
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Prepositional Phrase Test is tomorrow. Make sure you have tackled some of the online practice and watched this video. 'Do you know what the 'object of the preposition?'

Study Link 5.3

Challenge your parents to do the 'fraction strips'

You must finish all the writing of your prepositional phrase skit for tomorrow. We will do the final filming in class tomorrow afternoon.  - Use the google doc. to work collaboratively. Make sure your text contains:

  • A variety of prepositional phrases
  • Advanced vocabulary
  • Some persuasive techniques
  • Some Character - Reading skills references (e.g. objects/nuauanced/empathy etc)
+1 if you copy/paste some your best paragraphs onto a comment so people can see how well you have used the skills we have been practicing

Ashlin - Don't forgot your photo /;-)


  1. Hello! I am terribly sick as I have a terrible cough and a runny nose.


    P.S. I might not be coming tomorrow. 

  2. I feel so sad for you Aiden! :(
    Hope you get better, and hope to see you next week! :)

  3. Hi! Hope you get better Aiden. Should I do Scene 7 and 8 for you?

  4. Hope you get better Aiden.
    Mr. Buxton, the prepositional phrase test tomorrow is a open notes test right?

  5. Mr. Buxton, do we have to finish the persuasive plan sheet you gave us today?

  6. hope you get better Aiden we have to use Dalmatian to do all of the filming tomorrow than when u come to school you can just put it to i movie ok?

  7. Tasha if ur doing scene 7 and 8 ill help too

  8. Thanks alot for your concern. I was really feeling terrible with a bad cough and high fever. You can defintley use Dalmatian to film the iMovie. Thanks alot for asking. Tasha and Micheline, thank you for offering to do Scene 7&8. As I was really tired last night, I did not check the blog to reply.

    - Aiden

    P.S. I will be back on Monday :).


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.