
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Narrative Poetry

  • Bring your research for your narrative poem. (Can just be printed from internet)
  • Watch the CNN video on paid schooling - Be ready with to discuss this topic in 'Grand Conversation' -v- another 5th grade class

  • Math Study Link 8.10
  • Photovisi - Not compulsory for tomorrow - I'm being too nice!!!(Make sure you are well preapred for Grand conversation and narrativce poem) - We will have time in class to work on them. They WILL be compulsory on Monday


  1. Let it go, Let it go.
    Just let them go.
    Don’t think about what happened before.
    Don’t think about the consequences.
    Let your fears go!

    No matter what the situation is,
    No matter what it could do to you,
    Just think,
    “Why live life if I’m scared!”

    Enjoy life!
    Don’t be scared of it
    Seize the day!
    No matter what’s in your way

    Let it go, Let it go.
    Just let them go.
    Don’t think about what happened before.
    Don’t think about the consequences.
    Let your fears go!

    Comment please I want to perform this at the Poetry Party!

  2. Naklul- sure, if you want to?

    Mr.Buxton- can we bring notes to the Grand Conversation so we don't forget what we want to say?

  3. To Nick and Mr. Buxton. Which topic should we do? Which ones are the best? Are any of them good?:

    -Sinking of the Titanic
    -Invasion of Iraq
    -Last hours of Hitler's life (Hitler's perspective)

  4. Reply Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yeah we can Anisha I asked at the last minute at the end of the day.

  6. Well actually George I think maybe.. the thing about Hitler is good cause u would have a lot og good things to wirite about in the poem and it is not that much of a watermelon.

  7. wow thats sooo good you should perfor it wait im kinda confused did you make that poem up??? oh yah and jac. can you make a chatz because i dont have your email sorry! And Mr.Buxton your sooo nice to pospone the project i am now esatatic :)

  8. Mr.Buxton by the way the video is not 4 minutes long it is 10

  9. han- he means that that part if 4 minutes. really, it is 1.

  10. George I think our thing should be on stone henge of on ayers rock....
    so ya..

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Any other comments? Yes I did Riya it was inspired by the song Iridescent, but I made it up.

  13. Can you exactly research that George? Hitler's life on the last hours weren't documented!

  14. I have been racking my brain on what topic to do!!! Does anyone have a suggestion? I would be so thankful...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Any comments on my poem??
    Please I need some comments to make it near perfect before the poetry party!

  17. Are the following good topics?

    1. Al Capone Imprisonment
    2. Gandhi's Hunger Strike
    3. Oklahoma City Bombing
    4. Women's Rights Granted (In the United States)

  18. Mr.Buxton 4/5 * 16 = 20 right?

  19. no it isn't! Its 12 4/5

  20. Maddy- You could do something on the Wright Brothers...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. But are THOSE good topics, Maya?
    Which one of THOSE do you like the BEST?

  23. Maddy- Personally, I like the Gandhi's hunger strike
    (PS That's singular possessive)

  24. Thanks! Anyone else have an opinion?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Well maybe u could do it on someone u think really gives a message... Well... Caroline and I are doing it on Helen Keller and how she changed the world. so.......

  27. I think I like the bombing thing the best...

  28. Han -
    I have narrowed it down to those events already...
    Also, I really DO believe Gandhi has a message! Fight for what you believe in. 'You are strong if you are willing to sacrifice anything for a better life for everyone else!'

  29. Thank you SO much Maya and Han!!!
    :) You guys are SO helpful...

  30. Breann! You are on the frount cover og the sas paper thingy for the basketball shoot-out1 ;)

  31. Well.... Nakul, maybe.... u could try squezzing some vocab word in there?.....

    Maddy- Welcome! ;)

  32. Were is the video on the website?? can you send me the link now by any chance????

  33. Were is the video on the website?? can you send me the link now by any chance????

  34. mr.buxton- i am bringing my permission form tom. i will make sure i hand it in on ms. asni's desk.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.