
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Qtr 2 Week 3 Day 2 Persausive Writing

Science I Check - Despite multiple reminders, these students still need to get their Science work signed.
Please make suere this is DONE tonight!

Mrs Clayton's class - Use this video to take notes  on your Social Studies - 13 colonies  handout.

My class
IXL  H.11 & H.12 COMPLUSORY - I will be checking who has done the assignment
Study Link 4.7

 Write a list of 5 observations that frustrate you ‘why is it impossible to get a taxi in Singapore when it is raining? (Due: Wed)
Book club  project work - Presentation date is now Friday morning


  1. Wonder Books! Go to spiderscribe if you can. The prezi I have created is on my blog. Well, it will be very soon if it is not there already.

  2. Additionally, may I please have a pen pal? I will even give a try on writing a persuasive writing piece, if that is what it takes!

  3. Lightning readers- Remember your important roles. I have done a couple questions and willl send it to you sometime.
    Is the book club project due this Friday?

  4. Yes, Alex, it is. Sure, Anisha, i will.
    Mr. Buxton, I want a pen pall too!! :)

  5. Wonder Books, if you read the notes properly you guys will see that the calender I put on there was not so that people know who is doing what. It is to see who is working on the power point.

    Here are my eight reasons. Please tell me if they are too similar:
    Why it is impossible to get a taxi in the rain:
    1) Nobody walks with an umbrella anymore, so many people take the taxis before me
    2) The taxis would take a long time to find you and get to you if you called the taxi’s
    3) The rain is falling down on me while I am waiting, and if my hair is wet for a long time I catch a cold
    4) Traffic jams block the taxi’s, so they cannot get to you
    5) People are inconsiderate and when you’ve been standing the rain for what feels like ½ an hour, trying to hail an available taxi, someone stands ahead of you just before the taxi comes and gets the taxi!
    6) Many times rain comes in the evening or mornings, when times are at the busiest, and taxis just keep getting snatched up
    7) Taxi drivers may be just “blind” and skim right be you, even if they are an available taxi
    8) I have to keep on standing and so my feet hurt and I feel so incredibly bored!!!!!


    here is the prezi for wonderbooks. we put all techno in here.

  7. Bekah-Give me your contact info ASAP

  8. I don't think we weren't supposed to come up with reasons for the taxi in the rain thing, Anisha. I do thing we were supposed to come up with ideas about what annoys us, like we did in class today. Just to clarify though, is that correct, Mr. Buxton?

  9. Wait, don't we also have to do study link 4.6?

  10. I hate when in IXL, you type in the correct answer (e.g. 3r1), but it will say sorry the correct answer is 3 r1. Does that count as what we learned in R.L.A. class about the persuasive writing?

  11. Anisha why did u write about the taxis soooooo much
    1.Babies on a long airplane flight
    2.Falsely accused of doing something I didn't do
    3. Can't get a taxi
    4.don't have an idea for your homework (like right now) brother when he gets all the attention
    do u like these Mr.B

  12. mr.Buxton my report card envelope was in the blue folder that I can't find:( :( :( :( :( what should I do I'm FREAKING out

  13. Hey Wonder Books!
    Here is the link to the link to the intro I've started for our script.

    Do you think the babbling is too long? Subjectively, it adds humor, but it is also a bit long. Any key suggestions for me? Post your suggestion/comments in the comments tab on MY blog not this one.

  14. Scott - try to remember where you last saw it. Then if you do remember look in that place. :)

  15. Mr Buxton, is persuasive writing similar to expository writing?

  16. these are the reason why calling a taxi is so annoying in the rain!!
    1) It's raining
    2) It's cold
    3) It's usually rains hard
    4) It's dark so the taxi driver can't see you
    5) Taxi drivers don't want you to come in if your wet
    6) You have to run in the rain trying to get there attention
    7) Other people might be waiting and they get the taxi first
    8) If you have anything designer it's probably going get ruined, and thats going to be bad for you.
    9) You might come home from work and have a laptop. if you can't find a taxi your laptop might be ruined.
    10) most taxis are already occupied.
    11) You might not have an umbrella or a raincoat.

    also for lighting readers I can't add the path until You guys add your H.O.T.S.

  17. mr buxton, on ixl, i did the question with paper, then i put it in and it said it was wrong. then it said the correct answer was 54 so i multiplied 54 with 97, and i got an answer that is totally different from the big number on the screen. so what am i doing wrong?

  18. Scott, if its in the blue folder don't panic. I looked in my home and I can't find it, I remembered I put my report card envelope in my blue friday folder in school.

  19. I don't get the RLA homework. Seeing what the others have done are we suppose to write some things that bug you why it is hard to get a taxi when it is raining?

