
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


  • Math 8.8 Study link
  • IXL - N.11
Book Clubs - Make sure you are ready to have an interesting discussion.

 Slams - Due in tomorrow: We will do a slam off in class on Wednesday.

  • Concern about YOUR world
  • Strong language
  • Beginning, middle, and end.
  • Can be delivered with passion


  1. Hi guys it's Scott. How are you? What is slams and C.O.M.M.A.S?

  2. Good book presentation Harrisen having dinner know.

  3. Happy valentines everyone!!!!!!!!! :] :] :]

  4. nice to hear from you Scott. Hope you are enjoying your new school. Take care!

  5. Hi Scott! How is school in Vancouver? Have you impressed the teachers with all the websites you know?

  6. Hey Scott! Haven't heard from u in a while. Glad you stopped by the comment

  7. We are learning to use commas better as Mr.Buxton says C.O.M.M.A.S will help us...

  8. if he is having dinner he's prbably sleeping now. Happy Valentines day every body.

    pfffff middle school

  9. A SLAM is a delivery of a poem when you are mad!

  10. if he is having dinner he's prbably sleeping now. Happy Valentines day every body.

    pfffff middle school

  11. Solina's comment was actually me Scott.

  12. Hey Scott hope you like your new school we all miss you a lot and we are very ecstatic to hear from you

  13. Mr.Buxton what do you mean by SLAM of are we doing it against everyone because if we are GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!

  14. Finally I finished my slam

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Heeyyyyyyy Scotttt!!!!!!!!!
    wats up how is vancouver? r u enjoying your new school?

    P.S hows life

  17. oh and THX about the book presentation

  18. Do present our SLAM poems to the class, or do we hand them in on paper, or both?

  19. Mr. Buxton, do we all have to memorize our written poems for the SLAM?

  20. Do we need a hard copy of our SLAM poem?

  21. Mr.Buxton how come you were on Solinas's account? Is Spencer her tomorrow?

  22. I think he's here for the entire week, Camille.

    Anisha, Maya, Alex, and Nick -
    We didn't really decide on one topic so shall I make a wallwisher so that we can discuss it?

  23. Well, here it is:

  24. Hey Scott! SLAM is a type of poem that lets you speak strong feelings about world topics. C.O.M.M.A.S. is a technique for remembering comma rules.

    Jacquline- I think you should, so you can put the poem into your anthology.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Not much homework...because of the Slam.... not that I want more but...

  27. scott! how you doing in your new country?

  28. Mr. Buxton -
    Will you be marking the actual document, or will you just mark us based on our presentation of it?

  29. I think Solina was using mr.buxton's computer for google docs and forgot to log-out

  30. WILF stands for What I'm Looking For

  31. If you were inspired by someone to write this slam poem do you add inspired by........?

  32. Anyone in the House of Power book club, please go to the wallwisher. Anyone else, please do not go there!

  33. Thank you so much Maya for being on the wallwisher! Anisha, Alex, and Nick, PLEASE go on! I can't finish my h/w without making a decision!!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. How should I talk about a lack of medical supply in a poetic way for my SLAm poem?

  36. Did you know:
    Some clouds are more than 10 miles tall
    Humans and slugs share more than half of their genes
    Astronomers have discovered a star that is made of a 10 billion-trillion-trill carat diamond
    A storm on Neptune is a s wide as the entire Earth
    There are volcanoes inside glaciers in Iceland
    A battery can be made out of potatoes
    Chewing gum can make your heart beat faster
    A mountain climber carried the olympic torch to the top of Mt. Everest
    Mount Everest is not the talllest mountain in the world. There are taller ones under the ocean.
    Olympic gold medals are actually more than 90% silver
    The flag of every country in the world has a t least one of the five colors of the olympic rings: blue, yellow, black, green, and red.
    Eight is a lucky number in China
    A chinese man built a bicycle that looks like the olympic rings.
    Thousands of Chinese people have named their babies after 2008's olympic mascots: Bei Bei, Jing Jing, Huan Huan, Ying Ying, Ni Ni
    Vision uses 1/3 of your brain power
    some spiders eat their own web
    There is a town called Popcorn, Indiana
    Cleopatra became the queen of Egypt when she was only a teenager
    Girls have more taste buds than boys
    A meteorite once hit a mailbox in Georgia.
    It would take about 120 millions years for a jumbo jet to fly all the way across the Milky Way Galaxy.

  37. What's that Anisha your Slam poem???

  38. yes - hard copy with go into your poetry booklet. digital copy will go into your tikatok

    on your presentation

    angrily!!! - there is not equal access to medical treatment for all poeople. Should how rich you are determine how long you should live? I'd be pretty angry if a family member couldn't get the best treatment because he didn't have the right medical insurance, wouldn't you?

  39. Mr.Buxton please be on the blog my draft of the Slam is coming soon!

  40. Comparisons
    By: Han Sohn
    We are all special in our own way.
    So, don’t compare each other every single day.
    It doesn’t matter that…
    Our hair colors different,
    We sometimes talk weird,
    Cause we are all special in our own way.
    It doesn’t matter that …
    Others are excellent at reading, and you are terrible at writing.
    Cause we are all special in our own way.
    So what if others are funny and you are not at all.
    It doesn’t matter if they have higher reading levels,
    Cause we are all special in our own way.
    Do others have neater handwriting?
    Just don’t care, because we are all special in our own way.
    Calculator you say they are
    So what, it doesn’t matter.
    Artists you say they are
    Just forget it, it doesn’t matter.
    Cause we are all special in our own way,
    So, don’t compare each other every single day.

  41. no i was looking through my notebooks and i found this list of facts i collected from National Geographic Magazines.

  42. My blog has almost a thousand views! Please chaeck my blog for updates!

  43. Mr.Buxton... Please comment.......

  44. Could some people please go to this chatzy to comment on my Slam I think I need some help even though I am proud of it.

  45. Wow Alex, I have less than 350! Well I didn't expect a lot! 980 is a lot though!

  46. I have 462, how did you get so many?

  47. Their names are at the top of the list, so most people will go there when they come to the blog.

  48. wow! CNN student news is really interesting! but, how is it student news? is it just news in kid language, or is the script set by kids and spoken by adults? because i don't see any kids execpt for at the beginning.

  49. I am the boss of me
    No one else is the boss of me!

    Not the student telling me to give them an answer
    Not the teacher assigning extra homework
    Why would they bother
    They are just not me!

    My sister is forcing me to me to be her personal butler
    The principle is making me skip a day of school
    My coach wants me to run a lap
    Plus my mom even wants me to eat my broccoli
    They shouldn’t even bother trying to control me
    It will end up being a waste of there precious time!

    How have they controlled me for so long
    Why have I gone along with them
    This is all my fault
    I should never have let this go on for such a long time!

    I will no longer take it
    No one will boss me around any more!

    I am the boss of me
    No one else is the boss of me!

    my slam


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.