
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Some great work today on your description of settings.

Book mark this site so you can use it often

Study link 8.11
Finish your description of your  character (make sure you include character traits - see the website link above for ideas) and indirect reference to fantasy elements.

Book Clubs - We made a start on these today. Going forward your conversations will be recorded for assessment and some placed on the blog for others. You will be assessed as a group and also individually. What will your group sound like?

Other groups did not finish in time. What will you do to ensure this doesn't happen in the future?


  1. Can the character's thinking and words be shown in the setting description?

  2. Are we suppose t print our story?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. we are only supposed to print our character thing that we started yesterday. we also need a hard copy of it (print it)

  5. Hard copy not necessary now - but OK


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