
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Final Post: Always be a little kinder than is necessary

Thank you for truly a superb year! I just loved the videos, board pens, and cheetos! They really brought a smile to my face. You were an excellent class!
Remember your best friend...

A. Accept Yourself
L. Love Yourself
F. Forgive Yourself


Enjoy our farewell videos again:

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

Final Friday Message!

Final Precept
“Do All the Good You Can,
By All the Means You Can,
In All the Ways You Can,
In All the Places You Can,
At All the Times You Can,
To All the People You Can,
As long as Ever …
…You Can!”

Saturday, June 2, 2012

End of year reflections

Don't forget these are due on Monday...(or finished by Monday morning in class)
Enjoy Zach's.
Here is my end of year presentation hope you enjoy it.
Have a great summer I wish 5th grade didn’t end so quickly.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Battle of the Books Info

Literature Lock-In

Updated Information 6/1/2012
The Singapore American School Intermediate Library and the Fifth Grade Team would like to invite all Fifth Grade students to the first Literature Lock-In!  Students will participate in an exciting literature game that is based on books they read during the school year and enjoy storytelling, a movie and sport activities.  The details are as follows:
Date: Monday, June 4, 2012
Time: 6:30 PM until Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Place: Intermediate School Library, Gymnasiums and Theater

What should I bring?

ü  Sleeping bag and pillow
ü  Sleeping pad-though we will be on carpeting or have pads on the gym floor
ü  A good book
ü  Change of clothes
ü  Necessary medication
ü  Personal hygiene items (Toothbrush, toothpaste, etc…)

Classes are divided into teams by color.  Please have your child wear a t-shirt with his/her team color for the Battle of Books games.
RED TEAMS - Zarikow, Bucknall, Hooykaas, Herdrich
WHITE TEAMS – Carroll, Clayton, Howitt, Medved
BLUE TEAMS – Buxton, Paxson, Symes, Xuereb, Smith
The revised schedule is:

2:55-6:30 PM         Optional activities for bus riders-meet in the IS cafeteria
                            Bus riders will be met by Staff and Parent Volunteers
6:30 PM                 Arrival-go to classrooms with gear
6:30 PM                 Battle of Books Parent volunteers meet in the library
6:40-7:05 PM         Storytelling Sessions
Ms. Brundage (Gym)
Mr. Home (PS Cafeteria)
7:05-8:15 PM         PM Fifth Grade Battle of the Books literature activity                                          Location: Fifth Grade classrooms
8:20-9:30 PM         Sports activities
9:30 -10:00 PM     Snack in classroom /Silent reading time
10:00-10:30 PM    Boys report to the gym/girls to the library
sleeping area to clean up and get ready for bed
10:30-12:15 PM    Movie-based on a children’s book
12:15 PM               Lights out and sleep for all
7:00 AM                 Revelry
7:30-8:00 AM        Breakfast at the IS Cafeteria
                            All Inclusive Buffet Menu $4.00
                            Bagels/cream cheese
                    Scrambled eggs
                            Students can use cash or a cashcard
8:00-8:40 AM        Challenge Round (Battle of Books) – Elementary Theater
8:40-11:30 AM      Students return to classrooms for regular class activities