
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 6 Day 3

Showing Not Telling - Day 3 WINTER

A chill ran  through Amanda's bones as she slowly shuffled through the heavy piles of snow.  Everything was covered in white.  The apple trees that flourished in spring were only branches.  There was no color anywhere. Finally,  Amanda spotted her brick house in the distance.  Smoke was pouring out of the chimney, and Amanda could only imagine the feeling of sitting next  to the fire with her parents and siblings all snuggled under a blanket drinking hot chocolate.  The thought made her quickly pick up her pace, and she shortly opened her big black steel door. 

Write briefly about an event that happens/happened today in slow motion. Can you capture those small details? (Due: Thur) - Approx. 100 words.

Study Link 2.10
Not enough focus in class today on the magnitude extimate problem hence this addtional H/W task. How many times can you flipping/tossing a coin in a year? Be prepared to explain your strategy.

Book Club: complete your assigned book club taks for Friday. (This task will be the task that your indivdual group assigned to you)


  1. Can u post the scores too Mr.Buxton for the WINTER thing. Showing not Telling

  2. nope... you'll have to wait until tomorrow...

    Thur and Fri are double point days!!! - so anybody can still win!

  3. The winter thing who wrote it and, I was not here so Camille,my partner did it alone right???:):);)

  4. mr. buxton that one is really great who's was it?

  5. Cool! Should we wait until you tell us to start thinking of an idea for the final narrative or can we start now?
    P.S. Mr. Buxton on the winter showing not telling thing for today I think I forgot to write my name. Did I?

  6. Thanks guys! That one was mine and Breann's.
    Yah, Han, Camille did it alone.

  7. Wow! And I thought my showing not telling was great!

  8. great job maddy! and breann was at student council! You did all by yourself!

  9. You guys! Remember to do the 8 xersizes from yesterday!

  10. For the Social Studies popplet, what is the main idea?

  11. I do hope we are still in second, but I am pretty sure Maddy and Breann (whose was the best today and will probably be the best in the end) will win, but good luck on winning for anyone I haven't mentioned

  12. What's the narritive writing???

  13. Mr. Buxton when is popplet due???

  14. I forgot my Social Studies book that had my popplet in it!!! What should I do Mr. Buxton???

  15. Popplet not due until next week.

    How's that slow motion writing coming?

    anisha- think about what we discussed... surely you can remember?

  16. Mr. Buxton all I can remember is that the topic is why europeans explored america

  17. Also, I asked someone to act as if they were stealing my bag. I am doing my slow motion writing on that.

  18. Whats the narritive writing???Oh and thank you Mr. Buxton:):););)

  19. What is the difference between ' and " ?

  20. the topic is why europeans went to the new world

  21. can my narrative writing be on a guy i call roadkill trying to attack me today?

  22. My narrative is going to be on my moments before Batalstar Galactica: Cylon starts, and a little bit after.

  23. how do you print a photovisi? also, please look at my photovisi cover and please give some pointers

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Han, I'm not so sure about the final narrative, but here's what I do know: we don't need to worry about it now, but if we want to we can start thinking of an idea for it though.


  27. Anisha, when I copy and pasted your photovisi url, it gave me the photovisi homepage.

  28. Anisha download your photovisi after you download it it'll go to preview then print it from File- Print

  29. No it works for me Maddy maybe you din't copy and paste the whole thing

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Good Luck for tomorrow guys. You're gonna need it because Harrisen and I are gonna win the SNT

  32. Click on downloads it'll go to your photo visi click on that then print

  33. Anisha- I meant the first one... the second one worked. It is good. It has balance and your name, a title and is nicely put together. The thing you wrote about Lee Kuan Yew kinda blends in with the background cause they are both orange, though. Maybe you should change the color of that sentence.

  34. Nakul i had posted another one before that didn't work
    also, i can't print. If anybody can print it, could you please and then give it to me at school? Thanks!

  35. I'll print it I guess

  36. That's nice of you to print the photovisi for her, Nakul.

  37. Thanks... I guess...

  38. Here's how my writing starts: Slowly and suspiciously, I glance at the kid I call Roadkill (long story). He circles and circles around the swimming pool on his scooter while I just plop down and watch. He stares at me, preparing to strike. Then suddenly, he zooms towards me trying to pin me to the ground. Grabbing hold of my arms I could barely move. He smashed and kicked until, my little friend comes. He first kicks Roadkill really hard on the but, while Roadkill yelped in pain. He attacked my friend I like to call Round because he's big and fat. While attacking round, I quickly snatch my scooter, fold it up, and I whack Roadkill on the back, hard. He fell to the ground as Round and I dash away from Roadkill.