  20. 6 reasons of why its annoying to get a taxi in the rain.

    #1. If your wearing formal wear like expensive dresses or clothes, it will get ruined.

    #2. When you're standing on the sidewalk when its pouring, you will be cold and wet.

    #3. Since its raining, taxi drivers can't see you when its pouring.

    #4. There's a high chance that most taxis will be occupied.

    #5. Sometimes when you're waiting for a taxi, it takes a long time to wait.

    #6. While you're waiting, cars will run over puddles and sometimes you might get splashed.

  21. I wrote about taxis cause I felt like it

  22. Bookworms, remember to at least get some stuff done.

  23. Han, you just asked a clarifacation. And yes you write 5 or more reasons why its so annoying to find a taxi when its pouring.

  24. That was a clarification? HOw?

  25. No Jacqueline, you don't. Guys, unless you are choosing to, no one needs to write about getting a taxi in the rain. All you need to do is have 5 specific things that bug you. That is the RLA homework!!!

  26. oh then why did Mr. Buxton post that, like taxi thing

  27. The 'why is it frustrating to get a taxi in the rain in Singapore' was just an example!!

  28. Oh.......
    WOW! Thanks :):):):);0;Maddy!!!!!:):):)););););)

  29. it says on the blog and the week at a glance sheet so i wrote about the taxi!

  30. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! that was an example? Well, i just wasted all my study hall time!

  31. for people who will be working with my on a big project in the future: on tuesdays, i will be able to work from 3:00 - 3:55, 6:00- 8:30-9:00

  32. Well I'm almost 100 percent sure it was an example cause in class Mr. Buxton said all we needed was 5 examples of things that BUG us! :)

  33. Wonderbooks -
    Please go to the link I put up to my blog in one of my previous comments.

  34. What does it mean on the Unit 4 Math Assesment preparation thing on number 3 it says (42=friendly number of 12 and 30
    What does that mean?????????


    Wonder books- please go to my blog

    P.S. What do you think the heart of the story is?

  36. yeah maddys right that was just one of mr buxtons examples. anyways i found out what i was doing wrong on ixl...

  37. is the heart specific? could the heart be the lessons Kenny learns from his adventures?

  38. setting describer-why don't you do Kenny's house in Flint, Michigan?
    Could i know what everyone is again?

  39. Book worms,

    I have made a a script for the intro and throught the book review for the hosts, Camille, Han and I. I only have my part for HOTS so write your other ones on another peice of paper. Also Han, don't you think that visualizing and setting could be squeezed into one. Can you do that. I don't really ahve time and I would probably be writing the same thing that you were anyways.

  40. omg on ixl i put 5.9 and it said the correct answer was 5.90

  41. Does the book club prentation have to use technology. Our group was going to do a live book review. Is that ok?

    To the bookworms, the wallwisher is www.wallwisher/wall/hancokie
    just if you forot.

  42. Han,

    All the math thing tmeans is that you should study for the math test. That was just a reminder of what the friendly number thing was. Look through your notes if you have them to see if you can remind yourself.

  43. who is doing summary and vocab in wonder books?

  44. Wait so I spent 3-6 minutes about rla home work and the taxi thing was an example? Wait I could still use my taxi example right?

  45. spend as much time as you need Jacqueline. BTW, I think I found out why it was saying the answer is 3 r4 when you put in 3r4. You need to have a space.

  46. The heart is probably the relationship between Byron and Kenny to me. Especially after Byron saved Kenny in the water thing.
    P.S. Sorry for being late!I had a class. Don't ask which

  47. I have nearly finished my drawing, but i need to know wonder books's opinion.

  48. ummmmmm............... Nakul. I said that to Mr. Buxton and he said no. Well, I could infer that he was saying no, although anyone could do that. Here is a line from my script. YOu may not get it at first, so read it out loud and slowly: Almost being killed in a near death experience

    Please read the whole script on my blog.

  49. Guys, that raining thing is just an example! We just did it in class! Mr.Buxton told us! You should start listening!

  50. Do we need to Master the IXL?

  51. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  52. that was for the raining info from Alex. My mind must have wandered when he was saying that. Thank goodness it came back, or I would have had to do my homework without my mind

    OHhhhhhhhhhh! OBOB has come back, seriously this time

  53. But that wasn't the main thing being almost killed! It can't be!

  54. Caroline- I asked Mr. Buxton if you had to use technology, and he said that you have to use at least one web 2.0 tool
    Anisha- I am doing Summary and vocab.

  55. k. maya

    nakul, did you read my script? The line on the blog was just a funny line. Not hilarious, but funny. The heart of the story is in the script. I'll give you a hint. I repeat my heart twice. Of course I know that almost being killed isn't the heart of the story!


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.