
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bill of Rights Game

Addition to H/W sheet - (due :Thur)
Use these links below to practice what we discussed in class today.
For the Bill of Rights game - select 'secondary' level

Comparatives practice

no need to  print out anything. Honor code that you did the exercises. Besides, they are great practice for the test next week on adjectives.


  1. do we also have to do the adjective practice on the blog for tommarow

  2. yes thomas. and also, i thought mr b said something about printing something out, but on this, he says we don't, but i guess it doesn't matter.

  3. I was sick today and yesterday what's the bill of rights thing

  4. Does anyone know the words for spelling because they are not on Spelling City PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

  5. Yeah, Riley. I can't find it too. Does anybody know what lesson it is?

  6. 8 i think........

  7. Abby,

    You'll have to wait until you get back to school to read the Social Studies textbook chapters on the The New Nation (Ch.10) Articles of Confederation, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. This is just practice based on what we studied in class. You will need to copy somebodies adjectives notes as well.

    Spelling City words aren't up yet. - I forgot! ouch! If somebody can copy them onto a comment window, I can put them up now. (I don't have the list at home)

  8. Nick, Riley... Here are the words

    1- inference 2- slavery 3- implied 4- comparative 6- superlative 7- acquainted 8- insolence 9- fortification 10- conferred 11- financial 12- scarcity 13- philanthropy 14- production 15- consumption 16- circulatory 17- respiratory 18- muscular 19- skelatal 20- digestive

  9. P.S. it is lesson 8, mr buxton might have spelling city updated soon, also...

  10. Spelling List 8 is up...

    Quin Thank you (1TQ).. but i need word #5 (it was missing!)

  11. Mr. Buxton if we know we earned thirst quinchers but forgot to get them from the roll can we get them the next day? (like today i forgot to get the one for social studies) I dont want it to look like i am stealing thirst quinchers.

  12. Mr. buxton, is the spelling test tommorow because of the feild trip? PLEASE HELP!!!!

  13. i dont know tomas. you should probably study anyway.

  14. i don't think so thomas
    it would be on our h/w sheet


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