
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Qtr 2 Week 5 Day 4 - Persuasive Essay Final Draft. UN DAY

UN DAY Tomorrow:
You are welcome to come to school in the colors of your country  or any traditional clothes

Complete your final draft for your essay. There will be 45mins of classtime Friday morning to add any finishing touches if you need.  Due  by 12:30pm Friday

WALT: Writing a Personal Persuasive Essay
Title: Related to your topic

  • Effective thesis statement that contains a S.O.R.
  • Clear use of tranistional words
  • Effective use of advanced sentence fluency
  • Incorporating of between 3-5 persuasive techniques (HHH Stragegy)
  • A restate sentence that summrizes the main points of your argument
  • Organized in paragrpahs
  • Color Coded  P1 (Thesis) RED  P2s Green P3s  BLUE Restate RED
  • Font 12,  1 1/2 line spacing, comic sans
Those students who want  to do the final review. Print out the editing sheet below:
NO MATH H/W tonight - Make your essay PERFECT!


  1. Just to clarify, We're working on the proper story not the power plan right?

  2. Yah, we're putting it all together and all that.

  3. YES - Basically, your final draft!

  4. Thanks Maddy! Here's my latest improved awesome thesis statement for my engaging on my persuasive statement! please comment and criticize: Changing the channel while an innocent 10 year old without permission can be a terrible and aggravating thing since it leads to controversies with parents and imitating these bad manners that could lead to arrogance and greediness. People should start acting more considerate and not greedy.

  5. Mr.Buxton, There's an issue( I know I used there is)! My vocaroo doesn't seem to work! When I record my voice, it's fine but when I want to listen to what I it says problem connecting to server try again. I've tried over and over again!

  6. Sorry missed out a part when I want to listen to what I just said it says problem connecting to server.

  7. Is it my computer or the vocaroo?. Because I've had this computer for 5 years, and it'a quite old.

  8. Should I use some other recording tool or should I use another computer at school or at my house?

  9. Mr.Buxton, Can you please see my blog? I have made a lot of changes and added

  10. nakul- post it on your blog anyway. i will see if i can hear it

  11. Ok but I deleted it already. I just remake it?

  12. I won't post it on my blog. I'll just post the link then put it on my blog if it works. My sound system is bad but it still works though.

  13. sorry if I don't answer your comments for the next half hour. I'm going to eat now.

  14. Han, think deeply about your blog, think about things you can add.
    Check my blog for ideas.

  15. Use soundcloud or audioboo Nakul.
    If they don't work, then there is a problem with your microphone.

  16. thanks Mr Buxton, I'll try them!

  17. Thansks Mr.Buxton for the editing sheet. I really needed it.

  18. Yeah there's probably a problem! Spreaker doesn't work either! Well I'm going to dispose this compiter and get a new one so in time I will be able too. Can I do my non fiction vocaroo after I get my new computer or should I do it at school?

  19. sorry computer and to

  20. What does it mean on the editing sheet when it says...
    Top three longest # of words.

    And the # sign is really there not as a mistake I made now.

  21. How did you get the editing sheet, Han?
    Mr. Buxton, if you're giving them out to some people already, may I please have one? I am way past the drafting stage and am trying to edit my work as well as possible.

  22. Han - it means that you count the number of words in your top three longest sentences.

  23. How do you guys get that voting thing onto your blog?

  24. What are the PROGNOSTICATE and ANECDOTE H.H.H. techniques again? I think I used one of them but until I know what they are, I can't be sure!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thanks Maddy and you get the voting thing well it is hard to explain you go on gadjets and I think you will find out from there. If not I will tell you tommorrow on U.N DAY!!!!!!!!!!:);):););)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. How would you write down a SSS technique?

