
Friday, September 17, 2010

Evaluating - Review

Thinking about evaluating: Read below to help reinforce today’s session

An 'Evaluation' is an opinion about a piece of writing. It is not a summary of a story.

How do you develop an opinion?

Pretend you are a food critics who have been asked to evaluate a restaurant. What will you be looking for to make a decision about whether or not the restaurant is a good one??

Think about CRITERIA (categories)

Service; Tasty Food; Cleanliness of place; Popular or not; Variety of food; Price to value; Looks like; smells; appearance of store; Healthy food?

Next, you prioritize your categories! What is the most important category to make your final decision about the restaurant?

Once you have categories to think about your opinion, you can back up your opinion with Proof—proper nouns, “quotes”, facts, numbers, dates, names, vocab. Take notes about the Details! Such as Service: The waiter brought us snails when we ordered shrimp. Waiter was rude—he did not seem interested in us at all. He was grumpy. Cleanliness: Roach in the booth. Gum under the table. Hair in the food.

Don’t forget your opening hook and topic sentence. You are on your way to evaluating!


  1. Should we do the engaging opening on the power plan?

  2. Yes Beck, we do the engaging opening on the work.

  3. Yes Beck, we do the engaging opening on the work.

  4. Hi Juli. I miss your big smiles. Hope you are loving 6th grade. Are you still 'applying' what you learned in 5th?

  5. I am trying though sometimes I forget but i still have my notes and handouts. And ALL my GOLDEN sheets.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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