
Monday, August 27, 2012

Men Don't Play with Dolls

Men Don't Play with Dolls on PhotoPeach  --- Or do they?

When you choose an object that has special meaning to you, your stories write themselves!

These events were the inspiration for:
What is the story ‘really’ about? – The Message/The Realization?

Being a father is so much more than the title, “daddy”.  The realization that the most important gift a parent can give is 'time' suddenly became so clear.  The bond a parent builds with a child is formed through thousands of tiny moments spent together. Moments build memories and those memories build a connection and that connection lasts a  lifetime.

Remember: Your message is COMPLETELY different to the actual event in your story.

H/W - Finish writing down your ideas in the different sections. Remember - You will shuffle around these sections for your finished draft.

Math : Study Link

Math Unit 1 Assessment will now take place this FRIDAY!
Any topics you are not sure about, make sure you see me before Friday!


  1. The video was really nice Mr. Buxton!!! :)

  2. I loved the video

  3. That was the weirdest and the coolest video ever!

  4. That was the weirdest and the coolest video ever!

  5. I liked the video. :-)

  6. that was such a strange yet cool video!!!

  7. ThANKS FOR the nice comments...but what about posting a few of your questions or examples of your great pieces of writing?

  8. Mr.Buxton, that was a really cute video. I loved it. You better tell us how to make slideshows like that. By the way, do we have to do the last box. I forgot. bye

  9. Oh and Mr.Buxton, please give the child an ocasional comment more often. You'll understand a bit more once you read the back of my life mesage box. Thank you. Bye

  10. Not necessarily Kayzad - If you have written enough in the other boxes you will be fine.

  11. uh... Mr.Buxton do we have to copy off one side and put on the other side?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.