
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Social Studies: Site Research

New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies

This is your link to your site research resources for your next Social Studies Unit
Due Date for Presentations: April 30th 2013

First completed draft in hard copy of fantasy story needed for tomorrow - Have you integrated many of the writing skills we learned in this unit?
e.g. symbolism - left a line elaboration, describing a magical object - elevated language etc...


  1. Mr. Buxton, when I click The Padang Cricket Club, the only thing it says is 404 not found. What do I do?

  2. I also have the same problem as Casey. When I try to open Katong Park, it doesn't let me open it. Like nothing opens up.

  3. mr. buxton you told us that we needed the fantasy thing on friday

  4. that's the time the whole iBook thing is finished. we just need to have a draft of the whole thing for tomorrow, i think. the whole finished thing should be completed tomorrow night, i think

  5. I don't have ibook so can I print it at school.

  6. mr buxton do we have to visit our places

  7. yes Karly, that's called 'research'


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