
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Memories Papers

Feel free to post paragraphs from your Memories papers for comment.


  1. Mr. Buxton- Is this a decent introduction...?

    Brown, mud stains tarnished a woman’s light blue, ripped jeans as she deliberately squats down next to her newly bloomed pink dahlias. She smiles widely as the camera flashes as quick as lighting, a man hauling a Nikon, bulky camera on his slumped shoulder. As the yellow, comforting Sun rises in the distance, she grabs her mug holding hot tea to find that her picture sat in the bottom corner of the fifth page in the Charlotte, local newspaper. The headline read,” Woman’s leisure pursuit of non-withered, lush flowers.” My Charlotte Latin Lower School evolution started out as a small flower bud, and it has grown into a thriving, first, pink layer of a gorgeous dahlia.

  2. I love that!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. By: Maggie Cashion

    “If you cut to many corners, you will go around in circles.”
    - Russell Buxton

    The gymnast does back-hip circles and jumps to the higher bar of the two parallel. The girl with light brown hair in a dark green leotard flips and finishes. Not only are there bars but also this petite girl hops the balance beam calmly to be sure of not falling off. When one falls off, one really has to strive for excellence to get back on track. Lastly, this gymnast rapidly sprints on the muggy blue carpet to the vault. My experience at CLS is very similar to a gymnast in a meet because when one is on the parallel bars it is like jumping up to the higher grades. Alternatively, when you’re on a beam you’ve really got to balance out your work and try not to fall hard. Lastly, at the end of the year like a meet to succeed striving for excellence is the key.

  4. FIRST P2

    Hurriedly, I sprint down the runway, hurdle, and pounce to the vault. The clash of the paper and clicks and clacks of the computer slowly coming at ease signaling the end of a one month journey. Our state reports were used to show us how to do research papers along with descriptive writing. The yellow sticky notes crammed with facts smacked the paper filling up the columns. I constantly stood eagerly by Mr. Buxton’s desk as his green felt pen marked rapidly on my draft. Finally, the flawless 9 pieces of paper with fresh black ink shot out of the printer. I gazed at them for no longer than ten seconds and heaved a sigh of gladness. Additionally, what used to be an empty graph quickly flipped to a rainbow of stickers; however, there were still two rows left. The cutting and gluing had just transpired. I slipped my Fruit-Loops box (aka cardboard) over my head with a sense of accomplishment. I was privileged to present Michigan, home of the Kellogg’s; therefore, I was “Kelly the Kellogg box.” The living wax meuseum was when we dressed up in simple costumes and presented an entertaining speech. Furthermore, we acted as the people in our costumes. My 3-d model consisted of the Tahquemenon Falls. Did you know that the Tahquemenon Falls are great for hiking, fishing, camping, etc.? My model balanced on the table next to me as I gave my perky speech. Eyebrows raised and faces dropped when people’s eyes sat on the ideal work. From my experiences, it is quite embarrassing presenting it, but when I finished a gigantic smirk crossed my face as my chin gently touched my shoulder. As I was dropping my props and note cards into a diminutive box, I came to the conclusion that this essentially remained to be the end of a difficult, enjoyable, and surprising one month journey.

  5. SECOND P2

    I gaze with confusion at the gymnast who has fallen off the beam and appears not to be getting back up. Do you ever feel like someone has just laughed their was to your embarrassment? You’re not the only one. Relaxing in my blue chair of Mr. Gutmann’s classroom, Mrs. Barr initiated a conversation with my class. My attention span was as small as a peanut. My boredom overflowed; therefore, I began to be flippant with my nametag. The smooth metal clip at the top clasped my tooth. Little did I know that it pulled out a filling. The white speck dove hastily to the ground. The hillbilly look expressed my appearance. Confidently, I strolled down the hallway while examining all of the chuckles and chortles that ran my way. I stuttered tilting my head with loss of nerve. Scampering to the bathroom, my eye persistently glimpsed from side to side observing the laughter. My cheeks rose up and transformed into a scarlet while scurrying even swifter. Immediately, I smirked and glanced at the reflection in the mirror. I started to breathe heavily quicker and quicker. My mouth seals and locks. The minutes throughout the day felt as slow as an hour. When the clock hit 3:10, I was the first one out the door and running to the bus.

