
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making Judgments

Here is another look at today's video on making judgments. How will you learn from the innocent mistakes of these children?  How will you judge in the future?

 Comments welcome on any aspect of today's session.


  1. I think that this whole world should not judge people based on appearances because some people that might not look right doesn't mean they aren't a good person.
    Kennedy Fertitta

  2. Mr. Buxton, do you want us to paraphrase the rules for commas on the H/W tonight?
    Kennedy Fertitta

  3. On the website there are only 5 different uses for commas including the comma in a compound/complex sentence

  4. Catie, i just did everyone of the comma uses on the web site, but I see what you mean

  5. Dont worry Catie, i think its fine i had 1 blank to.

  6. I finally figured out this intire blogging thing! When my mom helped me do it the first time, I didn't really know my password, so my mom needed to type it in before I could post. Now, I don't really even have to type in my password, but that might just be because I just re-signed up. YYYAAAYYY!!!!:)

  7. to clarify:
    our homework is to,
    -math pages
    -finish science project
    -comma usage mine web
    please tell me if i forgot anything

  8. on my last comment meant 'mind' not 'mine'

  9. Where is the comma thing? on the right?/:I

  10. It is at the bottom of the right side where all the links are. It is called Comma usage self study guide

  11. yes Andrew, right above spelling city

  12. thank you Kennedy and Bekah. I just left it blank.

  13. Thank you SSSSOOOOO much Katie! I would've died. :)

  14. Sorry Wyatt, when I looked the first time, right before I posted, Katie's was the only one there. :)

  15. Are the old,old man cordinate adj?

  16. Does anybody know if we have any homework besides the "USES OF COMMAS—MIND MAP?"

  17. and the studying for the vocab. and math test and the science project?

  18. are the rules that we copy down the words that are bolded and say rule in front of them? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. The math test is on Thursday Nick.
    Are we going to read over the comma page tomorrow.

  20. Thomas- yu have to decide that for yourself

    6th space on comma sheet? - this one is designed to make you thgink. What could that 6th space be...clue... he answers are out there!

    old, old - by definition - yes... but really they should be different adjectives to be coordinate.

    I'm starting to feel really proud of you guys... I think we've leaned to think...

  21. Thank you sooo much mr. buxton, your a life saver!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Mr.Buxton I found a link for use of commas.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I found it mr. Buxton!!! thank you again.

  25. Mr Buxton, there are only 5 categories on the blog, and 1 of them is already on the paper!

  26. on the mind web does it mean compound+complex[one sentence]or compound complex[two different kind of sentences]

  27. Many people have pre-conceived ideas about this. I think that it definitely applies to the kids in the video. Usually,when kids hear bad things on the news, and then hear their parents talk about it, they may make up their mind about which race is good, and which one isn't. For example, if a kid hears something bad about a person from a race, they might get the idea that the entire race is bad, even the innocent people. Then they think that they can't associate with certain people, because they judge them as bad without having any idea of who they really are. We as humans need to be open minded and realize that good and bad people are all across the human race no matter what color, race, religion or country you belong to. That's why Mr. Buxton said NOT to judge people by APPEARANCE!!!!!!!!

  28. i agree with you Gauruv!Beck that was my question too. The answers are out there!!

  29. Wyatt,
    I think that it means both. In a compound before the conjunctin in the sentence and before the independent clause if the dependent clause comes first in a complex sentence.

  30. For the comma thing, do you have to do the "Post Test"? :)

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. and adit the vocab. test is next week

  33. on the comma thingy, it has the compound category, THEN on the MIND MAP, it has compound AND complex. now what??????

  34. UGH! Someone help i dont know what to put in the 6th blank!!!!! HELP! i read mr. b's comment but i cant find it out THERE

  35. Thanks Catie, i found it out earlier!

  36. what's the comma usage mind web?

    i wasn't here for a couple of days

  37. oh i get it!

    ps. i found the answer for the sixth one! lol!:)


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.