
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Capitalism Video from Today

Enjoy today's class video again. This is a very important topic. You will be learning so much more about this topic as you  grow older! Any thoughts or comments?

Change to Tuesday's H/W

Write four compound sentences and four complex sentences using your entrepeneur facts (8 sentences in total)


  1. would in addion of also be good for a complex sentence acting as a suborinating conjuction

  2. witch one is a subordinating cunjution in addion or also

  3. i really liked this topic very fun the stories are great!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I understand what you are saying... but I think nither of them are.
    and what ss techniques

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. he changed the homework sophie not ss techniques just write 4 compound and 4 complex sentences about ur entrepunuer

  7. while is a subordinating conjuntion

  8. ur welcome while is a subordinating conjuntion check ur packet

  9. I am pretty sure the packet can tell you.

  10. Mr. Buxton,
    Thank you so much for explaining the free entriprise system. I thought it was so interesting.

    But in the video it said that comunism(or is it socialism) is based around the fact that everybody gets the same amount of money? And if so, dosn't that means that the people who work harder still make the same amount of money as someone who doesn't work nearly as hard?

  11. Capitalism is a great idea. It gives people freedom to price and sell their inventions at their own will. It is a superb idea, but it can also get out of hand. After watching the video, we learn that people can take advantage of this system of making money, and become greedy and squeeze a lot of work out of their laborers, and pay them shabbily. New laws have been made, that protect laborers and workers from being abused by the people who own the business.
    Capitalism works, but only if people are kept under check.

  12. Shaw - That's exactly the problem. With a communist system, there is no motivation to better oneself as people cannot own businesses and even if they work hard, they will receive the same as the ones that don't. When I was in Cuba, I quickly realized that it was really a mini-capitalist society, everybody was trying to earn a little extra money helping tourists with this and that. Ultimately, human beings by nature are competitive. Therefore, communism goes against human nature. One aspect that you notice in all communist societies, the leaders live far better than the workers.' You should read a fabulous book called Animal Farm by George Orwell. It really puts this whole theory into perspective.

  13. Do we write our sentences in our day book?


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