  6. THIRD P2

    My falling moment occurred, but now, I just have to get right back up the beam. From the foggy, misty morning when I gulped and shivered, to this bright, sunny May as I step out of my comfort zone, countless ideal points have progressed through my Lower School years. I have grown from the petite five year old of 2004 in a little cupcake shirt trembling with fear to step foot on the bus to a grown, striving 5th grader graduating with my head over-flowing. After I had been constantly pushed into the classroom, I finally strolled in with rosy cheeks. Happily and kindly, a giant friendly smile reflected on my eyes, a smile from Mrs. Austin; however, now, the face of my teacher belongs to Mr. Buxton. I jumped up to the higher parallel bar landing in 5th grade. The instant Mr. Buxton began to speak, was the instant confusion permeated the classroom. When I was in first grade I wrote a book about butterflies, but now I have the ability to write an advanced book about “Our World” or “The Creative Ways Mr. Buxton got me through this year.” Alternatively, the clock begins to tick rapidly as the numbers smack the paper. A sigh of relief crosses the room while the ticking stops leisurely. The 2+2 addition flips to the 287.8 divided by 72.4 division. Moreover, the sloppy print switches to the beautiful penmanship written cursive. The 4 textbooks constantly flip open “swoosh swoosh.” from the quadrilaterals, to the Civil War, and mandible. Lastly, the S.S.S and G.R.A.A.B. techniques swarm the paper while time and time again the yellow marker over writes the words.


    The silver medal slides over my head as I raise my fist high and smile. The “click” of the camera flashes. Naturally, the crowd proceeds out the door ending my accomplished meet. The state report was very difficult because each one of us had our own states which lead us to our own research. Additionally, I used websites like Britannica, and I commonly relied on World Books. Alternatively, if you ever experience an outrageous embarrassing moment, be sure you realize it right away! From Mrs. Austin’s warming smile, to Mrs. Ashcraft’s delicious Hershey kisses, and Mr. Gutmann’s Huggies and Pampers, Lower School was a fantastic experiment that will go down in my legendary history.


  9. couple of sentence mistakes .. in passage... ideas not completed...
    "a man hauling a Nikon, bulky camera on his slumped shoulder."

    camera camera


    tiltle of article is a mouthful

    started out so similar to...

    it's deep..but fascinating...:)

  10. “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss.

    A pink piece fits together with a purple one, creating a beautiful sunset over the beach. Smiles are cast over excited faces like the sunset, but later on they disappear as the last piece is missing. Charlotte Latin Lower School is like this puzzle, and so is learning. A missing piece will be cast over your head, but as you struggle through it, you’ll discover the missing piece is just under your chair, and with the help of a teacher, the missing piece will be in your hand. When putting a puzzle together, some parts will be ignored, but at Latin, learning takes a stretch away from the classroom. But when you find a piece that does match, you’ll want to hold on forever. Friends are like puzzle pieces – sometimes they fit together, and other times they won’t. But when a special puzzle piece is found, hold on forever. Our Lower School memories have made up our time at Latin like a complete puzzle.

    That is my introduction. Is it okay/decent/presentable?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Is it bad to only have 3 P2's but there kinda long.


  13. Stepping Stones
    By Abigail Wedding
    “Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
    -Winston Churchill

    As the Wedding family hops in their black Sequoia, they head to wonderful Disney World. Disney World’s a special place because of the happiness that is greatest of being with beaming characters, form childhood movies throughout Magic Kingdom and other parks. Both Latin and Disney World are alike in numerous ways with unique characters that bring so much laughter. Friendship is an adventure that everyone experiences. Learning different sentence constructions from Mr. Buxton will help me in various cases. Furthermore, TK was a big change for me because I learned how to make more friends even though I was shy. Now let’s take a stroll down memory drive as we head to Disney World.
    Not only is friendship a way of becoming a better person, but also teachers teach you ways of being a enhance friend. My curly dirty blonde hair swings before my eyes, as Paige flips her hair pretending to be like me. Our mouths open wide with sound drifting out. The friends I made throughout my CLS experiences and my teachers have helped me to know the real me. Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Rinehart, Mrs. Turner, and Mr. Buxton have all made me make new friends over the last 7 years. Friendship means being friends with people who are trust worthy, nice, and care about the other people. Teachers help because they make sure your not being mean or don’t know how to act From laughter of friends, to Mr. Edwards dancing, and Paige’s milk coming out of her nose, the lunch is a place you where you can make new friends. . I love my friends for they’re promising, sweet as gold hearts that make sure I am ok when I feel down such as when I gave away my dog and if a bad grade comes up.

    Please feel free to give comments. I defintly need it.