    Yes I know it was violent but true story, don't ask why I call Roadkill Roadkill.

  39. Thanks Nakul, though! If this was book club I would have given you 10 points!
    P.S. It's fine though now. i figured out how to print it a little too late

  40. I think that's not very slow-motion but is it ok?

  41. oh It doesn't matter I'll just use the back for random doodling

  42. or I'll just fling into the trash... like what I just did.

  43. hah hah that was funny( not sarcasmJ)!

    Here is my revised photovisi

  44. I like you revisions, Anisha. Nakul- your piece is very good, here are just a couple suggestions: don't use 'he' so much (it's too repetitive) and add more details like say what hand or why he was pinning you down.

    PS: Why do you call him Roadkill? (just joking!)

  45. New and improved version with paragraphs!

    “Hehehe” he laughs quietly with a huge evil grin spread across his face. Slowly and suspiciously, I glance at the kid I call Roadkill.

    Roadkill, the violent gorilla, who tries to act cool in front of his so-called friends, and hates me for ‘betraying’ him.

    Roadkill circles and circles around the swimming pool on his scooter, while I just plop down and watch. Kick glide, kick glide. He stares at me, preparing to strike.
    Then suddenly, as he comes towards me he suddenly starts to chase me. I quickly grab my scooter and dash away, but something gets in my way. Grass, the biggest enemy of the scooter’s wheels. As I try and ride through the grass, BANG! I crash into the floor headfirst.

    Roadkill finally catches up and pins me to the ground. Grabbing hold of my arms, I could barely move. He smashed and kicked until my little friend, Round, comes. Round, a 13 yr old giant, is strong but doesn’t like fighting, unless it’s someone he hates. He’s about 5ft and pretty fat. Round first smashes his leg on Roadkill really hard on the butt. While Roadkill yelps in pain, he quickly attacks Round by jumping on him. While Roadkill attacks Round, I quickly snatch my scooter, fold it up, and I whack Roadkill on the back, hard. He fell to the ground screaming, “OUCH!!!”

    As Round and I dash away from Roadkill, Roadkill screams, “I’ll get you for this!”

  46. Maddy long story short. He's really annoying and he likes to pin me so I got really mad and shoved him of his scooter and started calling him roadkill. His real name is Hari.

  47. Yeah I'm making another improved version this is like my 3rd draft

  48. 3rd draft not much improvement but I did improve on the pinning part.

    “Hehehe” he laughs quietly with a huge evil grin spread across his face. Slowly and suspiciously, I glance at the kid I call Roadkill.

    Roadkill, the violent gorilla, who tries to act cool in front of his so-called friends, and hates me for ‘betraying’ him.

    Roadkill circles and circles around the swimming pool on his scooter, while I just plop down and watch. Kick glide, kick glide. His eyes stare at me, preparing to strike.
    Then suddenly, as he comes towards me he suddenly starts to chase me. I quickly grab my scooter and dash away, but something gets in my way. Grass, the biggest enemy of the scooter’s wheels. As I try and ride through the grass, BANG! My head crashes into the floor.

    Roadkill finally catches up and pins me to the ground with both of his hands. Grabbing hold of my arms, I could barely move. He pulls me up and shoves me to the railing. His hands smashed and his legs kicked until my little friend, Round, comes. Round, a 13 yr old giant, is strong but doesn’t like fighting, unless it’s someone he hates. He’s about 5ft and pretty fat. Round first smashes his leg on Roadkill really hard on the butt. While Roadkill yelps in pain, he quickly attacks Round by jumping on him. While Roadkill attacks Round, I quickly snatch my scooter, fold it up, and I whack Roadkill on the back, hard. He fell to the ground screaming, “OUCH!!!”

    As Round and I dash away from Roadkill, Roadkill screams, “I’ll get you for this!”

  49. Do you like it? I over-exaggerated in some parts to have more action and humor. Suggestions?

  50. You need to work on your second paragragh, but i thought how you called him a violent gorilla. Try to show, though, don' sell the tell( just trying to rhyme).

  51. ok 4th draft coming up

  52. nakul just make a 4th draft for the second paragragh

  53. Draft 4

    Roadkill Attack!
    By Nakul Sharma

    “Hehehe” he laughs quietly with a huge evil grin spread across his face. Slowly and suspiciously, I glance at the kid I call Roadkill.

