
Tuesday, March 29, 2011


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Is your verbitis antidote for the horrible 'to be' verb still working? We'll find out with this week's writing assignment!


  1. i am confused about our homework in humanities, can someone explain it to me? -Martha Wright

  2. Be thinking about what you are going to be writing about related to KIPP. You should ocme to school with a key idea, an idea from whose perspective you will be writing the piece from, and a braintorm of some of the specfic things you will write about in your piece.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Do we have to type our draft?

  5. What are the math pages that we do?

  6. no - not necessarily.. but i would if i were you.

  7. riley it is pages 88 and 89. where is your hw sheet?

  8. i have an idea for my hart: the how you can feel the cair that the kipp students have for each other.

  9. Mr. buxton would a good heart be "It doesnt matter your color but your attidude?" I am still trying to decide because i am not sure if i will be able to base ideas around it.

  10. do you think a good heart would be participation?

  11. Mr. Buxton, do you know the date that the whole kipp project started?

  12. lily it depends if you talking about the first time we visited Kipp, first time in class, or when we started the project to deside who became the leaders

  13. what are the words we can not use. i think 0one of them i think is were.

  14. Which math pages do we have to do?

  15. colin look at the top of the page

  16. can i add some fiction to the minor details, like the order the teams went in the skype elimination round?

  17. mr buxton, i am doing an essay on learning when you were talking to me you suggested that my power 2s were relationship building, technology and something i can not make out. it looks like prslic so if you could see if you remember what that was if not ok but if you can that would be VERY helpful :)


  18. Wyatt I am talking about the first time we learned about the people.

  19. that is the day we were told about how there would be two leaders of a group, and about workabees. is that the right day lily

  20. What teams were eliminated in thee elimination round

  21. How does this sound so far??????PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~

    Stepping into Charlotte Latin, a girl stands next to the door new to everyone in the room. Instantly she walks inside to talk to her group about their leader Adolf Hitler. She storms aways talking and geseticualting about Hitler, while everyone in the group realizes the girl in front of the possses no difference except skin color. Throughout the whole KIPP experience I learned most about attidude. A big picture of attidute rseembeles relationship building. From the first day of steeping onto the Kipp campus to the last on stage, relationship had extreme importance. As time passed after the first session Mr. Buxton talked much about the community;nonetheless, opening my eyes to how much a team resembles a community. Without the wellness and fairness of everyone in the team it would not be able to function, so the team would grow worse and worse till finally it doesnt functiom at all. Not only was relationship a huge part, but also the fathom of other group members. During a few instances in the Ubuntu Project ideas would come to my mind, I would share them and no one agreed,so i would sometimes feel upset or neglected because the team didnt use my idea. As time passed I learned sometimes my idea does not stands out to others and I will just have to let the idea go.

  22. Sophie - Shows potential (if you know what else you are gonig to talking about related to this idea)

    Bekah - Be very careful with your statement. Don't we already know that? If you go in the direction of participation - you need to know what 'about' participation is important- e.g. everydody has value, no matter how small - makes me think the thr Horton Hears a Who tale.

    Feb 23rd Session 1
    Jan 25th preliminary session

    Yes Charlie

    GG - Not sure what I wrote - could have been...collaboartion, comfort zone, yourself, speaking in public - think it what that last one

    Bekah - Aren't we as a society much more enlightened so as not to even consider judging a person by the color of their skin. Also. A.N. - you make too many assumptions that your audience knows what you are talking about in your first paragraph.

  23. thanks mr. b, i think it was speaking in public lots of help

  24. I got to Charlotte Latin School, and the journey began. I was wearing what my team, the Bursting Stars, had assigned, a flower dress and black pants. I also brought black shoes to change into. Almost as soon as I walked in the door, Breck Stenson, another leader for the Ubuntu Project, jumped to me. Breck is really nice, and she had experience with speaking in public at an assembly in this school. I barely had enough time to unpack before the participating teams were off to the auditorium to practice.
    Walking into the Student Activity Center, my team studied the scene. The SAC is usually the basketball court, but today the hoops were folded up. A podium with a microphone, a SMART Board, and a few chairs stood on the floor facing the bleachers. Just looking at the microphone made me shiver with fright. I may have sung numerous solos, but for some reason this performance was different.
    After experimenting with volume and technology, the KIPP students, the students that we were collaborating with, arrived. Immediately, Joy and Sandra found me, Breck, and the rest of the team. Joy had on a dress with black at the top and a mix of red and black for the skirt. Sandra also looked very lovely. We practiced for about five minutes before Mr. Buxton called us back to the bleachers. Breck, Joy, Sandra, and I took our seats in the second row. Breck and I glance at each other, and through that connection, I could communicate how I felt to Breck. We squeezed hands as I whispered to Joy and Sandra, “Good luck.”
    At the beginning of Session 4, Mr. Buxton took the students on a journey to Sweden, where we, in our minds, are to give our presentations for the Nobel Prize. I felt like I was truly on a flight to Sweden, and I was surprised that when I opened my eyes that it wasn’t real. After this introduction, the Bursting Stars are called to the podium. Inside of me, butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. While I adjust the microphone to my height, I feel more nervous than ever. Looking up to the audience, I find one true friend. I smile, and my voice emerges from me. I sing with the most power and heart that I can put into it. When the song is over, the speeches begin. Breck spoke with such emotion that I could tell the audience was hooked. Joy’s speech on Martin Luther King stood out in my mind. Even though she wrote it, the speech sounded like it was written by a teacher. Sandra’s poem was wonderful. She went a little fast, but she didn’t mess up. After the performance, the applause filled the room like a balloon with air.
    One of the next performances was The Potential of Hitler. In the beginning, this team talked about what Germany could have been under Hitler’s rule. Bennett spoke very strongly about potential. He said every great leader has potential. But how they use that potential is up to them. I looked around the auditorium, and I could picture every one of my classmates growing up to become amazing leaders, whether their job was owning a business, becoming a teacher, or the next President of the United States. The Potential of Hitler was a performance that spoke to me.
    At the end of Session 4, the grand champion award was announced. Nervousness crept up inside me as the envelope was opened. My team had won. Standing in front of the crowd holding my certificate, I felt as if I could touch the clouds. I was a leader.

  25. do we have to have a complete draft

  26. Cady, we performed in the sack

  27. do we have to do the vocab for cd??

  28. If we are doing a poem should we write out the whole 30-40 lines or just one or two stanzas!!!!!?????? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

  29. Bekah, Mr. Buxton is right, it is great but you might want an "intro paragraph" REMEMBER A.N

  30. Mary Louise,
    I think that you sould wright out the whole 30 -40 lines. That is what i did. not positive though???


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