
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Subjects and Predicates - RECAP

Watch these videos to review today's lesson on Subjects and Predicates

This video is  an IMPORTANT simple recap on compound subjects and predicates

Try these online exercises for further practice.
Subjects and Predicates Test will be  Fri. Nov 19th


  1. Mr. Buxton, I can understand predicates, but I have a hard time trying to make them.

  2. write a subject...
    the car
    then write a verb

    then write another verb with and, but, or..
    and burned

    then put them into one sentence

    First time you picked up a baseball.. could you throw it well?...In he same way, it will take practice TRYING to use them

  3. Simple Predicate- Gauruv played basketball
    "played" is the simple predicate.

    Complete- Mr. Buxton taught us how to differentiate subjects from predicates.
    "taught us how to differentiate subjects from predicates
    is the complete predicate

    Compound- Robin ate breakfast and played basketball.
    "ate breakfast and played basketball"

    Complete Compound- Gauruv studied diligently, and then voraciously ate his lunch.



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