
Tuesday, March 13, 2012


How will you make your antagonists believable?

Last h/w before next week

Don't forget sports equipment for fun afternoon if you promised to bring it in


  1. MR.BUXTON!!! is this a good idea??
    so a kid looses the scince fair so he builds a metieine to make him smarter,but it goes wrong and he gaets teleported into his mind and the antagonist is the monster under his bed when he was five.

  2. Nick- I think it's a good idea!

  3. camielle- can you make the google docs and type up what you did in class, then I will add some stuff and edit, is that ok?

  4. also there is a portal to get out of his mind but the antagonist wants to gat out first and let the portal close so that he can reek havic and that the charicter is stuck in his own mind forever... so its sort of like a race ageanst time to the charicter to get to the portal first

  5. Maddy- Please go to the google doc or the chatzy!

  6. actualy the antagonist isnt a monster but his amaginary friend that the charicter forgot about him so the antagonist wants revenge so...ya

  7. cuz the charicter forgot about the amaginary friend so the freind turned to an enemy.

  8. Nick - I like how it starts off, but I think you should change the part about the monster. It could be some movie creature when he was 5. Brainwave! You could call your story A Fairytale . Get it? A Fairytale?

    Did anyone notice that I didn't post a single comment yesterday?

  9. alex- where's the google docs???

  10. anisha read my other posts P.S. the charicter's name is otto

  11. Nick- The part about the imaginary friend makes your story really close to plagiarizing The Fairly Odd Parents. I think this because there is one episode where Timmy is lonely, so he wishes his old imaginary friend to become real. Sadly, Gary, his imaginary friend, becomes evil, and he steals Timmy's friends and the wishes both of them into Timmy's brain. From there, they battle to get to the door and out of Timmy's brain, so I think you should keep it as the monster under the bed.

  12. what?
    oh there actually is... I didn't know... sorry I'll change it maya

  13. It's OK Nick! I just thought I should warn you, but I still like your idea! :D

  14. You got the name Otto, from my brother, Otto, right Nick

  15. Actually George, Nick just said he likes that name and BTW I am his partner.

    Maya- Well... Maya Nick came up with the other stuff I just came upthe antagonist to be a imaginary friend.... Do u think its okay though?

  16. But... I guess it is okaish I mean, Mr.Buxton did say that good ideas come from others, but not so sure if it is really okay...

  17. You've only written like 3 sentences so far!

  18. Sorry! My mom made me recite a poem for my dad. :(

  19. Camielle! can you please type up your bit!!!

  20. Remember to bring your ipad/itouch/iphone with puppet pals

  21. Mr.Buxton, would I need commas in this sentence? I am not sure.:

    Joanna flung her extremely expensive bright pink tote bag onto her friend.

  22. It would be

    Joanna flung her extremely expensive, bright, pink tote bag onto her friend

  23. Camielle here is the google docs


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