
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Zooburst - Reminders

Just a few quick reminders as you work virtually on  your zooburst assignments:
  • Be respectful to all group members work and contributions
e.g. Ensure the workload is equally shared out among all team players and no one person takes on an unfair load.
e.g. Make sure you don't change or delete another person's work at all. If you notice mistakes or ineffective contributions, make a note to tell them in class or through your zooburst comment box. 
  • Make sure you properly save you work when new pages are added. Test save your work once you start a new page before completing the whole page.
  •  Never leave the zooburst open on your computer. It will stop other people from accessing and working on it and their changes might be lost.
  •  Any questions or issues you are having with the zooburst can be asked on the blog or discussed in class tomorrow.
  •  Make sure you have a clear emphasis on the grammar points  and are integrating precise Midwest facts on every page. 
Remember: If effective group work collaboration were easy, we would all be experts at it!  This is why is it the most effective form of learning and the hardest to achieve. There will be things that don't go accordingly to plan. Please try at all times to be flexible, patient, and respectful at all times as we learn and practice these 21st century collaboration skills.


  1. mr buxton, will the zooburst things still be due tomorrw?

  2. oh wait never mind we dont have school.

  3. are the zoobursts going to be presented on wednesday?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.