
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week 4 Day 4


Think about the book you will be doing for your Book Talk recommendation on  (Due: next Tue)

Finish your Reading Response (Due: Thur)
Many of you have already finished this...but Are you willing to go back and now improve it by adding an engaging LEAD based on our class discussions today?
e.g. Bold Statement, Quote, Dialogue, Description of a Place, Person, Event, Action Statement

Description of a place: Feedback

Click to listen to my comment on Han's descriptive writing. You may record your voice too. Be sure to focus on ONLY positive comments. Why was Han's piece chosen  for the blog? What can you learn from this piece?

Math H/W
Estimation Study Link 2.1

Have you created an effective popplet? Look at the example below:

Ignore the youpublish H/W
Do not use http://www.youpublish/. The site is unreliable and students' work gets lost. I will find a better digital portfolio for the future.


  1. love your writing Han Great Job!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mr.Buxton can you start you're fotobabble book talk draft now?

  6. What is the class step length per minuet Mr.Buxton.

  7. Wow! I only read the first sentence. I only had to! Han that was really great. I can't wait to see what other writing you will have throught the year!

  8. I liked how you said "never ending colors of the flowers"

  9. I have to agree with you Rachel. It was amazing!

  10. the starting really hooked me

  11. Lots of description

  12. I watched the book talk on junie b jones! Hilarious! Fun! Fun! Fun!

  13. Mr.Buxton my computer doesn't have a micophone so do I do it in school?

  14. Wow Han! What a piece! Who else did viocethead? Fun! Fun! Fun!

  15. Outstanding writing, Han!! You are really good...


  16. Voicethread
    Try clicking on the comment button and giving a voice recording of your opinion. (you should be able to do it automatically wihout an account if you have a microphone in your computer) If you upload a picture, your comment will show toyr picture. You can also type your comment as well. Try it out!

    Rachel - +1 your comment is of substance. You are actually giving valuable feedback that is clearly

  17. No Nakul - You do not know the criteria yet. You can begin taking notes about cvharacter, setting, summary etc... Think about your hook (which technique will you use?)

  18. amazing job Han loved all the discription about all the flowers
    The best I've ever read

  19. Great job Han!! Hey I used voice thread in 4th grade! hehehe

  20. on the math homework it says class medians for:
    should we just leave it for tomorrow and are we going to do it in class
    i'm guessing yes

  21. Mr.Buxton,
    for popplet when I add a picture of book do I have to write about the book underneth it?

  22. Mr.Buxton we can't do are homework without the class median thing

  23. Don't worries about the class medians question everybody !

    You don't have to do it!

  24. what about the questions that you need class median to answer

  25. Thank you everyone I bet everyone each of your writing will be really super to!!!!:):):)

  26. Han your so kind to everyone, and modest! Wow!I admire you for that!

    Mr. Buxton, you are signed in as Mrs. Buxton. Also, I made a voicethread comment on Hans work

  27. Mr. Buxton on 2.1 math link on question 4 where do we start???

    From Han and Jac

  28. So Reading responses are sue tomorrow right?

  29. Nakul, yes.
    P.S. you wrote "sue" instead of "due"!

  30. I have chosen a book. Does it have to be a just right book? Do you think the "My Sister is a Vampire Series is a just right book for me?

  31. Also, I have created a blog on blogger. Will I have to create another one with you?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Mr.Buxton, when I was writing my explanation for math, I used my sentence starters, metaphors, and chose better word choice when I could think of a better word. Reviewing this lets me see that I am beginning to step out of my comfort zone.

  34. Here is what I wrote for my metaphor and word choice: When I got to week 9, I slammed my pen down, for there, infront of me, was the majestic jewel; the answer.
    Did I use the semi-colon right?

  35. mr buxton i cant do my math studylink because i somehow put the wrong set of studylinks in my book- i got all of alex's unit 1 studylinks! jacqueline said she would photo copy it for me but she didnt have the time. i hope i didnt cause any trouble or anything.

  36. also great poem Han! I was so hooked. :D

  37. Mr.Buxton. I was looking at a newsletter sort of thing, when I spotted an article about an artist, written by the artist. Here is the first part:
    I was born in Parma, Italy. I graduated form the University of Parma with a degree in Foreign Literature, and a degree in Pedagogy. I have enjoyed painting since I was a little girl-Marina Fietta

    I think I can re-write this piece using what I learnt today in RLA. I will bring it in tomorrow. Am I up to the challenge. Oh, yes >:)

  38. Okay good making sure

  39. by the way who's breck?!

  40. And why did she say hi at 8 in the morning

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Mr. Buxton, can you please help me with my popplet during recess tomorrow? I've tried to edit it on two computers, but it won't let me!

  43. Mr.Buxton how come you are always Mrs.Buxton. So we should choose our book tomorrow? I also have made a blog if you guys want to follow me. Its called AJD's Blog. Its fun Mr.Buxton, but how do write write that much! So fotobabble is due Tues and the response Fri. Great! Who is Breck?

  44. Anisha you are always participated and always write alot on the Blog, WOW!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.