
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Research Link

If you use your time well in class, your H/W load is far less. People not using class time effectively are seeing there H/W load grow.
  • Social Studies -Use this link to help guide your Singapore History Research  - You should have your 'Statement of Purpose' in your notes
  • Study link 11.1
  • Book Club - Read (approx 20- 30 minutes)
  • Fantasy Story - Work on it for approx 30 minutes (Spend time working on your plot before trying to write your story. You will save time in the long run) - 'in the long run' - another great G.C. phrase!
  • Science is due Thursday
New Vocabulary Words from today...
  • superlative
  • comparative
  • omniscient voice
  • on the same page


  1. Maya and Carter -

    Just to confirm -
    Tonight we read until the end of Chapter 18 (I think?) and do the skill focus of 'Learning Curve'.

  2. I just want to point out it is possible to get a S++ in Mr.Buxtons class. To prove it,Toto and Isha got S++ for there glogster.

  3. Anisha's idea for fantasy (I don't think it is really good, but it is something I can work with. I had to do this before 4 or I wouldn't have been able to have gotten feedback):

    A shape shifter gets stuck in a deformed shape. All dignity has escaped her. Antagonist says that they can help. Antagonist just wants the power so he can carry out plans of crime.

    This is just Anisha's seed idea. For more details, ask later. Just say if the idea is worth writing.

  4. yes maddy but we read to the END of chapter 18

  5. yes maddy but we read to the END of chapter 18

  6. Anisha was typing on my account. I personally like her idea.

  7. mr buxton can u tell us our h/w in class so we know what to bring home?

  8. mr. buxton- should we start making our plot for our story if you haven't showed (elevator pitch) to you?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anisha, that's really good! I like it.

  11. MR.BUXTON- do we really cut out the shape on the studly links?

  12. MR.BUXTON- do we really cut out the shape on the studly links?

  13. I always say the H/w in class and also write it on the week at a glance sheet......not there is not always a guarantee that everybody is listening. what do you not have that you need?

    If you forgot the study link, then just print it from the blog.

  14. anisha which chapter do we read to?
    in the theif lord???

  15. Does it ask you to cut out the shapes?

  16. if you mean n the study link 11.1 then yes mr. buxton

  17. Lots of questions relate to that fantasy idea... Story has potential.... What is the message?

  18. i have an idea...plot: A candy shop is just about to open and all these kids are in line to get some new fresh candy. What the kids don't know is that the candy has evil powers in it and they will get sick after there 5th piece of candy. For some reason one kid doesn't get sick at all. the next day the kid figures out that all the other kids that went are sick so he battles against the old evil candy owner witch and wins by eating her weapon... The End

  19. Han/Riya do we read to chapter 17 or 16 because i have a lot of things on. I had after school and i have to eat dinner out which gives me only 1:30hours - 2hours

  20. mr. buxton my idea is a group of kids get these super pwers when they were born by this machine they were testing and it broke. conflict between adults and kids begins. the government starts to pay people for their children and the government starts to mutate them as well and create a human army of mutated kids to rule the world

  21. Thanks, George!

    Mr.Buxton - the message is that looks can be deceiving. Wow. That's funny, because my character is a shapeshifter.... I did not think about that when I made it a shapeshifter.

  22. How much money would you invest in my story>

    I am going to write my other idea anyway, but it won't be a turned in piece. It is just something I really want to write.

    here is a video on volume of a cone

  24. Rachel - has potential $3 million
    Carter - it seems too complicated... far too much happening... sounds more like horror than fantasy... needs work

    Anisha - go for it J.K. Rowling...i'll be very interested to read your plot

  25. Rachel, what's even the moral/message behind your story?

  26. does that mean it is worth more than $3 million? That is what I got for the last one.

    "innocent" in Czech is "nevinny"

    Neville nevinny

  27. what if i changed the army thing to where the government simply just tries to take the kids to learn from them to learn how to duplicate them so there is more super powered kids i got the idea from a FANTASY book called micheal vey but obviously changed it like i changed the kids and their powers and also it's the governments idea not a random company and other stuff

  28. is the conflict between parents and kids good? need to know because i need to write some but cant until i get an answer

  29. Mr.Buxton - question about dialogue: sometimes in text, it goes from 3rd person to 2nd person like this:

    Podo asks what happened? Why are you so careless?

  30. I can't decide which of the following to name my main character's mother (also the antagonist)!
    She is Italian and these are popular names of Italian women:
    a. Camilla (NO relation to Camille)
    b. Vera
    c. Giovana

  31. Yes Carter but a war is over the top

  32. It's different in the case of dialogue, like when you're speaking to someone...

  33. Vera would be cool because a name starting with V makes it cooler and more cunning. Not trying to be mean to people that have names starting with V but it just suits it somehow. It can't be described in words.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. nakul but there is no war i took that part out and changed it to a conflict between them

  36. Why don't you do what I do? Go to google translate. translate to Latin (If Latin doesn't work, try Czech). type in something of your characters personality, and find the translation. take a part of the translated word, and make your name! (you might even want to translate it to italian)

  37. should i even put the conflict in (between adults and kids)

  38. Yeah that's fine! Conflict doesn't always mean physical.

    George, Anisha, and Nick!

    I created to docs for Book clubs what is nick's email

  39. never mind found it

  40. In case you are wondering what I mean, Maddy, here is an example:

    Mekka- gizlemek (Turkish) - disguise
    Tiril - mentiroso (Portugese) - liar
    Nevice - nevinny (Czech) - innocent
    Podo - podporovat (Czech) - support

    Nakul - made someting, too. Looks pretty good. Having trouble printing.... why is yours blank? what was meant to be there?

  41. Emma and Jacqueline we are reading to chapter 13.

  42. What do you mean Anisha

  43. Yes! Mr Buxton, I think this is a story I can fit on 2-3 pages!

    Yeah! Our class is redeeming its old standard of around 70 comments per day (slowly)!

  44. why is your google docs blank?

    I made something for book club, too. It is a diagram thingy. It should work decently.

  45. I used that for the name of the city they live in!

    Controllia, Italy (Controlled in Italian is Controlla)


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.