
Saturday, January 1, 2011

H/W Sheet Week 8 2011

Click on link above for your H/W sheet.

For the new year, I've redesigned the blog a little. Do you like it?

We will hit the ground running. Be prepared to learn more than you thought you ever could. Coming in the first couple of months of 2011:
  • Poetry Recitals and Poetry Party
  • Grammar Review of 1st trimeter
  • GRAAB(s) - Advanced non-fiction writing techniques
  • Midwest Region test
  • The Regions -Inquiry based research learning
  • 50 States and Capitals test
  • The State Report


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mr. Buxton,
    Really like the blog, one question though. When Will are test on everything we have learned so far happen?
    Also, i found a really good quote which is similar to what my mom says. "If the Charector of a man is unclear to you, look at his friend"- Japanese Proverb

  4. Oh Mr. Buxton i found a good quote "you cant cross the ocean by just staring at it"~anonymous oh and will we get are character sketches back tomorrow?

  5. is the typed midwest poem due tomorrow

  6. mr buxton this is takiya I wasn't here today my stomach felt bad. Im tring to get some homework done so what is the cover for?The new blog is great!

  7. and if anyone knows what is the home work for ms graham?

  8. and does anyone know the science homework if have any???????????????

  9. the cover is for your poem book

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.