
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Qtr 2 Week 1 Day 4 "...He who numbers the stars one by one..."

Complete your power plan for your essay. Make sure your p3s are clear elaborations to your p2s. Does each of your p2s relate to your p1? Don't forget to clearly restate your main points in your  restate sentence. You may choose to type this up in google docs. for easy access in school. (typing this tomight is completely optional)

October Reading Response
This should be on your blog by tomorrow. Make sure you are demonstrating advanced thinking about your reading.

Study link and Math boxes 4.2.  IXL H.5 (Optional H.6)

Read-a-loud - Optional
What are your thoughts about the use of the title, 'Number the Stars'  in today's chapter? Why is this an important concept in the book? Plus point for great responses

How are your personal goals coming along? - spent some time this evening reflecting on your porgress.


  1. can I type up my power plan on word Mr.Byuxton

  2. Is it okay if I bring in my USB to school tomorrow with my word document containing my power plan on it, Mr. Buxton? Or will that not work?

  3. Guys, you may access the google docs from the school website. It is better than word because you can access it anywhere if you forgot your USB! Remember?

  4. Maddy,Scott that's both fine I asked him at school.

  5. you guys, you do know that you don't have to put it it in Google Docs, right? you can put it in:

  6. I think my thoughts for the title number the stars and number the stars in the book are maybe,like I said at school the impossible is possible and it could also mean Ellen and Annemarie could somehow find a way save Ellen's parents and the Natzis taking over the Jewish because in the book Annemarie said it is impossible to count how many stars there are but the impossible is possible.

  7. yes Maddy - wouldn't you just prefer to type it up on google docs?

    I'll add a link to google docs on my blog. You should all add the link to your blogs

    +1 Han. - Now do something about that SENENCE FLUENCY!

  8. I'm copying it from word onto a google docs thing right now. I'm gonna write it on both cause I like having all my writing pieces on my desktop.

  9. Mr. Buxton,

    For my vocabulary goal should I get the vocabulary words during the week or on the weekend?

  10. dramatic video.....
    also george for current events can I create the page sand you do the other stuff that you need to put on

  11. Mr. Buxton, how long should one power 3 be? Mine is pretty long already and I still have more to write!!! Is it okay if one power 3 is long and the other one isn't short but isn't even slightly long either?

  12. Mr. Buxton you said we wouldn't need to finish this draft until Monday, right? Just to clarify.

  13. maddy z - your power 3 SHOULD vary in length. that's where the fluency comes in. Why don't all of you upload your draft work to your blog. You could your power plan or use to upload your entire draft...
    remember ... your blogs are your academic life... i'm guessing many of you are working hard tonight... so share this on your blogs... that a question you can answer yourself?

  14. I put it up on my blog. For anyone who reads it, please not that I have only typed up my SECOND power 2 and 3. There is going to be a power 2 and 3 that comes before the one that's up there. It's gonna be about how Coco Chanel had a dark childhood.

  15. Rohan,

    I changed the current events thing to

    R- thailand had a huge ongoing flood this october.sf
    C-Killing over 300 people, these strong waters whiped out hundreds of factories.
    R-60 of thailand's77 provincies were majorly effected in this flood.
    C- thailand's expected overflow of water is known to be the worst in 50 years.
    R-Two thirds of Thailand has water in the streets taking over the place.
    C-Unfortunatly, this flood came right in the middle of a so-far-successful rice farm.
    R-Quick as anything, the tremendous waters swept it right on out.
    C-As you just saw, October's ongoing flood has taken many brakes, but has come back sooner or later.
    R-Help recover Thailand rebuild it's buildings by donating some money.
    C- To raise even more money, start a fundraiser to help those in need.
    both:Thanks for watching

  16. For - chanel -feedback... it needs some dates/ages...e.g. how old was she when she did some of these things?

    don't start sentences with and & then
    your p2 introduces 'chanel' - your paragraph should all be about 'chanel' - not her early life...p3s don't fit the p2. You are assuming that your readers have an idea what 'chanel' is. You haven't explained the term

  17. emma i need you to collect all the photos and info on your prezi and post them on my prezi which can be found on my blog.

  18. Okay. Thanks Mr. Buxton for the feedback.

  19. when did you say the outline was due?

  20. How do you do tab on the post for the October Reading Responce? Mine won't work.

  21. emma will you please send me your photopeach!

  22. mr buxton can Emma and I present ours in the afternoon? like, during RLA? There is something I need to tell her for the script, and i don't want to put it on the blog cause i want it to be a surprise.

  23. Anisha, maybe you should try calling Emma.

  24. Been there, done that. i don't want to call her up so may times. Plus, i can't just read aloud the script.

  25. Anisha you should call her now cause she had afterschool activates today.

  26. Do you go straight from the topic sentence, to the first power two?

  27. Sorry for the Bad Quality Vocaroo. My microphone is bad quality

  28. The other thing about this book is the twist that I wasn’t expecting. For instance none of my predictions from the middle of the book actually came true. Here are some of my predictions. At the end Carter will destroy Set by hurting him with his sword then saying the secret poem. Another was the house of life will eventually turn on to Carter and Sadie’s side to defeat Set. None of them came true. They were all rubbish and had nothing to do with the actual ending.

    If a reader likes adventure and cliff hangers with a little bit of a surprise this book would be perfect for the reader.



    MY WEB 2.0 TOOLS

    Vocab Words
    scribble maps
    photo peach
    screenr-video your screen with dialogue
    Prezi-zooming presantation


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