
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Qtr 2 Week 1 Day 2 GRAAB Techniques

Conjunctive Adverb Practice
Try the 2 min exercise below to practice the structure and format of your conjunctive adverbs

Reread your notes on GRAAB  Techniques. Don't try to master all 5 of them in one go. Focus on just two of them for the time being. These are great techniques that will help you immensly (voc. word) with your non-fiction writing. - Make sure you have good notes on your topic. 
Why do you think I call these GRAAB techniques?

Below is a video for Mrs. Clayton's class that explains how they can use  Wallwisher to collaborative and the S.Studies project.

Math H/W
Study Link 3.11 and Math Boxes 3.11

Write your Letter to your teacher about your personal  reading on  your blog. Upload an image of the novel you are reading to the post. Make sure you  are applying some of the advanced readinng skills we have been discussing.  consider  trying to integrate some SSS techniques sentences and a GRAAB technique. Remember also, those students who have a goal of improving their sentence fluency. Letter is due by Friday



    for peter and mary

  2. Marc Shapiro's biography novel J.K. Rowling: The Wizard Behind Harry Potter is so far entrancing; even more, it tests and expands my vocabulary.

    is this an advanced compound sentence?

  3. also, can a biography be a novel? or is novel a fictional book?

  4. Mr. Buxton don't we have some reasearching to do for tomorrow's SS class?

  5. Is the reading letter for tomorrow??

  6. not bad - rules of compound sentence need to be adherred to. e.g. are topics realted? can they both stand alone?

    you tell me Maddy?
    you tell me Camille?

  7. What do we do with our voki for the letter to Mr. Buxton??????

  8. Wonderbooks-

    Here's our jobs list:

    Nakul: Leader
    Maya: Segment Summarizer
    Aditiya: Vocabulary Analizer
    Anisha: Character Focus
    Rohan: Setting Describer
    Maddy: Question Clarifier

    REMEMBER: 3 chapters due a week from today (next Tuesday). What is our group activity again guys?

  9. Mr. Buxton, I don't have the 3.11 study link in my unit 4 homework papers.

  10. All we need to do for the non-fiction essay is just collect facts right?
    And I think Mr. Buxton would call them GRAAB because maybe it is GRABBING the readers attention.

  11. Jac,
    the 3.11 study link you don't actually work it out it is just the answer sheet which has the thing stapled together just read that I think.
    Just to clarify am I right?

  12. mr buxton, when i heard george ask you if we needed to kepp our unit 3 studlink book for 3.11, you said it was in the unit 4 studylink pack. but not me nor jacqueline have it in ours. is han correct about it?

  13. also, are we aloud to just type up the book report, because i still cant manage to get a voki account.

  14. Can I change my topic to Barcalona and Real Madrid, the Spanish Giants?

  15. Han, Sabine, you weren't supposed to do your reading response as a voki anyway. You have to type it up as a post on your blog by Friday.

  16. Can I do my Topic sheet on microsoft word?

  17. Yah you can, Rohan, as long as you bring it to school tomorrow.

  18. emma this is my email account for prezi. Also maya, for book club!

  19. actually maddy, jacqueline told me that mr buxton said that we can present it any way. a little help here, mr buxton?

  20. Maya, Han and Caroline,
    I know we were supposed to find facts, but for the Plymouth thing, do you like this?
    (whoever the other plymouth people are, PLEASE don't copy!!)
    On September 16th, 1620 a group of one hundred and one English people set out on a voyage to Virginia. They were angry with King James the first because he had made a law saying everyone had to be a member of the Church of England and practice it’s religion. This group of people – called pilgrims – didn’t want to obey his orders. They wanted to be free to practice their own religion.
    The Pilgrims sailed for __________ and finally arrived in the new world. But it seemed they had blown off course, instead of arriving in Virginia, they had landed in Plymouth Harbor, which had already been named by Captain John Smith.

    Do you guys know how long they sailed for (that's the blank)? If you have suggestions, please give them to me.

  21. Sabine, that's not what I heard, but oh well. And also, if you can present it in any way then you don't need an account for voki, you could use another web 2.0 tool.

  22. no, sabine. I heard it as you had to type it on your blog (the reading response)

  23. I think you call them GRAAB techniques because they turn your sentences into such engaging little things that you feel like they are reaching out and GRAABING you and then pulling you into the piece of writing.

  24. Rohan,



  25. Maddy,

    Are we supposed to do a paragraph on the Plymoth thing? Where did it say that we did?


  26. Are we supposed to type our non-fiction essay?

  27. No, Caroline, we just need some more facts. This is due tomorrow. I just wanted to do a paragraph and prepare early.
    About the essay, all you need for tomorrow are a list of all your facts on the topic. You don't need anything else done by tomorrow.

  28. wait, we have to do more research for the jamestown thingy? also seriously, what studylink is 3.11?!!??!?!?!?!?

  29. I guess we shouldn't do 3.11 because it's the family letter so no math home work tonight!

  30. just to clarify
    homework is:
    - October letter for book club book
    - Book Club
    - Doing more research for non-fiction writing
    - Searchig on Jamestown,etc.
    if there is any more please tell me.

  31. Rachel,

    we are supposed to do the math box 3.11 and the study link with nothing on it.

  32. Sabine - The voki is justa cool tool for the blog.

    You are working on 3 things at the moment
    1) SStudies: Infor for your Early Settlement presentation

    2) Essay question: Facts that you will use to begin writing your essay - the better your facts, the esaier your essay will be.
    All thesentence techniques are ways that you will use to start writing this once we begin - Thur

    3)Your letter about your personal reading. - Yes you can type it directly into your blog

    We will work a little on all these three tomorrow...

    Does that help?
    Yes Rohan - make sure you are clear on your topic sentence.

    3.11 is just the parent letter.

    This is WHY is am all telling you to 'listen' when theteacher is speaking... it's amazing how it can stop so much confusion!~ :-)

  33. No Rohan! I am doing Barcelona. But just maybe... Maybe...

  34. the october letter ids about your DEAR book or your book club book?

  35. The letter is about your DEAR reading book.

  36. emma, i am going to send you a prezi now that i have started on.

  37. i think they're called GRAAB techniques because they are so good they grab the reader and hook them so they cant leave and just have to read on... its that good.

  38. I was going to say exactly what Sabine said


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