
Monday, May 2, 2011

Adjectives -Wall

Click - Add sticky - to communicate back and forth with your partner for tonight's H/W

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  1. quin I have done our who when wh ere paragraph can you finish the description when your done with it we can try to finish the project.

  2. Is it okay if we go over 30 superlative, QOSAS, ect. on our Wanted/Lost Poster???

  3. yeah, nick. im sure its fine if you go OVER the required ammount. im sure u wont be penalized for going up and above the requirements.

  4. thomas- THIS ISN'T WORKING!!!

    so here are the paragraphs


    He Pingping was SMALLER THAN the the head of a pin. He was SHORTER THAN a pancake, THINNER THAN a pencil, and SKINNIER THAN a piece of paper. Even though mr. pingping was TALLER THAN a desk, he was TINIER THAN a chair. He's LOUDER THAN a mouse, yet QUIETER THAN a blue whale. The UGLY, DWARFED, ELDERLY CHINESE man named He pingping truly needs a LARGER THAN life replacement.

  5. Will- I'll post a sticky for you so you can see what I have done.

  6. Here's what I've done. Can you finish it, will? I have baseball tonight.

    MICK TROUTMAN makes Jesse James look like a playground bully. He robs banks left and right, and the most skilled police constantly search for him because of 17 suspected murders and 28 reports from men claiming to be a victim of being assaulted by him. Many call this man the “Worst One” and “Lost Law” because of his love of sending people into the most bone-shaking fear. In fact, one captured follower of this criminal mastermind said that he breaks just as many laws as he goes with. The rules that benefit him are used and all he doesn’t like he discards. Mick Troutman is reported to wear a dust-brown cloak that covers his body, which blends in with his wild Texas background. People have reported of the very sand rising into a humanoid shape and walking into banks. Every sighting of this is followed by shouts and the sound of coins spilling, which has earned the worst one another nickname- “Sandman.”

    For the most bold or most foolish who wants to track the “Worst One” down or any man with enough sense to watch out, Mick Troutman is usually reported around low-population settlements, but looks for the best defended banks knowing that more guards means most riches. Also, weapons dealers usually report having the craziest and most mysterious man come in with the deadliest guns and robbing them of their finest arms, which Mick uses for other future crimes. To set him in a trap, the most effective way would be to wait on the roof of a bank, which was a near success for the toughest cop. Another way that could work (probably not, though) would be to get some friends together in a bank and brace yourself for the most vicious robbery of your life- if you fail to subdue Troutman there in the bank. You have to be one of the cleverest men alive to come up with the best strategy to catch this man, so think before you act.

  7. oh,by the way, the first one has 9 comparatives with 1, and this one has 10 superlatives with one quosas. you only have to do one quosas and 11 superlatives/comparitives.

    HE pingping was the SMALLEST, SLOWEST, and SHORTEST man alive. He was ROUND, CHINESE, and SOFT. Mr. pingping was one of the BALDEST men alive, and definitely not the the TALLEST. He may've been one of the most intelligent people on Earth, but those textbooks must've been hard to carry. He's by far the tiniest, most dwarfed person, but he sure is the coolest!

  8. Beck, it works! also when you said 11 superlatives/comparatives did you mean 11 of both or just 11 in total

  9. Mr. Buxton, can I print my science project out at school? My printer isn't working.

  10. Mr. Buxon, for some weird reason, big huge labs isn't letting me upload my powerpoint. i've already turned it into jpeg.

  11. you didn't save it properly. Try saving it again.

    The software cannot make a mistake..but humans can...question is...can you find yours?

    e.g. are you logged in to bighugelabs?

    watch my video on how to do it to make sure you haven't made an error on one of the steps

  12. how do you add a text to the bighuglabs

  13. Mick Troutman, is sneakier than a fox, wanted for stealing $1,000,000 and killing 17 men. His dastardly crime happened at midnight, in the midst of darkness. He slowly and carefully climbed through the square shaped window which is harder than finding a needle in a haystack, to steal the $1,000,000. The tall cement bank is bigger than Mount Everest; it is where this clever crime happened. Right now the government is doubling guards faster than a cheetah can run to assure that no one will steal any other valuable possessions. We strongly believe that the mischievous Mr. Mick who is worse than Al Capone did this evil crime to be rich. The police officer who is dumber than a donkey said that Mick was cleverer than a fox because he was wearing a police officers outfit which made him look nicer than a puppy. He told the police that he would take there shift the officer said that was nicer than when the President invite him for tea. So of course he took the offer he said that he would be back in 30 minutes. So Mick acted quickly and climbed up the rope faster than a cheetah and slipped through the window quieter than a pen that fell on a floor. His get way was smoother than butter, but he shot a man who was more annoying than a bunch of flies. To become worse than Al Capone, but he was farther than a decade of cruel crime. Now he is freer than a bird and is living richer than a king in his house which is more of a mystery than how high gas prices will be.

  14. Thank you, Mr. Buxton!

  15. mr b, when ever i try to drag the picture into the little box it never works! AHHHHH!

  16. Mick Troutman, is sneakier than a fox, wanted for stealing $1,000,000 and killing 17 men. His dastardly crime happened at midnight, in the midst of darkness. He slowly and carefully climbed through the square shaped window which is harder than finding a needle in a haystack, to steal the $1,000,000. The tall cement bank is bigger than Mount Everest; it is where this clever crime happened. Right now the government is doubling guards faster than a cheetah can run to assure that no one will steal any other valuable possessions. We strongly believe that the mischievous Mr. Mick who is worse than Al Capone did this evil crime to be rich. The police officer who is dumber than a donkey said that Mick was cleverer than a fox because he was wearing a police officers outfit which made him look nicer than a puppy. He told the police that he would take there shift the officer said that was nicer than when the President invite him for tea. So of course he took the offer he said that he would be back in 30 minutes. So Mick acted quickly and climbed up the rope faster than a cheetah and slipped through the window quieter than a pen that fell on a floor. His get way was smoother than butter, but he shot a man who was more annoying than a bunch of flies. To become worse than Al Capone, but he was farther than a decade of cruel crime. Now he is freer than a bird and is living richer than a king in his house which is more of a mystery than how high gas prices will be.

    Mick Troutman makes Jesse James look like a playground bully. He is taller than a SUV but shorter than Yoa Ming. He appears friendlier than stuff animal when he meets, but he is actually is waiting for the perfect moment to be set in action. Mick Troutman is reported to wear a dust-brown cloak that covers his body, which blends in with his wild Texas background. People have reported of the very sand rising into a humanoid shape and walking into banks. Every sighting of this is followed by shouts louder than a plane flying by and the sound of coins spilling, which has earned the worst one another nickname- “Sandman.” Also, he is reported to be more evil than the devil. For the most bold or most foolish who wants to track the “Worst One” down or any man with enough sense to watch out, Mick Troutman is usually reported around low-population settlements. Looks for the best defended banks knowing that more guards mean more money than the Government has. Also, weapons dealers usually report having the craziest and most mysterious man come in with the deadliest guns and robbing them of their finest arms, which Mick uses for other future crimes. So think more than 1 year trying to catch the Troutman and I doubt whoever is reading this sign can.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.