
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Showing Not Telling - Day 4

By Sophie H and Colin
As the bug parks next ot my lake, my best friend and I hop in to the icy water. When we come up, my friend's hair shnes like gold in the evening light. With laughter pouring out of our smiling faces, we splash each other with water. Frantically, we stumble to the house. A few hours later with droopy eyes we can tell that, " we were gonna be friends"

By Thomas and Martha Wright (15/20)
Butterflies fill my stomach as I step outside the Audi Q7.  The cool breeze blowing in my face makes goose pimples crawl up my back.  I walk up the hard wooden steps and enter through the squeaky door and enter through the old rusted cabin.  Ten year old girls sawrmed the cabin like ants atacking a cricket.  One small girl was siting in a corner.  I slowed walked over to her and diligently asked her what her name was.  Her quiet response was, " Sarah."  I asked her if she wanted to got to the lake.  She quicklyresponde, "sure."  As we jumped into the icy cold water I soon realized that we were going to  be friends.

  • Day 4 Results- to come. Buxton class did not finish Day 4 yet.
  • Only H/W for next week will be narrative final draft on Tuesday. We will continue working on these narratives Monday. Feel free to upload your narratives ove the w/end for comment if you would like to. THERE IS NO H/W sheet.
  • Results of Author's Luncheon Comptetion will be given Monday.  Thank you to all those who entered.
  • My class -Remember spelling test will be Monday.
  • After Thanksgiving, you will have a two day workshop with a professional author. Over these two days, you will write a personal narrative related  to your own life. Be thinking of the topic you want to write about. It can be anything at all from your life. The event must be true. You must have a clear topic for the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Enjoy the weekened.


  1. Mr.Buxton how many people in are class entered the author contest?

  2. Mr. Buxton- it is Nick. do you remember in class when we weren't sure about the correct spelling for towers as in the one who puls a vehicle? Well, the correct spelling is towers.- Nick :)

  3. Hi everybody does this narrative sound okay?or is it to short?i had another paragraph but took out~“He could of added fortune to fame but caring for neither he found happiness and honor in being helpful to the work.”-Anyomous.

    Born in 1861 in Diamond Grove, my early life was tough. Growing up, my mother was captured, and I was adopted. At about age 15, life was my responsibility and I headed off to a farm filled with lime green grass. At the time I never knew I would end up as the scientist of the century it all started very few months after moving in.

    June 5, 1904, Iowa

    On a blazing hot day going out to care for my crops my cotton had stopped growing, and my nutrients were running out. Fluffy cotton soaked up all nutrients,and now none were left. Standing above the soil was like a million spikes beneath my feet. At the very moment I realized saving crops was up to me. “God gave ideas to me and it was my turn to sell them” that evening I looked at scientific theories my lab. I set myself to a challenge that night of figuring out a crop that would bring up nutrients up in prairies. Brown crunchy peanuts were the idea I had, from these peanuts, legumes, nutrients could build up soil as cotton has never attempted. Growing peanuts would be hard work, but I started so early in the morning it was pitch black. As I was planting peanuts I got looks as if I was a criminal in the land of farming. Steps thud past when i soon realize the only way people will grow peanuts is if i thought out of the box and found a way to use them.

    October 9,1904, Iowa

    Ding! Dong! The clock strikes as the sun is gone after long hours of work and many weeks I have 300 ways to use peanuts. Today was it; today was the day I scientifically proved my therioes to families owning farms. From my planting peanuts a few weeks earlier, bold brilliant peanuts had grown and grown darkening the soil each restraining day. Quite soon smashing, snapping, swishing peanuts fill my kitchen with 300 meals contained on a table. Tasting my meals bite after bite I realized I had done it, I had the power, compassion and patience to save soil and farms. Telling everyone what I had done, farms were soon saved, and so was I. Later on in my life after saving each farm I thought of more than 100 ways to make to use potatoes, soybeans, and 75 ways for pecans. No one believed in me, no one thought I could do it, but I did. After living a victorious life, I died on January 5th, 1945 in Tuskegee, Alaska where I belonged; home.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Bekah, it is great good description and it isn't to short

  6. Bekah, instead of telling everyone the date, you could say, "A few months later" or something like that.-Nick

  7. Bekah, you might want to say who your ffamouse person was

  8. ya i did do that but Mr. Buxton said i didnt have to

  9. Bekah, all in all, you're writing was fantastic.

  10. is tomorrow a blue and white day for the turkey trot???

  11. are the spelling words on spelling city?

  12. Yes Janie its CLS Content Lesson 4 (i think but i know its lesson 4)

  13. we don't have a spelling list this week, i think and last week was content lesson four

  14. and it would be content lesson (what ever it is) cls

  15. well G.G we have r test on monday


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.