAP!

  13. Oh are u going to put an ending hook because IDK if u r or not. If so do something different than scoring because it won't be unique. My suggestion would be stopping a shot or stealing a pass to a teammate to win the game.

  14. thats to ansley my last comment

  15. im with Catie

    help... and will someone really quick remind me what irregular berbs are...appositives and coordinating and subordinating conjunctions......................



  16. and its open book right??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  17. flynn, irregular verbs are like "do" and regular verbs are like "playing"

  18. yes's open book



  19. thnx:):):):)

    what about the P.E.X.

  20. What's a fused and comma splice again?


  21. hay guys so is it open book!!!????

  22. ansley that's what i just said

  23. mr buxton says we don't need to know pex because we didn't learn it

  24. Mr. Buxton

    Will we see our test tomorrow in class? and can we switch seats tomorrow like you said we could earlier in the month???

  25. Elizabeth ... yes and yes..

    PEX not on the test
    I will give you the review test questions tomorrow in class for practice. (saves you having to do any h/w!). Use blog exerciss for practice in the meantime

    surbordinatig conjunctions
    used with complex sentences(yellow card on your desk)e.g. since, while, Because etc

    Coordinating conjunctions- FANBOYS

    You can find out appositives, a techique to include non-essential infortion in a sentence, by yourself...!

    Almost all of the test is multiple it about usig good test technique

    iwould tell you want fused means however i forgot to bring my puctuation with e so youwillhave to work that out yourself.

    Comma splices are easy, i like comma splices, i just get carried away with my sentences, I tend to use them alot, does this answer your question?

    Advice to everbody...
    Review fragments and run-ons and comma rules as they come up alot

    Don't blow the comparative and superlatives of common adjectives
    e.g. bad, good, thin, expensive etc...

    Great feedback David on the A. paper.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Thanks mr b

    what is possessive

    asap + afap

  28. Ansley- begin practicing reading outloud your first page. we will
    work on it tomorrow. decide which
    words to exagerate and where you will pause. What aspects of body language will you use and when...Giving your speech is like a acting in a play... know when to smile, when to sigh, when to giggle and when to cry...(metaphorically speaking!)

    The quote is perfect... i might use that next year :-)

    david was right about the third p3... do you just touch one emotion or do you give specific examples of a concrete situations when other emotions have surfaced?

  29. cpac
    common boy
    roper Peter
    abstract kindness
    collective flock of sheep


    the boy's bike -sing.
    the boys' bikes - plural.

  30. thanks Mr. buxton that was really helpful!


  31. Mr. B,

    Will you give us some sheets that we are missing????

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. i know it isn't on the test, but what is P.E.X?

  34. well then why do we have to know it

  35. handy...i think it's Projection, Eye contact, and eXaggeration...but i'm not positive.


  36. UUUUMMMMM...........

    can someone please tell me what prepositions are?????

  37. and we never learned




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