
Thursday, January 17, 2013


Thank you to Ryan for reminding me that:
"When there is a choice between choosing right and choosing kind; choose kind."

H/W Study Link 7.3 A.11 (Optional)

  • See Think Wonder  HARD COPY handed in!
  • Heart Poem - Final Draft -  HARD COPY
  • Pinterest x10 on poetry inspiration board and x10pins on Quotes board

Pinterest: There seemed to be a lot of interest in Pinterest. Use this tool for education as well as to begin your collections.

Recap video on how Pinterest works below:


  1. Mr.Buxton what happens if you can not log in to pinterest?

  2. Does anybody have trouble logging on to pinterest?

  3. No. On the study link, it says 2 x (9 + h)= 20______. What are we supposed to write in the blank?

  4. are you using the correct password?

  5. Does the quotes have to be famous quotes?

  6. Yes,Mr.Buxton. I am pretty sure about that. But in the worst case scenario can I do them at school?

  7. Mr.Buxton, it says on pinterest that it does not recognize my email address or my password.

  8. Janna, it's your email, not your username, just in case you were entering your username. Mr. Buxton, I don't have my writer's notebook. Can I write out the poem in school?

  9. Me too. Can I write out my heart poem in school tomorrow Mr Buxton?

  10. Can anyone post the directions we had in class for setting up our pinterest? I forgot.

  11. Pick a username. Then SAS email and password. Your first name and initial. Pick your gender. Choose five appropriate boards, and create one called Poetry Inspiration, then one about your hobby (just one). Then a quotes board. Then do the x10 HW.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. do the boards we make have to be secret? the reason im asking all of this is because my computer didn't work in class when we were making the pinterest accounts.


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.