
Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Ubuntu Project - Session 1

Enjoy highlights below. Please comment on what you learning experiences you gained from the session today, (both students at KIPP and at LATIN).

Use the info. below to access the google doc. accounts for collaboartion. Remember- Everything you write is recorded and teachers from both schools are online each evening checking all the accounts and your interactions. Use polite persuasive ideas to when communicating. Remember KIPP students will be online live Thursday wit hthe ir teachers from 5:45pm- approx. 6:45pm. It is purely optional for you to be online at that time.


  1. Mr. Buxton, i have searched for a quote for a very long time i have looked in books and all online but i cant find one single one. May i use "Energy Turns the World"? Or can you at least read my conclusion with that power zero and see if its okay?

  2. Mr. Buxton,
    I Again was sick and couldn't come to school today. All I i have left is Works Cited And conclusion. do you have to have a theme for you conclusion, and is there anything else i need to know about the Conclusion or Works Cited? Please Respond!

  3. Mr. Buxton after searching for a long time i found a song by dolly parton called "In my mountain home" and its about Tennessee. Can i use that or a line from the song such as "Life is as peacful as a babies sigh". Please respond! I cant right my conclusion till i find just the right power '0'. But dont worry i have my conclusion typed up its just i have it written around the power zero "Energy Turns the world".

  4. shaw, the dew date is now this tuseday.

  5. Do yo have to italisize a company name?

  6. shaw, Mr. Buxton told us there is a simple or advanced way. the simple way is doing the bear minimum with no theme just general statements about the state. the advanced way you use a theme and you stick with it the whole time. also you could use a different word than reiterate or in conclusion to start your paragraph. make sure you talk about the components in the opposite way than you did in the interdiction. hope this helps.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. no Charlie, not in the works cited

  9. bekah, the "energy turns the world" thing sounds great ,but be sure to explain what it is. right now i have no idea what "energy turns the world" is.

  10. HEY! has anyone trie playing the KING PING PONG at the bottom of mr buxtons blog? it is so fun and addicting! my best is 5-11, lose... i think. RESPOND IF ANYONE CAN BEAT THAT!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Can I use the state motto for my power 0??? its "liberty and prosperity"

  13. I was doing the trivia thing, and it said there were 2 syllables in "house"

  14. Does the conclusion need a power 0/hook?

  15. I am having trouble finding relavent quotes about NOrth DAKota, can i use the state Motto

  16. shaw, if you look at the front of the Celebrate the states book there will be alot of quotes

  17. Abby, you do need a power '0' for your conclusion. Mr. B explained it to our class that your basing you whole paper around the power '0'!

  18. Group 6, this Is Kennedy I just want to know what to do for H/W to nihgt. Do you want me to research a person. I dont know if I can make an Imovie right now my brother is being sooo stubborn right now. I will let you know if i can in a little bit.
    Kennedy Fertitta

  19. Mr. Buxton, when will we get the other letters from KIPP students back?

  20. Mr. Buxton, I thought the KIPP anamoto was GREAT! You and the photographers did an awsome job putting that together. One question, is wacky tacky day tomorrow? If so, do we just wear regular soar day cloths? Thanks!

  21. Kennedy go to Google docs or make a video on what we have already done.

  22. Kennedy the kippsters are now on Google docs. on the side their is a chat bar.

  23. when i try to download pictures on to the animoto it wont work!!!! Can somebody please help!!!!!!!

  24. Mr. Buxton,
    On the pictures for the state report the check list says that there has to be 4 to 6 pictures. On the state report booklet it says 0 for industries 1 for history and 2 for geography. which one should I do?

  25. I loved your video Mr. b!!
    It must have taken a wile to make!

  26. can anybody tell me how to upload an imovie onto google docs for group 6 because it didn't work the last time.
    Kennedy Fertitta

  27. can anybody tell me how to upload an imovie onto google docs for group 6 because it didn't work the last time.
    Kennedy Fertitta

  28. Kennedy you may just want to right click on the bottom half of the imovie window where it has your movie name with a purple thing next to it and click EXPORT. Just export it onto you USB and just keep the imovie on that! And MATIGAN wacky Tacky day you can dress in normal clothes but really u should be wacky and Tacky! And dont Forget a dollar

  29. Kennedy, at the top of Google doc click on video ten upload.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.