
Friday, September 7, 2012

Fail, Fail, Fail Better!

Click here for next week's Week at a Glance

Your Math Test Error Analysis is compulsory work over the weekend. WHY?

Name things that you have improved despite first 'failing'... at

"If you are getting all the questions right; you are not working on hard enough problems." 2004 Nobel Prize Winner

Student of the Week: Reid For your excellent, insightful contributions to class Grand Conversations

"I believe that children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way" W. Houston Remember this when you are preparing for your Student Council presentations for Monday

Free Time over w/end?

  • IXL
  • Handwriting
  • Math Fact
NEXT WEEK will be when we get really into tech integration and using your blogs
1) Bring in your cameras on Monday
2) You will learn Vocaroo and Photopeach

The Friday Message: What is interesting is looking at the authors of these quotes


  1. Mr buxton, my life has changed because of you. To all students in his class, he is the best teacher ever!

  2. Rohan - What did i teach you about being 'specific' not general!!! - Elaborate!!! - Did I chop off one of your legs or something else?
    Take care...:-)

  3. Rohan - What did i teach you about being 'specific' not general!!! - Elaborate!!! - Did I chop off one of your legs or something else?
    Take care...:-)

  4. Rohan - What did i teach you about being 'specific' not general!!! - Elaborate!!! - Did I chop off one of your legs or something else?
    Take care...:-)

  5. Oh, Mr.Buxton.
    Nice profile picture! I think don't think you changed since you first added a profile picture (I was looking through your first posts)

    Would you like the complete list of Camille precepts?

    Having a great year! Although, my lowest grade is Social Studies.... for an expository paragraph! I wasn't succinct. Still working on it.


    P.S. I know it isn't really your birthday

    P.P.S. Right?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.