
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Multiplication Algorithms/ Voicethread

H/W - You have 4 days  to do this work. There isn't H/W on holidays, but this is not a holiday.
1) Make a table of persuasive ideas for noticing, sketching, questioning
2) Create another math multiplication algorithm video and teach your parents the difference between the  two methods we have learned.  Use decimals and at least 4 digits in the video. Upload the video to your blog.
3) Finish your science photopeach and upload onto blog

Listen as I show you how to do multiplication doing the partial products method and lattice method

   Ouch - Congratulations Ashlin for reminding the teacher that I needed to do estimation first! +1

Go to the students blogs to see their own example of math multiplication videos


  1. Mr.Buxton, Miguel,Tasha,and me were in math enrichment.How do we make a math video?

  2. Did you guys already make to the top of the ladder?! It took us two semesters! We were such a good class....


  3. Mr.Buxton how do you access and get into voice thread. I can get on to the website but I can't create anything.

  4. For the writing homework do we sketch, question and write something you notice for every idea?

  5. For the writing homework do we sketch, question and write something you notice for every idea?

  6. Sorry, one semester. We weren't that bad a class.

  7. Do we have to do 15 of each sketching noticing and questioning?

  8. That was me, Owen. My brothers account is logged on.

  9. Mr.Buxton I can't seem to log on so I can't create anything.

  10. no - you need 15 ideas in total
    5 of each or you could have 7,6,3, - depending on your preferences

  11. Owen, do you know how to make the voice thread?

  12. Mr.Buxton I might not be able to do the voice thread but can I make a Mailvu and email that to my parents and then do the voice thread at the class

  13. Mr.Buxton I am not sure how to get to my blog so I can upload the homework. Can anyone remind me how to get my blog?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.