
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Qtr 2 Week 4 Day 3 UN Day Preparation

You must finish your section tonight for the UN presentation. This might mean finishing your powerpoint slide or recording and saving your video portion.  (People can record videos in school tomorrow, but what you are going to say must be completely read. Make sure you practice using PEX and BEVES). You must save the slides in the correct order on sharepoint in class tomorrow.

Use   to make your images/jpeg owerpoint slides amazing. Takes seconds to learn how to use. DON'T go over the top. Remember, people need to clearly understand your point in a few seconds

Look at this DRAFT video copy of a reading caption. What is being done well? What aspects need to be improved upon  for the final version?

Study Link 5.2
IXL L. 4
Math Boxes 5.2
Math Recap video


  1. Wow 'befunky' is a great website. I love it it's cool and esay to work with! :):):):)

  2. sabine- it is 11 seconds and it has no eye contact (video)

  3. typo easy

    Oh and Mr. Buxton whay haven't you commented on my blog yet? You said you commenteds on everyone's. Is mine not able to access???

  4. Do we have to use befunky for our photos?

  5. 11 seconds if fine Anisha! Youtube always skips the last second

  6. first, that is not youtube. second, it is at the max 10 seconds. You have 60 seconds to do the whole persuasive talk!

  7. here is the wallwisher group 2!!
    Remeber to go on it!!

  8. You have 15 seconds for a video but you use 10 seconds. There's one pause for a second at the end

  9. okay.

    1) Mr. Buxton- is is 10 or 15 seconds?

    2) Nakul, please check the sheet

  10. Han - I'm not sure why Mr. Buxton cannot access your blog, but I do know it's not because you haven't changed your setting so that everyone can view your blog. I tried going on it yesterday and it worked fine.

  11. Just to clarify, for the U.N day homework it's just to write a timeline or draw one right??

  12. For some reason befunky doesn't let me upload pictures.

  13. Rachel, make sure it is a jpeg you are trying to upload. Also, try using it in a different browser. If you using a photo from the internet, make sure you have saved it to your computer first.
    You also might need to update your by going to their website and downloading the latest version.

    You can only use 10 secs. ..but go a little longer 12 or 13 secs as a video seldom picks up the first or last second.

  14. I am having so much trouble with a powerpoint on google docs. I can't make a comment, I can't put in a picture, and I can't find a good picture. HELP

  15. Rachel, I can't find my ipad, so I can't go on facetime. Sorry

  16. Sabine - Yes, no eye contact and you should maybe read with the book up. As if Kindegardeners were your students, so they can see the pictures. Or atleast face the camera.

  17. it was the jpeg problem thanks Mr.Buxton

  18. Group 3, I got images on google docs but i still cant comment. I only found 2 pictures and the others had books with different authors and I didn't want to take things away from Eva Ibbotson. If there needs to be any improvements, just change it.

    Han and Nick, are you going to add to the powerpoint too? You need to be part of the group.

  19. Just to clarify, for the U.N day homework it's just to write a timeline or draw one right??

  20. maya- macs, if they were bought this year or maybe even a little before, have face time

  21. I don't get how to use befuncky. Aslo, can Nick, Han and Maddy please go on to google docs and do their share of the presentation for U.N. Day.

  22. I was on it already George. My part is the video which I am doing, but have no clue how to upload it onto the google docs powerpoint.

  23. when i am done, i will post a draft video of what I am doing for U.N. Day. my group- please comment. If possible, i will do a final copy

  24. by the way, on photo booth, when you chose the theme, if you go to the very last page, you can drag photos for backgrounds

  25. Then Nick and Han do some stuff

  26. George - I'm done my draft of the video. Do you know how to put it into the google docs thing? If not, I'll put it onto my USB.

  27. group 2 check my blog out for my video.

  28. Remember to go to the wallwisher

  29. Only Rachel, Scott, and I have posted.

  30. All Sabine is trying to do is read a sentence. She doesnt need to look up. Just give her a break! 11 seconds is ONE second off.

  31. Camille, Alex, Maya, Emma have to go on it ok?
    If you can answer our questions great. If you have questions post them before 10 okay?

  32. Hey Group 3 - I put up the video DRAFT on my blog. Turn up the volume on the video (NOT your computer) otherwise it's hard to hear even though I made it loud.

  33. Watch the video! It goes from 9 to 11. YouTube videos and videos like these skip the 2nd last second. Even for my video it was like that. 10 seconds but one second skipped

  34. My thoughts exactly, Alex. (about the 11 second thing)

  35. My DRAFT is also on my blog group 2. My sound doesn't work well so I'll do it at school. (by it I mean the final copy)

  36. Nakul, when i typed in the address, it does not work. put it as a link on your blog, please.

  37. okay, first of all... i like being precise, and i admit it wasn't sabines fault becuase she didn't say anything that last second.

    now... on to my problem. Which supporting detail do you think is more persuasive. i think the first one, but i want everyone to agree:

    1) Choose from 100 picture books, 40 novels, and 20 collections of fables of Mahy's for their pages of wild imagination.

    2) Can't read in English? As if that matters! Margaret Mahy's books have been published in a total of 15 languages!

    In case you need it to decide, here is the topic sentence: Margaret Mahy's books promise on and all breath-taking contents.

    The reason I need to choose is because it will take around 20 seconds to say all off it.

  38. typed what in the adress? MY blog URL? It's

  39. keep it on the usb or create a account and upload it there.
    Have it on two devices

  40. yes nakul, #2 is good (isn't all my writing? :), but is it persuasive enough, you think?

  41. Mr.Buxton I added a couple new websites to my blog, check it out.

  42. what do you guys mean by timeline

  43. Yeah! I puta the link on my 2nd comment.

  44. aditya they are probably doing something different. just to let you know, people in that team, we are doing the presentation on the books by the author, not the author. Mr.Buxton said we just weren't supposed to focus on one book.

  45. 12 languages actually but some have been in Russian, Icelandic and something else

  46. I think it persuades foreigners to read her books so technically yes Anisha

  47. yes, i know that. wikipedia says sometimes Russian, Chinese, and Icelandic, so I put a total of 15.

  48. Hi Mr Buxton, and for everyone who has never heard of me i was one of Mr Buxtons students last year. Anyways, i would say sentence number two is more persuasive. It includes the reader.

  49. [WHERES THE New post eveRYBODY!!!!!!

  50. backing up nakul's last comment here.

  51. is it just me or is there no homework

  52. Thanks Quin for your input. I agree! Hope you are enjoying 6th grade. Say hi to your mom from me. Tell her I miss her great baking!

  53. Well, then. Looks like I am using number 2


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.