
Friday, August 19, 2011

This Week

It would be nice if those people who were not able to  finish their collages today were able to do so over the w/end. We will need these collages for our first writing assignment on Monday.  See  below for an example:

Quick recap on Rectangular Arrays  for those people who are interested.
Remember  the number x 1 is also an array e.g. 18x1

Current Events Presentations
Feel free to experiment with brainstorming on your teams 'wall' using the the links below: You may put your ideas, upload images, or even short videos that you make. Participation on the Wall over the w/end is purely optional. Click on your link below for your team. All team members can make contributions to the same screen from your own home! Your task next week as a team wil lbe to give a brief overview of  some of the major current events happening around the world. (More details will be given Monday)

Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Table 5 (mixed team)

Remember : Sometimes technologu doesn't work the way it should. Let me know via the blog if there are any problems.

The Student of the Week is....EMMA

Enjoy watching the video of our first class song.


  1. Thanks for an awesome week Mr. Buxton!!!

  2. You're welcome Maddy. Thank you for bringing so much positive energy to the class.
    Have a great w/end.

  3. In the first week of school I had fun!! I wonder what are we going to learn in school next week on monday. :D

  4. This week was fun! looking forward to next week

  5. I don't think I know that this year is going to be great.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.