    Roadkill, the violent gorilla, who tries to act cool in front of his so-called friends, and hates me for ‘betraying’ him. I apparently said I hated him (I did) and he hated me just because of 1 comment and thinks I bullied him! Now he scratches me and pins me for no reason.

    Roadkill circles and circles around the swimming pool on his scooter, while I just plop down and watch. Kick glide, kick glide. His eyes stare at me, preparing to strike.
    Then suddenly, as he comes towards me he suddenly starts to chase me. I quickly grab my scooter and dash away, but something gets in my way. Grass, the biggest enemy of the scooter’s wheels. As I try and ride through the grass, BANG! My head crashes into the floor.

    Roadkill finally catches up and pins me to the ground with both of his hands. Grabbing hold of my arms, I could barely move. He pulls me up and shoves me to the railing. His hands smashed and his legs kicked until my little friend, Round, comes. Round, a 13 yr old giant, is strong but doesn’t like fighting, unless it’s someone he hates. He’s about 5ft and pretty fat. Round first smashes his leg on Roadkill really hard on the butt. While Roadkill yelps in pain, he quickly attacks Round by jumping on him. While Roadkill attacks Round, I quickly snatch my scooter, fold it up, and I whack Roadkill on the back, hard. He fell to the ground screaming, “OUCH!!!”

    As Round and I dash away from Roadkill, Roadkill screams, “I’ll get you for this!”

  54. Roadkill, the violent gorilla, who tries to act cool in front of his so-called friends, and hates me for ‘betraying’ him.
    nakul this does not make sense read it out loud

  55. Draft 5

    Roadkill Attack!
    By Nakul Sharma

    “Hehehe” he laughs quietly with a huge evil grin spread across his face. Slowly and suspiciously, I glance at the kid I call Roadkill.

    Roadkill, the violent, yet tiny gorilla, who scratches people and pins them if he’s in a bad mood. He hates me a lot after he overheard me say that he’s very annoying (he is) and he started calling me names like ‘bully’ and ‘betrayer’.

    Roadkill circles and circles around the swimming pool on his scooter, while I just plop down and watch. Kick glide, kick glide. His eyes stare at me, preparing to strike.
    Then suddenly, as he comes towards me he suddenly starts to chase me. I quickly grab my scooter and dash away, but something gets in my way. Grass, the biggest enemy of the scooter’s wheels. As I try and ride through the grass, BANG! My head crashes into the floor.

    Roadkill finally catches up and pins me to the ground with both of his hands. Grabbing hold of my arms, I could barely move. He pulls me up and shoves me to the railing. His hands smashed and his legs kicked until my little friend, Round, comes. Round, a 13 yr old giant, is strong but doesn’t like fighting, unless it’s someone he hates. He’s about 5ft and pretty fat. Round first smashes his leg on Roadkill really hard on the butt. While Roadkill yelps in pain, he quickly attacks Round by jumping on him. While Roadkill attacks Round, I quickly snatch my scooter, fold it up, and I whack Roadkill on the back, hard. He fell to the ground screaming, “OUCH!!!”

    As Round and I dash away from Roadkill, Roadkill screams, “I’ll get you for this!”

  56. It's the same words in a different order. I think it makes sense does it? I just want to check before I print it

  57. What you should say: Roadkill, the violent, yet tiny gorilla, is someone who scratches people and pins them if he’s in a bad mood.
    Well, something like that

  58. Isn't that exactly what my writing said?

  59. Any other suggestions before I go?

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Well bye this is Nakul signing off

  62. Hey Nakul if this guy is pretty tiny like you say how does shove you against the rails and be strong enough to hold you there. Plus, I think Mr.Buxton won't like it, because it's really violent. But yours is better than mine because, nothing exciting really happened today.

  63. OMG! He signed off wile I was typing my response! Bad timing I guess...

  64. But there was no other important thing in the day unless you want me to tell you about how I was about leave school until I remembered I left my wallet and walke up then down! What should I do? Is it too violent? My life has been very violent! It has the most action and I can't control destiny! I can't make a new one now! WHAT WILL I DO! Someone say it's okay!

  65. It's capturing, but it's also happens to be violent.
    PS Emma and I are totally going to beat you at SNT:P
    PSS We should go at recess tomorrow to the 4th and 3rd grade classrooms
    PSSS I going anyway and you have to come.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.