
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Week 3 Day 4

Tomorrow's Field Trip
Read through the Field Trip guidelines again. These were sent to your parents a week or so ago.

RLA - Writing
You should reach the 'conferencing' stage of  for your writing by Monday at the latest. This means that you have written at least two drafts of your description of a place before that date.  Monday night you will be given an editing sheet for your work.

Homework - Study link 1.9 and Concept Review Sheet
Use this  sheet and the sheet I gave in class to review the topics that we have covered so far this year. When do you think you will have you test?

Math Review Sheet


  1. Mr. Buxton,
    In class you said there would be no reading homework but on the blog it says to finish the power plan. So do we do it or not?

  2. Caroline's work. Just copy/paste this to a word doc.

    Beauty and the Basement
    Entering the Lake House basement, many sites await any visitor. In the summer the basement is really crazy down in the basement. Uncles, aunts, and cousins are buzzing around making a lot of noise while playing video games like Pac-man, Galaga, Elvis Pin ball, or the Getaway pinball. Others may be playing foosball or ping pong. Carson, my 6 year old cousin is bouncing away on the bouncy exercise ball we have. On the bright green couch Brittany my 22 year old cousin, lays on a daisy pillow zoned out into another world by the TV.
    The sound of the TV, ping pong balls, foosballs, both

  3. Maddy - I removed that. thanks for pointing it out.

    Caroline - avoid using the word basement twice. Try to talk about specific places inthe basement where these things happen e.g behind the old leather couch.... to the stairs...

  4. I can not actually swim tomorrow. But I can still have Maria swim if I can watch her. Is that ok. I do not want to stop Maria from swimming. The reason that I can't swim is because of an ear infection.

  5. yes, Caroline - you're fine. As long as you don't go wandering around the park alone, you're OK.

    Math races - Due Fri

  6. i got the paragraph and fnished the 2nd draft already

  7. Thanks for the help Mr. Buxton, I am very excited for tomorrow!!!

  8. will we be able to keep our bags with the chaperone?

  9. yes..but don't have valuables in it


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.