
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Next Week

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving Break.  Get plenty of rest. Complusory H/W - Make sure you tell at least 3 people how 'thankful' you are for being in your life and for everything that they do for you.

We have three exciting weeks ahead before the Decemeber break. Let's make them  the best possible.
Coming soon:
  • The Patrick Henry Speech recitation (you will learn, rehearse, and perform in a passionate way an abridged version of the Patrick Henry speech)
  • Historical Fiction: Make sure you are reading an historical fiction novel of quality.  You will be producing a 'higer order thinking' report on this book in two weeks. Make it a book you enjoy.
  • Change the World Project - You will be working in pairs to create a persuasive animoto presentation that attempts to 'changes the world' (How you choose to define the term, 'world' is down to your creativity. Be thinking of ideas for a perfect thesis idea for this project. See example below as a  rough idea of what this might look like: 
  • Prepositional Phrase Persuasive Performances
I'm excited...Aren't you?

Trial Period - We will return to using our H/W daries to record our H/W for the next 3 weeks. I will not post H/W on the blog. We will see how this goes.


  1. can you please put the friday message? or we can just see it on alex's blog. also, can you put that speech that we have to learn up?

  2. That video was amzing. It was emotional, really persude me to wanting to help stop hungry.

  3. Anisha just go to google and type "Abridged Patrick Henry Speech"

  4. You guys, you should go to it helps to end hunger.

  5. Oh right I forgot. We did that in 4rt grade thanks Anisha

  6. Mr.Buxton, Are the Blog Archeive on yoour blog where there are the months. Was that your class?

  7. Beacuse I saw some works that wern't the ones we did and I was wondering if it was your class, as it also had some students in the comment box you had in your last class,like some girls named Breck,Sophie I think

  8. Today I went on that tool, Word Dynamo, and it's really fun. I also learnt new words!

  9. Mr.Buxton, whatever happened to lingro and wordsift?

  10. I know this isn't academic, but......


    to those who celebrate it.

  11. On Word Dynamo I'm in the High School level and it says I know 14,186 words!

  12. Maya, that's awkard. it says i know 17,056 words, yet i am only in middle school

  13. Mr.Buxton, what are your tricks to memorizing quickly. The speech that we have to memorize is about 1 1/2 pages long, in 10.5 size on a word document on a mac. (prepositional phrases!) I am trying to get a head start on the speech, for memorizing ( i will understand it later, the parts i don't get).

  14. it really helps to memorize something if you write it repeatedly or as many times as you need to

  15. Here is my guess: I think that abridged may me brief. The speech is eleven minutes long. We are is 5th grade.

  16. Any perticular IXL we need to do?

  17. Anisha the speech is 2 1/2 pages long. Just wanted to emphasize your point.

  18. I just memorized the first sentence of the speech. Yay!

  19. Do not look at any speech online. You are getting a different version

  20. oh...... I already memorized the first two paragraphs!!!!!!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. mr.buxton, if we are finishing up a historical fiction book, can one of the tasks be a backstory timeline thingamajig?

    did you know:

    thingamajig is an actual word. so is thingamabob.

  23. you will be doing a backstory.

    you should STOP memorizing the speech. it will be different

  24. so...anybody give the Thanksgiving toast? stories to share?

  25. Never mind. I'll print it and bring it to school

  26. i did stop. i am just exclaiming that i did all that work for nothing-ish.

  27. i meant for the reading genres thing.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. i did the thankful thing. heres what i said: mom, i am thankful that you take care of me. dad, i am thankful for having fun with you. mae (helper), i am thankful that you actually put up with me all week. and henry (brother), i am thankful for you in general.. lol

  30. mr.buxton, can i use a piece of scrap paper for writing my h/w down? i cannot seem to find my h/w diary.

  31. never mind. found it. but could you reply to that question anyway? for future reference.

  32. not getting the post yet! there is one, right?

  33. Mr.Buxton if you do write a post what are you going to say?

  34. I'm trying to put a post how do you stop the highlighting?

  35. mr buxton? pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeee!

  36. Mr Buxton, the math you taught me today with the flashcards for changing percents into fractions I memorized almost all of them except the ones like 32 1/2% My mom does not get it either she said she never even aw that knid of precent. Could you please help me? I am stuck

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. typo aw is saw and knid is kind

  39. Rachel just click on the highlighted sign and it will disapear

  40. han i already made a conversation thing on my website.

  41. sorry han but that didn't work with the pressing the highligher sign. It's still on

  42. Guys is this the homework since I wasn't in class. I wrote this down in my H/W Diary: Independent Reading 30 min Vocab Analysis for Patrick Henry Speech due Wed Persuasive Puppet Show! Is this correct please reply

  43. Yes, Nakul.

    Riya, Breann, and Zach: There is a todaysmeet on my blog, for the puppet show.
    Guys, it is easy to deal with this! come on!

  44. Can somebody please scan the Patrick Henry sppech thing I don't have that paper?

  45. han! lucky for you i typed it up and have a copy! mine got ripped, so i had to. anyway, check my blog in a few minutes.

  46. Guys! We don't have the blog and you're STILL blogging?
    Han- we have two days to finish the vocab thing, so don't fret.

  47. no! we just don't have the h/w for tonight on the blog. there is supposed to be a post, though, so we can blog.

    :} :} :} :} :} :} :} :} :} :}

  48. YOU'RE WELCOME HAN! :):):):):):):):):):):):P:)

  49. can anyone thing of medicine that is found in the rainforest? or forest?

  50. Mr.Buxton, I am creating a powerplan for the prepositional phrases skit, and it is easier for the topic of deforestation than the topic of what i chose for the actual persuasive writing .

  51. my group- i was not able to finish the 3rd power 2, but that is the worst so Maya can replace it. but if we have time, we will do 4 power 2s and i will finsish the last power 3 for my 2nd power 2.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.