  14. mg you used a few to many " you "

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The First Sail
    By Robert Fuller
    “A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor”
    The decrepit, old, Polish boat departs from the beautiful Utska harbor as darkness falls over the water. Every noise and clutter of the marina sings and plays an optimistic melody to mark the commencement of a vital voyage. Imagine a hopeful immigrant step onto a massive, three-mast vessel after picturing a nervous, naïve, minute kindergartener join a noisy, cluttered classroom. An immigrant needs courage, perseverance, and a positive attitude to excel in a fresh land. A Charlotte Latin Lower Schooler requires the same to progress through the years. Each individual necessitates the wisdom to leave their pasts behind. Neither knowing what may become of them, both evaluating the tough passage ahead, and each accompanied by swarms of others combine to present them heaps in common. Moving through the Charlotte Latin Lower School appears loads like crossing an ocean if one peers at it close enough. What activities will they enjoy aboard their crossing? Where might the two of them go? What are they going to learn? Read on to observe their incredible journeys.

  17. From marvelous afternoons in PE, to Riverbanks Zoo, my favorite field trip, and the priceless life lessons learned throughout my time in the CLS Lower School, this sail couldn’t have been bumpier. However, I made it and enjoyed most of my trip. Although I became infinitely wiser on material subjects such as math or reading, I also learned deeper, more valuable skills that will stay with me forever in the Lower School. I discovered titanic information concerning rocks, yet honesty and leadership shall prove more useful. Not only can I tell you all about countless Civil War battles, but respect now comes just as easily. Straining over a wrinkled paper, looking into the future, and managing my time wisely merged to lead me through every year at CLS and kept my ship afloat.

  18. Riverbanks Zoo, a field trip destination for 3rd graders, topped all other expeditions immensely. The magnificent Charter America bus began the day by pulling into a rough, gravel parking lot while the buzz of tourists permeated the air like bees swarming honey. Furthermore, all groupings and assigned companions huddled together. Around me stood Will Gardner, Gillie McBryde, Isabelle Sumichrast, William Finke, Juliet Isaacs, and Mrs. Finke, our chaperone, frenzied and ready to go.
    “Let’s see the sea lion!” I roared.
    “No, giraffes!” Will responded.
    Before long, the air filled with a maelstrom of screams about which animal to observe first. “Warthog!”
    “Bear!” The 3rd graders headed off after touring the entire zoo, snapping photo after photo often fearfully. All in all, the field trip to Riverbanks Zoo transpired to created a day of bliss.

  19. PE crowned three days every week, and I regarded the class as 45 minutes of guaranteed excitement. Soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, and flag football teamed up to offer an enjoyable break from classroom stress. Lower Schoolers didn’t play basketball or golf, but volleyball, baseball, Indian Ball, and swimming will remain favorites forever. I’ll never forget the stress of trying to reach presidential in every single category for fitness.

  20. As this remarkable travel comes to a close, I think back on all memories of mine. All the overly competitive Indian Ball games in PE seem like yesterday because of the amazing escape it provided, and always will. The happy sailing at Riverbanks Zoo provides me with a memoir of my passage. Valuable life lessons such as foresight and leadership have been lapped together like the waves at sea. To agree with the anonymous quote, the sea of Charlotte Latin Lower School hasn’t always been smooth, but now I emerge as a skillful sailor. The immigrants disembark onto America, ardent to begin an up-to-the-minute ride in their new nation while the child, now finished with 5th grade, comes ashore to prepare for Middle School at CLS.

  21. All those by me together make my essay. Please give criticism dont just say its good. If anyone knows a good PE coach quote please tell me (Im looking at you Ensor). Thanks and please comment. MR FULLER

  22. robert the upper half of your conclusion has a lot of week verbs example happy, amazing, thin

  23. Thanks Sabrina.

    Robert, nice C.D. vocab.

    I guess a P.E. quote would be "When in doubt, take yourself out."
    They say that all the time.

    - M.G.

  24. As the final puzzle piece clicks into place, the children crowding around lean back, a sigh permeating the air. Charlotte Latin shows, like a puzzle, its sole way of coming together to form a beautiful picture. Learning is the color on the once-bland puzzle piece, and different ways to paint the piece are important to our lives here at Charlotte Latin. Some pieces can stand alone as corners, but most of them need another piece to lean on, just like we do with friends. The puzzle will crumble without others to support them. And a lone puzzle piece left out could be the one piece that could change the puzzles outcome. To smile, not cry is like school. Don’t cry because the good times have gone. Smile because you had a good time, and there will be more ahead. But if you believe you know everything, you probably haven’t even made a dent in the world yet.

  25. That is my conclusion. Please give good feedback, not just
    That is good.
    please. thanks.


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