
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Educating your Whole Body

Stress and Anxiety Strategies

As a special way to end the qtr, tomorrow afternoon we will have a professional yoga instruction coming to teach the class a variety of stress, anxiety and relaxation techniques. If you or your parents have a yoga mat,  feel free to bring it into school.

Fantasy Stories must be completely finished for tomorrow's class. You will have 30mins of class time to uploaded to ibook,  add images and titles, and download as a pdf to  your desktop. Once you have your story with images on your desk top you will upload to and embed in your blog - Easy!

For students who will miss the last day before Spring Break, this assessed assignment on Push and Pull Factors needs embedding in your blogs by Wed. 3rd April.

Push and Pull Assignment

Push and Pull Grading Rubric

Remember to continue collecting pledges for the Jumpathon - This will take place on April 2nd


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mr. Buxton, I cant find my Jump A Thon sheet so can I get one tomorrow?

  4. Sorry I am using my mom's account

  5. What is the pull/pull factors assignment?

  6. Do kids in gate RLA have to do the push and pull factor assignment? I've never even heard about it.

  7. does the fantasy story have to be 4 pages?

  8. Miguel, it can be to be 4-5 pages I think

  9. the maximum for the pages is 4 pages miguel

  10. the maximum for the pages is 4 pages miguel

  11. When do the people that are not on holiday have to hand in the push/pull factors assignment? Is it the same date, April 3rd?

  12. Mr.Buxton what about the kids in gate RLA? Do we do the push and pull factor google map?

  13. Yes Janna, it is social studies. If you click on the link on Mr.Buxton's blog, it will tell you about it. The link is the blue text at the bottom saying "Push/Pull Factors Assesment".

  14. Is it free dress tomorrow because of the last day before Spring Break?

  15. probably not, aiden

  16. hey, who is teaching the yoga class tmw?

  17. hey, who is teaching the yoga class tmw?


Please use this blog to comment on ONLY 'academic' matters or to answer a classmate's academic questions. You must leave your name if you comment. NO SOCIAL NETWORKING ALLOWED on this blog. Thank you. Mr. Buxton.