  29. Does your mom have to be choosen to bring in food for UN Day?

  30. Former Latter..

    Not only but also

    _________ A, B,C

    A and B, C and D respectively

    Those are the ones i can remember

  31. From A to B and C + end of sentence (another one).

  32. I don't think so, Emma. Not completely sure though.

  33. So any one know what the H.H.H. techniques ANECDOTE and PROGNOSTICATE are? Really need to know!

  34. Can some people in GATE please type up the questions on math olympiads, and the hints, exept for B?

    Maddy- Anecdote- Heart

    Prognosticate- Hands

  35. Well anisha you said humber, but other than that The questions are 33A: the weight of a glass bowl and the marbles it contains is 50 OUNCES( not any other form of weight).If the number of the marbles is doubled,the total weight of the bowl and marbles is 92 ounces. What is the weight of the bowl? The hint is what is the weight of the marbles that was added to the bowl and original set of marbles?
    Gotta rush now, goin` to the doc`s, i`ll tell you the rest when i come back...

  36. Not only A, but also B????

  37. Anecdote is a short story in your essay and prognosticate means to tell how good the future is with/without your thing

  38. # = number

    exactly correct Nakul...

    so.. use use this super cool tool to copy your finished draft into.. you'll see what i mean

  39. Mr.buxton, what was the advice on what to change my thesis statement. I only remember 2: Children who swear on the bus are very annoying because bad words are rude, they can effect other people and .............

    Just to recap my P1 is:
    Students should not be allowed to swear on the school bus. Children who swear on the bus are very annoying because bad words are called bad words for a reason, no one likes hearing bad words and it’s very rude.

    And my P2s are:
    Many kids on my bus swear for different reasons.
    Swearing on the bus is rude in a variety of ways.
    As I have noted above I don’t like people to swear on the bus. I think I should try to stop swearing on the bus.
    Can you help me.

  40. Also Mr.Buxton, do we have to hand in the Persuasive writing proof sheet? Or is that just for proof reading at home.

  41. yeah is totally awesome! I checked it out over the weekend

  42. we're gonna proof read in class but you can do it now!

  43. Thank you SO much Nakul for the meanings of those things?
    Anisha - why do you need us to type it up for you? That may take a lot of the person's time!

  44. I meant to put a ! not a ? oops!

  45. Anisha, here's D (C you need to have the picture with you)-
    A certain slow clock looses 15 minutes every hour. Suppose the clock is set to the correct time at 9 AM. What will the correct time be when the slow clock first shows 10 AM?
    Hint: When the correct clock advances 60 minutes, how many minutes will the slow clock advance?

  46. thanks maddy! i just needed it becuase i left the book at math. i really don't want to stay in at recess.

  47. would groups of three and repetition of words of phrases be the same?

  48. I circled both on mine and put a line connecting them. I classify them as same thing, though!

  49. Everyone! Group 1,2, and 3! I wish everyone luck tomorrow for UN Day! This is Nakul signing off!!

  50. Do statistics have to be like 76 or 2387498237.2983%, of can it be like around a million, or about " you have asked me that at least 1 thousand times!"?

  51. P.S. Anisha it tells you about what words you are using too much! so if person is the biggest, you're using person too much and it gives you other words for person got it?

  52. P.P.S You're Welcome Maddy!

  53. Here's D, Anisha -
    Said Anne to betty: "If you give me one marble, we will each have the same number of marbles." Said Betty to Anne: "If you give me one marble, I will have twice as many marbles as you will then have." How many marbles did Anne have before any exchange was made?
    Hint: Work Backward.

    My hint: Read the question out loud if you don't get it.

  54. P.P.P.SIt just has to have a number Anisha

  55. The statistic can be anything, I'm pretty sure.

  56. Not even 0.0000000000000001% of the humans on Earth contain knowledge as if they were a book of absolutely everything a person could know.

    does this make sense?

  57. Sorry for the late post! IT should be something like 'Out of the 7 billion people in the world, do you expect anyone to know every single thing?

  58. hey mr buxton this is sophie h i would like a pen pal if yo have eny body left

  59. me too me too! i d like a pen pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.