
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Next Week

Tech Integration Tools Coming Next Week - Check these out

and for fun
(but ask your parents' permission before creating your custom google search homepage)


  1. Mr. Buxton, on Monday and Wednesday, it says book cubs, not book clubs. Is it meant to say book cubs?

  2. Well's a typo..i will change it!

  3. Notaland came up as photopeach, Mr.B

    By the way, are we allowed to call you Mr.B?

  4. Mr.B, here is a website that you might not have. It has a bunch of learning games:

    It's cool.

  5. I just was looking around on the web, and I found this.

  6. Mr. Buxton, when are our next book talks?
    P.S. I think I am starting to control my time on the blog The blog has stopped taking over my life! Haha to you blog! Now all the power is in my tenacious hands!

  7. Alex I thought you put a wall wisher on the blog.

  8. It was really funny because I kept trying to try a different email until I realized that my Photopeach account was linked to my Notaland. Maybe you should add something that says that you only have to create an account for one website.

  9. Sorry, wrong use of "tenacious" again. Actually, could that be a correct use?

  10. Mr.Buxton I have to leave around 12:45 on Monday because I have an eye appointment.

  11. Nakul, go to the comments on the previous post. The last 3. Follow the instructions there. YOu do not have to, but it might might help you.
    P.S. Buy the stuff Maya bought too.

  12. Scott, I put it a few days earlier.

    I would like to recommend a series called Warriors. Its about 4 clans of cats that live in the forest. Thunderclan, the main clan, Riverclan,Windclan, and Shadowclan. The four clans battle a lot. Its hard to survive because they have to hunt for themselves. The Warriors series has a lot of drama and action. The author is Erin Hunter. The books have a lot of detail. Every chapter Erin starts with a interesting lead. The series is all in the library! READ IT!

    Wish me luck, I have a soccer game!

  13. Mr. Buxton, didn't we have library last week? Shouldn't we be having science? Or did we have science last week. I am pretty sure we didn't, cause I wasn't there on Thursday morning, and the week before we had science. I know that because I haven't had library in a long, long, time.
    P.S. In case you were wondering what I was talking about, it's another typo on the week at a glance sheet. Exactly how much time did you spend putting this together?
    P.P.S. For the first post I made here, it is also Friday.

  14. Mr. Buxton, why do you put computing instead of computers or technology class? Computing is math. 1+1=2 is computing, not learning software on a computer.

  15. I still need to complete the reading thing.

  16. Mr Buxton, is the projector in the classroom HDMI? Because if it is then I will bring a cable and the flip cam ,so people can watch the book talk. I am bringing the cable and flip cam because when I tryed to save the vid to my USB drive, it didn't allow me to paste.

  17. Jacqueline- you can just drag the video into your thumbdrive. You do not have to copy and paste.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.