
Thursday, January 6, 2011


Click the link below for an excellent resource for finding synonyms and related words and ideas for your poems. This site can be used  for any form of writing, but it is very useful for your poems. I will put a permanent link on the right side of the blog for future use. Just type in any word you are looking for alternatives or synonyms or related ideas and see what appears!

Don't forget to be thinking of your classic poem for next week's recitations. If you are unsure what is meant be 'classical' poetry, you should ask me first before memorizing your poem. An inappropriate choice will negatively affect your grade.

Enjoy's Bekah's and Will H's zoobursts. Notice how she used her own photos in her creation, and he used his own voice and sound effects. +2.  Well done!


  1. should i keep the third stansa or get rid of it help!!!

    Darkness creeps across the sky
    Bird’s song is becoming undone
    Bading the light good buy
    The Witching hour has begun

    Tiptoeing through the shadowy halls
    Starring at every inch that I see
    Scary pictures on the walls
    Hands shaking, wishing I wasn’t me

    Trees sway in the breeze
    Looking hopefully for the sun’s beam
    Giving myself a tight squeeze
    Wishing this all was a dream

    Chattering noises fill my ears
    Picking up speed I see,
    My comfy bed start to appear
    Reaching my bed, I finally feel free

  2. can some one proof read mine '

    “The Truth Hurts but it Sets You Free”

    Your friend trips and gets hit with a dodge ball,

    she takes her self out

    As she slowly walked off the court

    her head is high and a smile is on her face

    “the truth hurts but it sets you free”

    The football fans were silent

    As the ball soars like an eagle

    The wide receiver is sprinting down the field

    as he catches the game winning pass

    The crowd roars, as the player tells the ref

    that his foot was out of bounds No touch down

    Two strokes away from victory

    with the pen in sight

    The golfer accidentally taps the ball without the ref seeing

    after he finishes the hole he admits what he did,

    victory slips out of his hands

    ‘’the truth hurts but it sets you free’’

  3. lauren i think you should keep thethird line

  4. Will i really like your title and how you repeated it. also you poem is great.

  5. Um, Lauren its okay and u should keep the third stanza ,but it doesnt make since your last line saying free.

  6. bekah,
    what I ment by i finally feel free is that I am relieved from the darkness

  7. Does my poem sound okay? Can some PLEASE HELP with my third stanza I NEED one more line !~~~A clogging know within your throat
    The darkness deep in your heart
    Like a blaring fire ready to start
    Hardship turned into unfathomable art

    Swollen eyes as tears flow down
    Sorrow from others after breakdown
    A sighting afar after having a frown

    Walking home wanting to bellow
    Tasting the wide blue skies above
    Polished bright sun brings me aglow
    All forgiven now its hollow

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A pasture of sorrow

    My eyes blink continuously
    Sadly not stopped by the tears
    Listening to my cracking voice
    Hoping that nobody would hear

    Vivid names shouted out at me
    Are etched in my mind to stay
    Pain explodes inside my hart
    Smiles gone astray

    Walking up to my friends
    Their eyes role right at me
    Rejections swallow up my sole
    Their backs are all that's left to see

    All the things that could go wrong
    Have gone wrong for me
    the what crushes all the pain
    Is the laughter and the glee

  10. My poem's Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost.

  11. all we have for homework is math, finishing poem, getting a poem from our parents, and grammar packet???????

  12. Mr. Buxton i made a book called Peter the Panda! Please watch i uploaded pictures of New York

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. yello! this is my poem, and please comment on it! I am willing to change it, but i just want someone elses opinion OK Enjoy:

    Choosing to be Genius

    Andrew Egge

    A needle in the haystack
    The “Outliers”
    Once mind set: no turning back
    Willing to sacrifice to reach ever higher

    Amazing inventions made with brains barely
    Atomic bomb, for better or for worse
    Made to be a mass killing plan?
    A brilliant idea or a diabolical curse

    Genius good and genius bad
    Evil genius: a story itself
    Noble and evil: both this world has had
    Reality tells as much as tales on a shelf

    Not knowledge, smarts, or what one has in the
    The real test is who has applied
    Many, many smart people have said:

    Go the extra mile, the extra inch: they haven’t

    Thanks for reading! :D

  15. i dont know about your poem Andrew it doesnt have much balance and why do u put in the semicolons like this ":" after a few words it may need some work and i dont get what your writing about and can u comment on mine?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Mr.Buxton,
    What is the assignment objective for our poem??
    Catie nelson

  18. Mr. Buxton does is this poem to you "classic" and will i be able to use it? its by Robert Frost~It went many years,
    But at last came a knock,
    And I thought of the door
    With no lock to lock.

    I blew out the light,
    I tip-toed the floor,
    And raised both hands
    In prayer to the door.

    But the knock came again
    My window was wide;
    I climbed on the sill
    And descended outside.

    Back over the sill
    I bade a "Come in"
    To whoever the knock
    At the door may have been.

    So at a knock
    I emptied my cage
    To hide in the world
    And alter with age.

  19. sorry will i be able to use it for reading aloud

  20. Mr.Buxton,
    I amde a book on zooburst. It is about a monkey name Joe. The two pages before the last are mixed up.

  21. Martha Wright, you still need to have the interpretation (meaning) of the poem


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.